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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. 10 to 1 says you're right. IF it's a year 2000 (not 200), the carbs are new for the model and have a TPS, so they may not have been rebalanced since the pods were added. Looks like Mikuni BST36SS carbs with butterfly valves, so you wouldn't have to fight with constant velocity trickiness. This page is amazing: http://www.portablepct.com/fastlarry/banditfaq.htm
  2. No, it's more than that - it's gatherings of 2 to 20 guys sporting military rifles as a way to push the envelope. I grew up in West Virginia and Ohio, so the occasional pistol or rifle doesn't faze me at all, but I'm fully with the NRA on this one - forcing the issue in this way will surely prompt a backlash. Oh wait, it already has: http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2014/05/19/gun-control-group-asks-chipotle-to-ban-guns-after-open-carry-event/ http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/05/guns-open-carry-chilis-sonic-videos http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2010/0324/Open-carry-gun-laws-vex-Starbucks-again Maybe someone in Open Carry Texas is starting to listen though: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/scaring-the-crap-out-of-people-doesnt-win-you-fans
  3. You've mistaken me for someone else mate. What's the MSM?
  4. Oh My God. It's not April, is it? How the hell did moderates infiltrate the NRA? Communists! Communists!
  5. I want some Dam good food as well.
  6. I'm sorry but I really don't believe you'd be able to "easily" opt out of our electronic society.
  7. Looks like decor designed by someone responsible for mopping beer spills.
  8. Yea, and I agree with a significant part of your point, but only that it's not just Google. It's also Facebook and every multinational bank in existence and Walmart and Target and Amazon.com and Bing. It is seriously hard to avoid big data collection and analysis these days - practically impossible if you live "on the grid" in any capacity. So while it's easy to say that you could always say no to corporate data collection, it's unlikely you ever would or could without completely changing your lifestyle. Think of it - every time you buy ammo or cigarettes or medicine or groceries or magazines or donations with a bank card, you're disclosing a part of who you are to a corporate entity that has fewer regulation on what they can do with it than Uncle Sam can. My point is that demonizing government data collection without doing the same about corporate activities is selective and incomplete at best; lap-doggish for lobbies at worst. But truthfully, I'm dual-sided about it because in the right hands and the right intent, big data can hugely transform customer service.
  9. Yes, but/and, do NOT be any more concerned about government big data than with corporate big data. The data gathering and correlation already being done by companies is way beyond most non-IT persons' imagination.
  10. I'll be in town, so cool, I'll be there!
  11. Even when he's being funny, he's a pompous ass. A smart and accomplished pompous ass who controls an important kernel, but a pompous ass nonetheless.
  12. Give those men some rum! Joking aside, that's pretty awesome - kudos to them,
  13. And yet the nature of man will guarantee that some maniac with a shop will break this peace, and start a speed war anew. "In a world where speed is life, one man..."
  14. Aaaaand OR is back! Thanks for restoring my faith in the Internet HD.
  15. And the date says April 1, 2006.
  16. What's up with the reasonable, measured and thoughtful posts guys? Is this still OR? I'm so lost, scared and lonely now...
  17. smccrory

    Cigar pro's?

    Padron anniversary series - still one of my all-time faves. They're not cheap anymore though - Cigar Aficionado keeps complimenting them and the price has responded, but it's still a fantastic celebratory smoke.
  18. smccrory


    Been there! Fortunately with something smaller that I was able to accommodate with some creative carrying, but yea... Actually that sounds cool. What part of Ohio are you in?
  19. Last year I took an older bike to the ARC to get more experience with it post-overhaul, and also to sacrifice it in case I pushed it too hard. This year I took my baby because I know I'll be spending lots of time on her and figured it would be better to test the limits at 20-35 mph vs. 45-85 mph.
  20. smccrory

    Iron Pony A+

    My theory is that women's motorcycle styles are harder, because there's less "prior art" to draw from. With men's stuff, you have Rockers, Mods, post-war American roughneck, racer, hooligan and so on. With women, there aren't many archetypes yet established. But that's the opportunity too, right?!
  21. smccrory


    LOL, and TMI! It could be just as simple as announcing on OR whenever one of us knows we're gonna do work on our bike(s), and then inviting others to hang out and learn and/or do similar work on theirs. Or being willing to help others with things we've already done. Things I might be willing to help with: Carb syncs, compression tests (no dual-plug engines please unless you're willing to disconnect the coils), brake bleeds, most Nighthawk stuff, carb work (be considerate though - carbs can be a total time suck), grip changes, handlebar changes and a few other after-market add-ons Things I could use help with: SAG adjustment, learning how to maintain fork oil and seals, and I'd like to help/watch a full engine overhaul - I did a top end but haven't cracked cases yet
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