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Everything posted by turnone

  1. In 2014 I struggle to understand why so many believe stupid shit. So many people say they are a Christian but don't believe the items required to be one. They do it for many reasons some of which are to fit in, or not stray too far from those they love and care for. As mentioned, religion is geographically based. That should be enough to tell you that believers or those likely to believe almost exclusively believe what they were told to believe. Religions like to teach the young. Why? Maybe because it's easier to convince a 4 year old that 2 of every animal in the world would not only fit on a wooden boat but survive. Tell that to a 40 year old person and see if they believe. Assumes they don't already believe. No one is allowed to blame Dear Leader. So if your team wins. Thank god. You lose, blame yourself. Your kids die, not God's fault. Your kids do well, thank God. God's plan involves killing a lot of undeserving people. And finally (for this post) : Who invented God?
  2. True. But more likely. And even more likely of you have a lot of kids. Money helps even more.
  3. Can't say greener. But I can say the water is bluer where I'm going. Planning after kids graduate HS. 8 years tops.
  4. Secret is there is no right answer. Be happy with the choice you are making. If you aren't, maybe try a different route. I work way harder than I should and many long days then I have easy weeks where I hardly work at all. Works good for me now. Growing up on the poorer side of things I find that I work long hours even when I don't 'need' the money just because I feel guilty to turn it down. Kids will grow up with or without you. I can make a god argument for more time or less time with them. No right answers. Or more exact, no perfect answer. Biggie
  5. The average buyer, if the price is $50K+, will ride it 10 seconds off the pace of the average intermediate track day rider.
  6. Green trellis frame and carbon fiber winglets. Meh.... But kawasakis aren't known for beauty. It's all about the POWER!!
  7. Sounds like a 4 cyl bike with an electric actuation on something with forces induction. Sounds very fast. So 600cc+.
  8. Bike 2/3 and car 1/3 of responsibility. Definitely going too fast. Not covering front brake. Not looking far enough ahead and recognizing the threat. I'm pretty sure there is scientific literature on the topic that the brain doesn't recognize the smaller bike to be as dangerous. If that was a Mack truck (do they sell those in UK?) the driver would have seen the truck as a threat and held up. It's more than just the size and shape that matters to our brain. The driver definitely shouldn't have turned as there wasn't safe clearance as evidenced by the crash. I presume UK law is like US law about yielding right of way when turning across oncoming traffic. (Even if they are speeding). As already stated, this is the number one way to die on your bike. Watch for cars turning left in front of you. Bright lights. Weave. Slow down. Adjust lane position. Whatever it takes!
  9. Thought they should keep him for the whole season but results matter and he had a lot of bad ones. Some bad luck too. Nice person and I wish him well.
  10. They don't tax raw land annually? Or just so low it won't affect you? What happens if someone gets hurt on your property?
  11. Maybe, keep in mind you have to pay property taxes every year which can be substantial. Asset is hard to turn into cash and normally pay 6-8% at time of sale for commission then pay tax on the money made of not immediately reinvested. Also, liability insurance on the property top tote to yourself. I used to think land was an awesome investment. I don't feel that way anymore.
  12. Subaru legacy / outbacks make great cars. Buy a used one and don't finance.
  13. Hard to hold and wait for a market correction but I agree a good idea. I paid off debt first to guarantee a return. Trick is not to obtain new debt just cause you can. Like bigger house, err I mean bigger garage and 911 which is what keeps me up at night. Not really but it does cross my mind daily.
  14. George Zimmerman respectfully disagrees.
  15. Lighter bike accelerates the same rate as a heavier bike with less energy therefore less grip needed to accelerate the lighter bike. Lighter bikes are preferred in drag racing too I would imagine.
  16. Please explain why tires get wider as bikes get heavier. If it weren't true, I could run 125 slicks on my big bike and it would all work out. But that's not how it works in real life. Bigger, heavier and more powerful needs more tire width and thus larger contact area to deal with the extra forces.
  17. Wouldn't it be obvious that a larger contact patch has more grip potential than a smaller one? Smaller area would lose traction since the force is applied over a smaller area.assuming enough to break traction.
  18. I think the American car companies called it road hugging weight in the 70's. Lighter is better.
  19. I race in FS fleet one at Cowan lake near Wilmington. I plan to retire in 10 years to a boat. Hopefully a 35-42 Cat but a 40-45 mono will also work. Definitely plan to circumnavigate after spending 2-3 years in the Caribbean areas. Read the book leap of faith it talks about going sooner rather than later. Boat life doesn't have to be expensive. Income would make it easier. Cruisers Forum has a huge thread about living on $500/mo. Many great boats $10-40k. When I was shopping for my FS I was amazed at what I could have bought for the same money that was much larger and appeared to be in great shape.
  20. I started racing a Flying Scot earlier this year. I also plan to sail Blue Water in my future.
  21. Boating ain't got shit on this hobby. Hover fuel burn rate 1 gallon every 2 seconds!!! (GPS) via npr: What It's Like To Own Your Very Own Harrier Jump Jet http://n.pr/1rVnweT
  22. Beautiful. How fast and how many (few) gpm (gallon per mile)
  23. I will be there for moral support on Saturday afternoon.
  24. The studies are biased simply because rich and smart people are very likely to go to college. Poor and dumb are less likely to get a degree. If the rich and smart skipped college it would likely narrow the wage gap considerably. Having said that, I still hope all my kids go. At this point it may be 3 of 4. But I won't be just paying if they don't take it seriously.
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