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Everything posted by RHill

  1. that made me crack up too oh man, he is perfect for a skit involving this story
  2. buddy sent me this and it had me cracking up, it has to go viral http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PObvnI_U1qU
  3. hate to ask, but how is PIRC in the wet? weather predictions seem to be bouncing back and forth. I'd be running normal road tires, either q2's or road 2's; so it is going to suck in any case.
  4. congrats! every rider should need to at least take the course
  5. I'd help your friend out, but I'm leaving first thing Friday to go to central Pa. I'd also have to pick up another chock and figure out how to strap two bikes down on my trailer.
  6. Hopefully its not true! should have went this year
  7. yep, called in specifically to verify, $300/yr increase for comprehensive on a motorcycle that is maybe worth $3500. Going by that math, 1 in 11 bikes will either be stolen or get totaled by an animal every year in this zip code. Either that or the owner wrecks them and reports it stolen. Whatever, only reason I had comp was to cover my ass if it was stolen. I've got renters so it is covered with the garage(what the agent just verified), so I'll drop the comp.
  8. wtf is with internet cafe robberies? and wtf does an internet cafe need a security guard for?
  9. Just got off the phone with progressive. My rate went from $278 a year to $579 because.....drum roll please.....I moved to a different zip code. And it is entirely because I have comprehensive coverage. Employee said there is nothing they can do about it and I laughed and told him how stupid it was. There is no reason for the increase, in fact it should DECREASE because it is now stored in a garage, vs before it sat in the open where any two assholes with a trailer could steal it any day of the week while I was at work. Funny how my car insurance didnt change. Holy shit, allstate wants over $1200 a year for full coverage on my bike, and 400 for minimum. Sticking with progressive, dropping to slightly above minimum liability with 2.5k medical for $128/yr. Insurance is such a fucking scam.
  10. They were q2's; after they heated up they were fine. It was the cold, the release agnet on the tires and my dumbass not working the tires before trying to go on the track. Thought I could get away with taking it extremely easy, now I know better and have some reminder scratches on the bike and leathers. Gone through 2 sets of shinkos on my old bike; only issue with traction was the sucked in the wet.
  11. I was just putting around the building up top and by the open lot where they were doing autocross. No more than 15mph, hell I was completely upright when going around the building; thats where I could feel the rear slipping all over the place. Wasn't doing anything other than rolling the tires on the groud to get them a little above ambient temp. Tire pressure started at 30-30 before the dump. Later in the day after a long break it was up to 35-37, so I let out air.
  12. New tires, literally felt like ice. After finding a brake lever, tooled around the parking lot and even then i could feel the rear end slipping all over the place. Gas/braked a bunch of times before creeping around the track for two laps before they started to get traction. There were too many wrecks yesterday, and way too many close calls. Novice was crazy, passes happening everywhere.
  13. Guess this should really be in it's own thread, but consider it a "what not to do at PIRC" during the MotoSeries event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMFHCUF3jxw& The description of the video: "Day started rough for me; new tires, cold track....take a guess. I think I even mentioned it earlier, was going to take it extremely easy the first few laps....didnt even make it off the ramp. Next incident was a highside about 3/4 of the way through the carousel. Rear tire broke loose ending in a highside. It was good to see him up and in good spirits after. Finally is a pretty nasty wreck at turn one. Didn't realize the camera caught this one. Pretty much what is in the video is what I know happened; I was more focused on the riders braking in front of me. All in all, it was a fun day. Wish the last sessions wouldn't have been cut short, but there was a serious(not that these were not) accident and there were no more buses."
  14. The bump down was by my choice....and by the fact that there was no way I was going to try running with intermediate after what happened. (yeah, building suspense) Might as well been in intermediate though, novice was running damn near the same pace all day. Only difference was in intermediate everyone was more evenly matched and in novice you were only "supposed" to pass on the straights. Video will be up in a minute.
  15. hey, theres nothing wrong with bumping down to novice! I did it today.... reason is in a soon to be uploaded video, which I will regret for the rest of my riding career
  16. 28 its yearly, my auto is every 6 months Literally paid them $278 at the end of August and now they sent me a bill saying my policy has changed and requiring a payment of $301.
  17. Scratch my previous statement, fuck progressive; they are not increasing my bill by 30%, they are more than doubling it....somehow after I paid my policy for the year a month ago, they just sent me a bill for an additional $300. They want me to pay nearly $600 a year for liability and comprehensive coverage....no collision. I paid $700 a year for full coverage on my 2001 when I was a first time rider and that bike was 4 years old....not 8 like this one. This is with nearly their minimum coverage other than comprehensive. Old bike was a $175 per year when I had the same coverage. Going to have to call them to get this sorted out.
  18. Well, figured out part of my issue. My left rearset was bent slightly downward; apparently damaged when the previous owner laid the bike down. Bolted up the rearset from my 01 and now my foot feels much more solid on the peg. Explains why my left foot always wanted to "walk" to the outer. I'm not sure why I never noticed before.
  19. Progressive is jacking mine up almost 30% next year, and all I have is liability. No recent events to cause the increase, just out of the blue jump in price. Time to shop around.
  20. Thanks for the offer! I actually went ahead and balanced them on the axles. Doubt it as accurate as a static setup because of the additional drag, but they hold position so I'm happy.
  21. RHill


    work....then later, prepping the bike for more track time
  22. Thank you for sharing the video. Makes me miss the cool fall nights when I'd turn off the exterior light on the garage, climb up on the roof with a sleeping bag, lay down and look at the stars. Hours seemed to pass so quickly. I'll have to visit there someday.
  23. switched out my tires and didnt realize I left my balancing crap in PA. Anyone in the lakewood area have a balancer I could throw my wheels on for 10 minutes? If not, I'll throw them on the axles and try to balance the best I can like that.
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