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Everything posted by RHill

  1. that had to be a hell of a trip to be at putnam then nelson the next morning.....it is about 7 hours, right? I wanted to go, but it is hard to justify with all the more track time I have. I need to get more seat time and doubling the cost of a track day for gas/hotel and all the other things would cut into that. Grattan is so tempting because the track looks AMAZING, but it is not manageable in a single day trip.
  2. RHill

    2006 fz6

    if you can make the bike appear on the dream ride, will this said cute cousin's daughter be riding it?
  3. havent read the whole thread(and by that I mean I just read the title and first post), but IMO: Anonymity allows people to act out what they want to do on a daily basis on the internet without repercussions.
  4. I've been drinking....and plan to continue. A couple hours of working on the bike doesn't fit into that schedule.
  5. ^ yep, in for it as well. Rather be in a supersonic jet that can pull enough G's to drain the blood from your brain, but breaking the speed of sound on the ground would be fun as hell!
  6. I would, but I have a bunch of shit I have to do to the bike just to get ready for the weekend.....change wheels, install tires, change oil, untape, bolt shit back up....and I just got back to my place.....plus I'm training people friday at 6am.
  7. Well video from yesterday turned out a little crappy. Switched out my windscreen from black double bubble to stock, so my windscreen mount wasn't an option. Didn't even think to use the helmet mount. Had some trialing footage, but it was either really foggy or no one was behind me. So here is 5 minutes of my semi-improved body positioning. Really need to work on my right hand turns. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiJLhOcS8kU
  8. I'd do it. But what data are they going to collect that couldn't already have been collected?
  9. Marty, where all were you posted up snapping photos? The only spot I noticed you was the inside of the carousel.
  10. Just took vacation yesterday for MotoSeries or I'd ride along. That's is a long ride just to check the roads,iI'm sure some members have recently been on most of them.
  11. Had an absolute blast today! Turnout was light so intermediate and advanced was combined after lunch. After 10 sessions I'm beat and so is my rear tire....going to have to flip it for the next trackday.
  12. If the weather turns out like today's did I'll be there for the trackday and I'll probably hang out to watch the races on sunday.
  13. I was thinking about doing the same thing to my gsxr's shock. Found a guy selling rebuilt ones for $430, but that price make me want to put a spring on and call it a day.
  14. RHill

    No caption

    Love when this shows up on the front page
  15. I've had a few....only 1 on the track at PIRC downshifting for the carousel.
  16. my mind says yes, but my hangover says no
  17. Idk nelsons site refers to moto series for the event.
  18. Think I screwed up. I was looking off the Nelson site and it lists the Friday twilight, but it doesn't show on the MotoSeries website. I'll ask Todd on Monday, but I'm doubting it is scheduled if it doesn't show on MotoSeries. :cry::cry:
  19. damn.... Riding in that big of a group it wouldn't take an idiot to set it off, hell a small stone on the road causing someone to merge unexpectedly could be the culprit. The follow up accidents probably didn't even stem from the initial wreck, but from the group unexpectedly slowing and the way the sun was hitting the rear of bikes(making brake lights difficult to see).
  20. should be banned from racing period....put himself and others in harms way
  21. Looking forward to meeting some other OR members! I'll probably park around the same area as last time, hot pitting near the pit entrance.
  22. I wonder what would have happened if they used tack strips.
  23. Well thats better than what JUST happened to a guy at work. He post the bike up for sale, someone from another state asked for his address and two days later his bike was stolen.
  24. Checking valves, respringing forks, general maintenance, modifying my trailer, maybe some track goodies if I can find deals(wtb used track plastics).
  25. I wonder what happens if you punch the bagel.
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