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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Get this craziness: I just got off the phone with Progressive after intending to remove a 3rd motorcycle from my policy (I sold my '76 CB125S on Saturday). To do so would have INCREASED my rates by $50/yr because it would have given up the 3-vehicle discount! Isn't that nutty?! It reduced their (and my) payout risk, yet they wanted me to pay $50/yr more instead of $76/yr less (what the CB125 cost to insure alone). After being momentarily flummoxed, I told 'em to leave the bike on the policy while I shop other providers, and they seemed OK with that... so here I go... Hey Geico and Riders...
  2. smccrory

    Iron Pony A+

    I think that expecting a local vendor to match every online price is too much to ask, especially if the online price is lower than the local vendor can buy it for. Remember that IP has showroom and employee overhead that places like Comp Acc don't - the latter being a warehouse-centric volume shop that can buy large volumes to loss-lead on specific items and make it up on bundled ones (like enticing you with free shipping above a certain amount). Being able to try stuff on, talk with a knowledgeable salesperson and then take your goodies home the same-day is pretty cool. I've bought some specific items from Comp Acc, Riders Discount, etc. but I'd hate to go through ordering stuff, waiting, trying it on, returning it, waiting, trying a second size and not being totally happy or returning it a second time, waiting...
  3. One of our ARC instructors was on a red Super Hawk this weekend and it looked amazing. Smooth sound, super-capable. Wish I was in the market for one - they're very, very sweet. GLWS!
  4. smccrory


    It would be very, very cool to see more garage gatherings - I'd definitely show up or maybe even host a small one (3-6 bikes). I have a modest 2 1/2 car garage with an air compressor and decent metric and standard tools, plus a few specialty items for carb syncing, testing cylinder compression and such. Zen and the art, and such...
  5. smccrory


    Looks delicious! Stews are easy in a croc pot: Salsa from my garden: Mussel soup with sea scallops is more involved, but really, really yummy:
  6. Here ya go: https://ext.dps.state.oh.us/MotorCycleOhio/Pages/Public/Announcements.aspx
  7. smccrory


    I hear about guys who don't cook and it dumbfounds me. There's even a book called "Will cook for sex" that should clue us into one of many reasons to sling a skillet. Another one? Day passes on motorcycles :-). Anyway, temperature control - once you develop a sense for it, the rest grows from there. Experiment with how butter, oils and liquids behave under different stovetop and oven settings, and half the battle is won. Continuously experiment and pay attention to the results and you won't be able to keep from becoming competent.
  8. I don't care if it's nuanced or not, like every president making big adjustments to their foreign policy once they know the real deal about global politics with executive clearance, I'm fucking sick of our boys and girls getting killed for questionable gain, based on "American exceptionalism" ethics that don't hold water(boarding) under examination.
  9. smccrory


    Already did mine. And I might be a better cook than you. All the best cooks are men, don't you know...
  10. No bikes dropped in my class, and actually everyone was pretty skilled. One old dude was a master with his Harley, even.
  11. Ditto, I did the course Thursday and Sunday. Good time well spent.
  12. smccrory

    Duke engine

  13. smccrory

    Duke engine

    Oh Jim, please do share with us your mechanical engineering credentials! To be fair, the engine is a solution looking for a problem, but that's how a lot of innovations start out. Recall that a lot of folks predicted doom for electric vehicles too, and for 90+ years they were completely right - lead-acid batteries were not up for the task, nor were NiCads. Then within the last 10 years, lithium changed the game entirely and "suddenly," after a century of development, it's day again. It takes time to develop new engines that are radically different, and it'll take time to prove this engine out for various uses. Duke appears to be focusing on international and defense venues, which may explain their relative radio silence elsewhere. A primary benefit is ultra-low mechanical vibration - something no other petrol engine (not even the wankel or stiller-smith) can achieve, so they have a real benefit for an application that would otherwise have to look at battery-and-motor power.
  14. That's interesting and I guess the 2D shot doesn't really indicate it. Is it because it's an S curve, or that's it's blind, or both? Even still, that guy must have been moving - I still can't see how it's a technical curve compared to so many others I've ridden. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sugar+Grove+Rd+SE+%26+Hickory+Hill+Dr+SE/@39.6576423,-82.5531208,859m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x8847f357afeaeedf:0x6dfff331a666b10d
  15. smccrory

    Duke engine

    That's not the point. The point is that this is the first time someone has used it to convey multiple piston forces to a central shaft using a wobble plate. Maybe it'll work out, maybe it won't, but I for one am glad someone is trying, and are already seeing encouraging results from their prototype. Y'all would make terrible R&D employees!
  16. Dammit. Westerville resident probably going fast on his sport bike to impress his passenger, only to go wide on a turn with oncoming traffic. Neither wearing helmets (nor probably any other protective gear). Now he's dead and she's in an out-of-town hospital with bad enough injuries to warrant a helicopter extraction. He must have been really hauling ass to miss this gentle curve: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sugar+Grove+Rd+SE+%26+Hickory+Hill+Dr+SE/@39.6584125,-82.5531526,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x8847f357afeaeedf:0x6dfff331a666b10d Damned shame. Be careful out there kids, and don't try to impress anyone!
  17. smccrory


    Unfortunately we Males still need to be periodically reminded of stuff like this. It happens in the computer field too, ya know...
  18. smccrory

    Iron Pony A+

    I dated a gal who lamented about science-related stuff not being available to women, like ThinkGeek.com tees and such. She'd probably say that the market is lagging behind active women along multiple fronts.
  19. smccrory

    Duke engine

    Looks like a lot of rotating parts to me, but the part count is lower and nearly completely balanced.
  20. smccrory

    Duke engine

    Anyone seen this? A new rotary engine prototype...
  21. Yea, busy nearly all of them are Harley branded. Brumbrumbrumbrumbrum.
  22. smccrory

    Cigar pro's?

    I am NOT a fan of the fridge or freezer approach - you will most certainly modify their humidity that way. Seal them in a large plastic bag and keep them at room temperature. Freezers are for killing bugs in cigars.
  23. smccrory


    Awesome, now you're fully parking-lot qualified. Now take your skills and gradually expand your range into neighborhoods then 25 mph roads, etc.
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