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Posts posted by Medina

  1. Heres a fact, if I think X, and 8 others in a jury are thinking Y, and I'm convinced X is right, no one can "make me change" my thinking...I mean..you know, if you want to sleep and eat and live with yourself...and stuff. .

    and frankly, I'm not that particularly strong willed

  2. whilst stumbling around for bike plugs heres something I found while searching

    this echo's other stuff I've found, when it boils down to hardcore testing...air filters, plugs wires, oil changes, tire pressures...all the stuff you've known since you first twisted the key is going to be pretty much..."it" 

    often the money spent on voodoo, even if you get a gain, doesn't offset the cost of said voodoo






    Conclusion : "Designer" Spark Plugs.

    If you've never changed your spark plugs, putting almost any brand of new plug in your engine will yield some change to your vehicle's characteristics

    Read more: http://www.carbibles.com/productreviews_pulstar.html#ixzz2a9dybF5w



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    the media is eating this stuff up
    the only minority says now she thought he was guilty, but...voted innocent? change her mind, guilty feeling?
    more like life threats probably- I read the family he helped has received threats and they're asking to be left alone
    "You can't put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty," said the woman who was identified only as Juror B29 during the trial. "But we had to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at the evidence."
     "our" hearts? whose hearts? the nation? idiot.
    yeah, pity they had to look at all that evidence. and stuff...
    if you can stomach it, listen to this  idiot  blather on...


    so...she was PRE disposed to his guilt before hand it sounds like, and even the crush of bad evidence, non evidence the prosecution used, AND the defense was denied...she voted not guilty...amazing. 

  4. Should have dropped an elbow on the Window and broke it out.

     thats hard enough for a full sized man to do...

    you reach over and lift the door lock, problem solved. 

    car hits the water, shorts out, zero batter power- electric windows, door locks suddenly dont work, lights dont work

    the panic they were in makes me wonder if they weren't under the influence of something. 

  5. And ultimately the beautiful people of Hollywood and those race baiters will still stir the pot, our own president wont drop it.

    zimmersmans a hero- frankly I still dont see how it was wrong to get out and patrol your own turf looking for dirtbags.

    so what if he confronted him. 

    the. kid. didn't. belong.

    nothing to do with color, or hoodies...the kid was not a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, that kid is looking more like a drug using thug out that night looking for a victim. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. Interesting.  From where did you get that?  My understanding was quite the opposite.  I heard Obama say that the trial is over and that criminal prosecutions are a matter for the state.  You have some information that Obama is initiating federal legal action against Zimmerman?

    Damn near every headline on google news for the last week!

    Obama STARTED the investigation

    Here, a GREAT vid, hope you watch the whole thing



    its long, but dam- informative. 

  7. lord I loves me some bbq....


    just got back from Chesapeake western shore and someone made STEAK with BBQ....I swear it was blasphemous till I ate so much I thought I was going to have an aneurysm

    the crabs, the sweet corn and those BBQ whatever cuts they were...feck me runnin' I barely remember much after that meal



  8. yay! lets keep on blaming Bush!

    so, at what point does the current douche in command actually start getting credit for, or blame for our current condition...

    its been six years and frankly the whole banking problem started quite a few presidents ago IF we're going to be accurate.

    I've been dating a doctor, get to go to doctor parties.......funny, I have YET to meet ONE self employed doctor, or one that works for a hospital that rallys behind the current obama plan.

    Do all agree reform is needed? yes. most point immediately to insurance problems for the fastest fix. simply allowing states to shop other states they say would drop costs like now...


    bush and the patriot act, with all due respect the Patriot act under bush had BIG limits- HUGE limits as to who, what and when he could "spy", and Obama (the current president) actually expanded and killed the sunset clause congress installed to kill the patriot act two years ago......Bushes fault?

    Holder is  joke, but we're focusing on presidents.


    the biggest problem with fanboys- be they pro bush come hell or high water, or obama is the chosen one, they all fail to realize in 4-8 years the NEXT president could really do some damage. So they gleefully allow stuff "cause my guy is good and wont hurt nuttin" mentality..so we get barney frank, banking, IRS expansion, internet spying, making the millionaires pay blah blah...and it keeps sliding downhill.

    vote the Constitution, vote the bill of rights- dont vote against the last guy, or the next guy 


    we're entitled to our own opinions, but we're not entitled to our own facts. 

  9. Carter worse than obama..........well.........possibly. however the mindset of the people was entirely different.

    I was working in a gas station when gasoline went from 45 to 99 cents a gallon in just a couple of months.

    we have now a second term "carter", popular vote. Entitlement crowd swayed. Carter was lame duck after a couple of years, Obama seems to do the most outrageous crap (Benghazi, Prism, beer summit, not to mention Holders idiocy- fast and furious and a few other things) and still just surfs along.

    I see obama is now going after zimmerman...again...no president has ever called out citizens by name before..scary shit.

    obama can't sink deep enough into the history books fast enough for me

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