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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Was being sarcastic about the finishing position; its not so much I worry/care about being lapped or position....hell I should be being lapped, done 5 track days and no racing....its the safety implications of having semi-inconsistent lines while others are pushing in a sprint. I'll just go by my gut next year, plan do to do the race school early and if I feel confident enough I'll start jumping into some races. The way I look at it is: whether or not I'm getting demolished by other people, it is more time on the track....and maybe I can sneak in a tow from one of those riders and learn a few things.
  2. If by fine you mean comfortably being lapped, then I agree.
  3. Definitely take care of that suspension. We will probably end up doing the same thing re-springing front and rear and a fluid refresh. I was considering doing the school early just to get it over with....that way if I have the option to go to Putnam or Grattan, it won't just be for a single day on the track. May have no chance at competing against anyone, but it would be a good experience.
  4. Jeff, you planning on doing race school next year?
  5. Almost want to, but I have no need for the additional camera till spring. I'll wait for a deal on a used one or a $175 or less sale.
  6. RHill

    02 vfr800

    I've got an sv that I'm working a deal on, or I'd be calling. It is a little more than I wanted to spend and a little more bike too.
  7. RHill

    02 vfr800

    Someone buy my dirtbike so I can pick this up
  8. Might have to pick up one of these or try to score a used gp2 from someone who is upgrading. It would be cool to edit multi-views together.
  9. And my stupid moment from Saturday, downshifted 1 too many times into neutral before 13. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOqcna_7jcQ
  10. Thanks guys. Jeff, I was not doing too hot...22's were about my best, had a couple in 21's, but that was being towed by Jinu or trailing a bike that was passing. I felt uneasy all day, never really got comfortable like I was on Moto Monday where the last 3 sessions were pretty consistent 22 and 21's and dipping into the 20's on a few laps without being towed.
  11. Here is a few shots of me getting in the way of the advance guys during the last session on Saturday. Can't wait to do it again next year! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmJ-g0VweFE
  12. Sorry to hear about Grattan, I wasn't going to be able to make it, but it is too bad for those who were planning for it. Had a good time Saturday even though I was riding like crap. Just when I started to get back in a groove; I had the pleasure of being absolutely smoked by every advanced rider in the combined session. If I have time I'll throw it up on YouTube tonight.
  13. http://jalopnik.com/5951357/watch-red-bulls-record-breaking-stratos-space-jump-live-right-now at 122k, starting the jump checklist
  14. Just though track whores were the only ones who like to announce it in an open forum....Nivin came out strong with that one.
  15. what did you guys do on this ride???
  16. Back from the trackday...bike didn't freeze. Race safe tomorrow!
  17. Sorry to hear about the bike, the good thing is (from the sounds of it) you weren't seriously hurt.
  18. Congrats!!! And nice user name....back when I was into minitrucks mine was 92s-10project My buddy sold his bike to help pay for the wedding/honeymoon....he says how bad he wants to get one again, but nearly 2 years later still no bike.
  19. Sorry to hear of your family's loss, Steve. I'm a bit concerned with the open trailer and the temps projected to be around 31 tomorrow at my time of commute. Bike is in an unheated garage...so it won't be my more than ambient when leaving. I was thinking about firing the bike up for the first 15 minutes of my commute(about an hour) and blocking most of the airflow to the radiator with a piece of cardboard or two. This a good idea? Should I even be concerned?
  20. I'll have something for the street next year....maybe a weestrom or a sv650s. The GSXR is not going to go back on the street...track fairings just went on.
  21. I think everyone just like seizing the opportunity to give Nivin shit. The pace was fine, a little quicker than advertised, but if anyone of us felt that there was an issue(with the pace or riders struggling to keep up) we would have gladly slowed down. I think the description of the ride was casual or relaxed or something like that....I'm pretty sure we all knew going in, it was going to be a little quicker than that.
  22. Stay on the cautious side. For me that meant not getting up to my desired pace till the end of the third session. First few laps of the first session I might as well have been walking the track (not really, but it sure does feel like it)
  23. Thanks for sharing, I'll have to take a look at the videos tonight.
  24. I'll be back next year; need to pick up another bike for the street. Think I might go small displacement so I can push hard and still be going at a moderate pace And save on tires, fuel, and insurance.
  25. I live about 6 minutes away from work....and I specifically moved closer. Figure the more time I'm commuting the less time I have for myself outside of work. I have drove to Pa for a days work though, talk about tiring...3 hours there, full 8 hour day of training people, 3 hours back. That being said there is a guy who I work with that commutes from Harrisburg Pa every week. My brother in law was commuting from New Orleans to northern Canada two weeks on one week off.
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