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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Swingset wins the internet for a day with that incredibly spot-on post! No, seriously, you nailed it in my humble opinion.
  2. I see the NRA is quibbling over Rand: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/04/johannes-paulsen/rand-paul-a-nra-convention-no-show/
  3. Sam thought it sounded like gearing, and while I didn't come to that conclusion at the time, I've replayed the sound in my head and that's exactly what it sounds like to me too. Like teeth mating too closely.
  4. +1. Look at what's east of Hocking Hills. Good roads are much less fun when you're trolling behind minivans and cruiser group rides. Or go towards Coshocton and Salt Fork.
  5. Wouldn't it be more liberal leftist hoopla to expect them to continue making a product they don't want to make? I think you and Anden are right - I bet they're not making enough money with limited volume. In fact, I expect the Kawasaki H2 to similarly be a brand-leading flagship innovation worth its weight in PR, but not in retail sales. I mean, who can afford the $50k for the H2 R model? At least the RC8 could be had for less than a Harley.
  6. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Thankfully the point is moot now.
  7. Yep, and Maryland. PA is a big deal to me because it means I don't have to disarm at the border when visiting parents in northern WV. But Maryland's silliness means my travel to other relatives in Reston is more limited.
  8. Thunderous applause!!! And now Handgunlaw.us shows that as well: http://www.handgunlaw.us/LicMaps/ccwmap.php
  9. That's going to be hard to predict. There's a lot to choose from this year. Bumper crop.
  10. Sounds like miles more fun than riding around drinking booze at random bars.
  11. Agreed, I was thinking about that yesterday. I do NOT need to fall in love with a $20k bike. But my wallet is self-controlling in that respect.
  12. I'd love to but need to hit the chores and errands today after spending all of it riding and seeing a show yesterday. Hope you get out for a break!
  13. Hoping not to start a flame fest - just an innocent question - why not Rubio? He interviews well, seems pragmatic about immigration, doesn't have Bush's family baggage. His trick is appealing to minorities while also not alienating the pasty white party "natives."
  14. Vintage motorcycles suck. I'd never own more than several. And Ducati's - no way I'd be caught riding more than one at a time.
  15. Yep. I think Benghazi was a mistake without the smoking gun the GOP desperately wanted. But I'm feeling like she intentionally spun up her own server to establish culpable deniability for anything that might be unseemly and that's a reflection on how she must operate. I don't buy the "convenience" excuse. It's simple. Work emails on your work devices, and personal business on your personal devices. What professional doesn't understand that these days???
  16. Ditto, great day for a chilly-but-sunny ride, burgers, dawgs and a brew with a group of great motorcyclists!
  17. Excellent points man. But here's the thing. Despite us having different perspectives, you and I are still talking, which is a fuck load better than the national debate is capable of doing. Ride on brother! Things are starting to green up out there, thank goodness. Before long we'll be complaining about how fast the grass is growing!
  18. I think you're projecting some things into my position that aren't how I view/think/feel, but like you said, it's nice enough for a ride today, so let's get out there and smash some bugs!
  19. Gonna be chilly, but not terrible - About 47-55F and sunny. Wojo72 couldn't get a hall pass so it'll just be me as long as it's still on!
  20. OK, just for curiosity's sake, I'd like a PM with the price. Also for the TomTom Rider if you sell those too. Thanks!
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