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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Very nice looking bike. Remember to post the price!
  2. Maybe you were, but I was talking about rubber chickens. They're pretty wicked when flailed rapidly. Oh, hey Brian, I totally forgot to intimidate, scare, bully or wound anyone that weekend I had a rubber chicken on me. How did I not fulfill my purpose according to Duane? I feel... ashamed. MSNBC is talking about it, but killing people in schools is already fairly illegal.
  3. Absolutely agreed, especially with fuel injection and lightweight suspension design.
  4. This, plus there are some really good instant-access safes on the market (and a few terrible ones - avoid those). I have one that's bolted down, which requires a multi-digit finger sequence to open, after which the flap opens and exposes a readied defense device. If you don't know my home, you'll not find it. If you do, you'll still need the combination or time with a sledge hammer/bolt cutters. It's an easy solution, and a good one - I can still get to my defense device, so can my trained family members, but nobody else.
  5. Ditto, and no matter what the reason for the paint, I want to know how it was applied, especially the materials. I won't buy anything rattle-canned unless I plan to strip and repaint it with a multi-layer 2K clear on top.
  6. That's a really thought-provoking post Chris.
  7. Bingo, bingo, bingo. I really do agree and believe that the movement towards more tolerance, more liberty, and more chemical forms of treatment without in-person counseling are big contributors. So, as it relates to intervention - the question then is when does society today have a right to intervene and restrict a person's liberties, i.e. to make them take (or not take) a prescription drug or attend counseling to treat aggression/delusion/whatever? A libertarian might say "never" and a career psychiatrist who works with violent patients might have a completely different take - both worth listening to. The thing is, because our society tends to shun, ignore and compartmentalize people with mental health issues, a low percentage of us actually know what we're talking about (myself included), so a "national dialogue" itself isn't going to fix this "won-and-done." It really gets to the heart of common good vs. individual rights in many cases.
  8. Indeed, many drugs can do really weird things to some people for indeterminate reasons, and have completely opposite effects on others. I'm on a prescription NSAID for my neck and back, and it makes me a little floaty if I don't eat food with it, but otherwise productive and much less pissy because my body aches are seriously lessened. To others, that floaty feeling is severe and debilitating.
  9. 100% agreed. Mental health issues and how to deal with them - that's the real elephant in the room, not access to guns, machetes, knives, poison, etc. And isn't it shameful that even though just about everyone agrees that the mental health dimension (including chemical agents) HAS to be part of the national dialogue, that's all the further anyone in the media can get. The truth, in my mind, is that this is a very complicated issue that will cross pharma, the mental health profession, parenting quality and individual rights. For example, for the last one, it looks a lot like all the signs were there and the guy was pretty radically vocal in person, on the phone with authorities and online, but nobody felt they had enough legal authority to intervene. And let's be frank about it - there are quite a few people who call themselves libertarian who would scream "police state" if authorities intervened more to err on the side of caution.
  10. That Ride Apart article is talking about Alaska/Labrador/Africa/Long-Way-Down kind of riding and is absolutely wrong when it comes to mostly-street-with-a-shaker-of-dirt riding that 90% of the rest of us use them for. Anyway, you're more into the dedicated street bikes, which is cool. Too bad though, I think your writing off a class of motorcycles based on magazine punditry. Anyway, you asked... KBB shows a suggested retail of $5645 on a bike in excellent condition. NADA shows a low retail of $5894. This bike has less than 1200 miles on it, per year of age. 2009 FZ1...full fairing, tall tinted windscreen...6800 miles...Sargent seat...Pazzo levers...$5000 OBO. Comments?
  11. Glad you're enjoying it! I was excited for you after we talked at Hoblick's. I still owned my CB700SC when Honda announced the CB1100 for 2013 and I thought it felt great at the Cleveland show, then when they announced the improvements for 2014, I knew it was going to become a classic for anyone who appreciates the look combined with modern features.
  12. What a pious jerk he is. If video games made someone a hacker or murderer, I'd be more famous than Mitnick and Gacey combined.
  13. What are your thoughts so far on the CB1100 now that you've had it for several weeks?
  14. Same here. I imagine some folks judge the whole of MSNBC by The Ed Show and Al Sharpton's Politics Nation, which hell, not even I can handle for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. Those guys are as bad as Hannity and O'Reilly for dolling out daily doses of tripe.
  15. Ah, that makes sense now! I was too flummoxed to ask. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=road%20gator "Bits of truck tires left when a retread tire shreds on the Interstate. the tire treads look like an alligator's back."
  16. What's your inseam length? Mine's 29" and I initially felt very much the same way. I ended up taking out the rubber seat bumpers and bought riding boots with thick soles, and even bought lowering links with the intention of dropping the bike 3/4" and installing an even lower seat. But, as I became comfortable with the bike over a couple hundred miles (especially after 1000 and a long weekend and an advanced rider course), I discovered I didn't need the links at all and am delighted with it at stock height (minus the seat bumpers). I only press because the DL650 is quite easily the best bike I've owned out of the 5 I've stabled. It tackles road conditions in ways only a Tenere or BMW 1200GS can beat, has a buttery-smooth and impressively strong engine, works great 2-up, was superb over a 1000-mile weekend, can easily carry a week's worth of camping gear, is agile and zippy in the city and can keep up with riders on bikes you never would have guessed. That's not to say the FZ6, FZ1, Versys and dozens of others aren't incredible bikes too - they are. But you might be really surprised how controllable the Strom is (even if you lower it an inch).
  17. Ditto, and if you think the magnets would line up OK on a '13 DL650. Thanks!
  18. https://www.google.com/search?q=univision+girls&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=1IKXU525F5ObyASY0YLQAQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=320&bih=460
  19. Unless there are actual marks or dents, what's it matter? The bike is 13 years old. If the tank was that fragile, it would be a crumpled up soda can by now.
  20. Magz has an interesting point - Univision could be the leading winner for hotness.
  21. Better yet, a Beretta 92FS, Italian.
  22. Oh Brian, we need to get you into an intervention!
  23. Yep. Also, I've found with CL sellers that cash and a fast, drama-free sale can make great deals happen. Come prepared with a bill of sale doc (one copy for each party), knowledge about the title transfer process, where to find nearby notaries (banks and libraries usually have them but call ahead) and specific plans for taking possession of the bike.
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