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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. I'm deeply, deeply, deeply disappointed that nobody has invoked Hitler or Stalin yet.
  2. Of course, we could have gone a parallel direction to talk about the belief that immunizations cause autism and sexual promiscuity - the majority of those believers are also strongly religious.
  3. Effectiveness does not equal care, so I agree with your second para. They're hamstrung by industry and political forces.
  4. At least Columbus doesn't smell like farm manure like the Mt. Vernon area did this weekend. Phew, my ride up 3 and down 13 to Newark on Sunday was fragrant.
  5. It's a comedian - not like it's an asbestos ceiling tile or anything.
  6. Well, if we're going to use that level of symbolic logic, then follow the money, and the science behind asbestos toxicity leads right to corrupt politicians and junk scientists profiting from scaring the public about a made up relationship between exposure and cancer rates. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/12/john-oliver-climate-change-debate_n_5308822.html?utm_hp_ref=comedy
  7. Doesn't matter, God still hates Cleveland. And Sam Hall.
  8. The inevitable, meaning, you've given up?
  9. Sometimes trying to attack the reflection of birds.
  10. How many birds are killed by buildings each year? I've witnessed a few.
  11. You'd prefer them to be PEOPLE, wouldn't ya? :-P
  12. Some folks from Cleveland stopped by. Time to freshen up after.
  13. You're freaking me out man, you're thinking like an independent.
  14. OK we can agree 100% on that! Not that it matters to our agreement, but some of that abuse is corporate abuse. Our glorious television system incessantly sells us "things we don't need to impress people we don't like" (Tyler Durden) and make up for problems we don't have with an urgency warranted by the threat of social ostracism. But hey, at least it's done by the job creators, all be they hailed!
  15. If we spent a Trillion dollars to feed starving people, the Tea Party and half the Republican Party would blow their little brains out. Like turnone said, we chose to let hunger happen and make it part of our societal makeup.
  16. And if you can't, you're not a true entrepreneur/job creator and shouldn't be deified - you're just a dinosaur. Riding across the Appalachians last weekend was a reminder of wind turbine profitability. There isn't a job for everyone, nor will there ever be (just like with fossil fuels), but the US has an opportunity to lead in these new markets instead of the French, Germans and those awful Canadians. It was a sharp contrast to the along-the-waterline chemical plants we rode by - you know, the ones the EPA and WV politicians (of every party affiliation) have neatly ignored while making a buck. Good thing those never leak noxious chemicals... .
  17. All hail people who make money, for they are the saviors of of us all! And never mind that global warming bullshit, son... Fuck all that, we gotta get on with the show. And praise Jesus, or you're not a real American patriot, you federalist commie!
  18. Good, then stick around because nobody's going to do anything about it for another generation.
  19. In spite of back and neck issues that'll probably lead to cervical fusion this winter, I joined a fantastic 1000-mile camp-and-ride last weekend.
  20. I think they're hiring actually. http://www.umbrellacorporation.net/badge.php
  21. You mean like global warming where there's measurement data? Yea. I can see Tonik's perspective on people.
  22. Just be sure to have an offsite landing pad in case of full-house fire or flooding. That's Dropbox for me.
  23. Perhaps, but the only difference from the human female is... time.
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