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Posts posted by Medina

  1. .........biscuits........

    Just put a Michelin commander II on the rear, planned on doing the same on the front. hmmm, wonder if they'd match up

    so, let me get this straight, I beat the shop into whatever price, mail in the receipt and get another 40 off?

    thats sweet

  2.  why not just put a 4 leaf clover in instead



    HAHAHAHAHA Wake up man, the 60's called and wants their high volume low car insurance rates back!


    and  +1, what moron thought...hey, I have an idea, lets merge cars like you shuffle a deck of cards.

    what could possibly go wrong?

  3. So I know I do it, well used to, and I know probably 98% of us do


    I'm in the zero%. Dont text, never did, never will. Ever. 

    fanatical anti texter




    I am equally glad you yours and that baby most of all are ok. now.


    [rant] Its your turn, become a fanatical anti-texter. Pay it forward. could be thats why you WERENT hurt?


    I grew up in an era where it was ok to toss trash out the window, a time when "oh, he's not too drunk to drive"

    What changed all that was social consciousness and UNacceptance. [/rant]

    • Upvote 1
  4. First rule of IT Consultants, no Q&A without a contract in place.

    Sorry mate, it's for your own good.


    I can tell you this much, my meeting with the donuts went amazingly well. 

    I do believe we'll be doing business again in the near future. 

  5. This^^


    Also, I have been lane splitting stopped traffic lately, which has gotten me many horn honks and finger gestures, but if the drivers would take their head out of their asses they would realize they are getting home faster because of me. This is just more reason to lane split.




    scroll down, seems its entirely up to the officer. "not authorized"  No laws have been passed against it. If theres an accident you're in..added cost

  6. Taking the superslab, from 18 to 76 to 80 to Pa36-the usual suspects

    Leave 5-6pm friday (return sunday at some point)

    make this run quite often, Its not scenic, (at least until you get outside Ohio!) its point A point B, but i make it often it occurred to me someone might be in the same boat


    drop a note if you're making the same commute. I could vary the times a bit


  7. here, best kept secret for shopping.

    and frankly, I'd expand your/his search to at least an hours drive. really.





    type in the stuff you want, dont want and BAM search craigslist, as close, as far or different parts of the world


    for the last two bikes, I expanded the search to two hours drive and was glad i did- found good deals, great deals with good people.

    g'luck and get a 250  :lolhitsign:

  8. I know #1 killer of motorcyclists are cars turning left in front of them combined with a variety of factors, usually speed

    if you got the stomach for it, google national highway safety (NHS) they are loaded with stats most as recent as 2012 stretching back to the 70's

    I studied bike accidents and are hyper aware of those actually few things that take most bikers out. 

    heres a messed up one, in 60% of all bike accidents, eye ware  was deemed missing, or ineffective. amazing. 


    the only ones I've seen splitting were reckless, I've been tempted..bok bok, LOL

  9. Hey, I dont care if anyone lane splits, I will think there goes an idiot when I see someone suddenly appear in that 3' space going 30 miles an hour when I'm sitting in traffic. The only accident I've ever seen involving a bike was a guy going about 50 and we were going about 20ish. 

    I wont, I thought about it, and basically: you're flowing at twice the rate of traffic.

    More bike accidents in states that allow it, less that dont. Pretty simple. 

    Way more worried about drunk (TEXTING assholes too) drivers across the board- scary stats on how many under the influence each and every friday the But that said, the most fatalities occur between 5 and 7PM, slightly higher on friday. Same time everyone has their heads up their ass trying to home or get to happy hour

  10. Coming home last night, briefly got on 224, I saw this guy with an MC club looking jacket. Having worked with enough real bikers over the decades I've learned a certain respect that culture, mostly involving eye contact, LOL

    It said "HARD DOG ROAD CLUB" as I got closer. ah, ok, not a club.... then in smaller print (had a pitbull? in the center) it said "RIDE HARD OR STAY HOME"

    Wow, very impressive, grizzled looking dude holding the handlebars. Cool


    oh...Did I forget to mention it was a goldwing, with adjustable oversized windshield, wipers, back rest on the seat, what looked like a kindle sized map gps thing in a holder on the dashboard, CUP holder hanging, mic for a passenger, radio blasting, wrap around foot boards and cruise control? 

    I'm not knocking a wing, (I would love to own the 2013, and 2015 proposed wings look amazing) or that he probably had 30 grand_  tied up in it, but...really? "ride hard or stay home"? 

    Looked more comfy than my recliner and he brought half the home with him!!  :lolhitsign:

  11. I'm not being argumentative reconrat, gun stuff is one of the few areas I'm pretty well versed- custom stuff has been my career, fulltime job, for 20 some years- steel wool is not how steel is polished prior to bluing. taking steel wool, even wood workers grade, (its oil free-finer more consistent than 0000, often rusts into a hard biscuit before you use them up) and its expensive is risking scratching a highly polished metal surface. 

    Steel wool, MOST brands will remove bluing and scratch any finished bluing higher than low end dip jobs.


    BRONZE 0000 wool if you can find it is amazing! with a light oil, even wd40, and gently rubbed will lift all sorts of rust off polished bluing.

    Steel wool risks discoloring many kinds of stainless by literally impregnating steel dust into the pores- and then rust later on creating more headaches.

    you can use a simple car past wax on stainless guns as well on interior parts as well.(once rust free)


    (off topic, bike stuff)

    Bronze wool, say 0 thru 0000 grades, will also remove crazy rust and polish bike parts like nobodys business, especially super hard to get places-my dam gl1200 has chrome in places you can't see without disassembling bags, fairings etc (wtf) Also  a bronze brush will get those places hard to get with the bronze wool. I can't suggest strongly enough getting some.

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