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Everything posted by RHill

  1. If a car stops and starts moving again, do they get stuck and dig up ruts? If yes, I'd be worried, if no you will be fine just stay in 1st and putt down
  2. Do the vfr's link brakes both ways or just front to rear?
  3. Wantahertz, were you trailing a black gsxr with a rear facing camera(me) for the last few laps of the mixed session?
  4. Yeah, but I can be smooth and consistent while overbreaking and turning down into a turn...crossing the fast lines. Unless someone has at least trailed me for an entire lap, they wont know I take turn 4 way wide and turn in late. I agree, more track time will result in more comfort in passing and being passed, but we are still dealing with 3 discrete groups here. Jumping from novice to intermediate and intermediate to advance is a big change. If someone spends weeks running a "fast" pace in intermediate(not being passed) where everyone is following the wingspan rule and generally passing on the outside....the first time someone runs up their inside in advance, this person will be shocked and possibly stand it up; no matter how long they stay in intermediate.
  5. I'd give the intern another type of slapping to the face
  6. First time I was "stuffed" was turn 4 at nelson. I'll be the first to admit, I was taking it a little too wide, over-braking, and cutting in.....wasn't apparent to me at the time, but watching video afterward really showed me where I was screwing up.(especially the trailing camera with advance guys behind me) I'm sure as hell it didnt start as a stuff; just a comfortable inside pass. It is completely my fault; but it comes with inexperience that should be expected at track days......I'm sure I'll be doing it again next year. I'm glad the passer in this situation stuck with it, because if they let off I might not have caught sight of them and came all the way inside onto their front end. The following is another example of a close pass that for an intermediate rider can be surprising. It wasn't unsafe, hell it was almost on a straight.....but it was surprising for me. Never had a bike within elbows reach before. http://youtu.be/kmJ-g0VweFE?t=3m26s With all that being said, I have confidence everyone will act on the safe side; if not out of the interest of others, out of self preservation. The only thing that scares me, is my own unpredictability.
  7. Pro tek's have a different mount style, worried that the 9 would be too short. I could move them in, but thought the may impact something. I'll see when they arrive, won't cut unless it is necessary.
  8. How are you working the tickets people bought through PayPal? I meant to ask at nelson but it slipped my mind.
  9. I've got forza 4....actually me and a buddy just started playing it again yesterday. Probably going to be on it tonight too. Just sent you a friend request.
  10. RHill

    1994 vfr750

    How dirty are you looking to get? I have my yz for sale and I'm on the hunt for a dedicated street bike.
  11. I have to work, then drive for 10 hr drive to SC. Enjoy the weather.
  12. From the corvette owner "Here are a few photos from the scene that I shot myself about 10 minutes after the collision." Looks like they found the perfect spot to set the bike and allow it to drain fluids so it would cover the entire width of the lane.
  13. Wow that fucking sucks for the second biker. Sounds pretty damn serious in that thread, lucky there were other people around that spotted him going off.
  14. MakeUslushy Play a lot of call of duty mw2 and 3. Wouldn't mind finding a few more people to party up with.
  15. ^ yeah I hate when this thread gets bumped, that bike is too nice & clean. Would love to buy it, but I'd be sad when it got dirty.
  16. That's the plan, but I'm still picking up odds and ends so a $10 bar or lever doesn't ruin a ~$200 day at the track.
  17. The clip on hardware is coming without bars....I'll only have 1 set of spares. Have to be realistic....my little 15mph dump at PIRC could have cost me the entire day if I didn't get lucky and find someone who happened to have a brake lever. It would have cost the day if it snapped the clip on.
  18. I'm a cheap bastard.....and for two sets of bars, thats $60 vs $40
  19. $20 for a set, was going to order 2 sets they have 9" and 11", was planning on getting the 11" and cutting them down
  20. RHill

    2003 yz 250

    updated pics....someone needs a bike!
  21. I have a set of vortex clip on's coming and wanted to get a coupe extra tubes. Found some Pro-Tek's for cheap, but they claim that they only work with their mounts. They should be the same diameter as every other clip on since it has to work with the bike hardware correct? Is there a reason the vortex hardware would not clamp onto the Pro-Tek bars?
  22. I thought this ride was supposed to be moderate and "comfortable" ?
  23. Never been on a CORE ride, but I would think you would be fine. If not, you know your limits and are smart enough to slow down and ride you own ride. Or you could come to the track and really push that VFR
  24. fuck it, darwin can take out the vain people too
  25. I've got an pdf service manual for a 600, would think 90% of shit owuld be the same. If you google, you will find one for the 750....but if you cant send me a pm and I'll email the one I have to you. I like my 600. I'll give you $850 for the 750
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