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DerekClouser last won the day on July 17 2020

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About DerekClouser

  • Birthday 06/03/1985

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  • Vehicles(s)
    18 GSX-R 1000
    04 R6
    #728 OMRL CRF100

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  1. I will be putting my cabin cruiser & jetski on Lake Erie on to our marina dock start of next month.
  2. Welp, it was a good run lol. JK Cool merger.
  3. Hmmmm, I feel like this is my kind of guy. Let's go... I'll try to keep up.
  4. I'm sorry, I still has your boots that you lent dude the other weekend... Need to get those back to you sometime.
  5. https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/09/16/i-x-center-close-after-years Wonder how that will affect the Cleveland IMS Show.
  6. Please RTV your oil drain, filter and fill cap. I believe it's required, but regardless, it's cheap insurance knowing you hopefully won't dump oil all over the track and ruin not only your day, but everyone elses as well.
  7. Photo I just took of @jacobhawkins at MidOhio. Next, In front of a stadium
  8. Yes, we run G&J quite frequently. As snot just mentioned, we just had a night race and day sprint race there this past weekend.
  9. Never heard of this? What track is it? We are always entertaining the idea of new tracks -
  10. Sept 5 @ Circleville - 4 hour endurance race Sept 6 @ Circleville - Spring Races Sept 19/20 - Circleville - Practice Saturday Sprint Races Sunday Oct 4/5 - Circleville - Practice Saturday Sprint Races Sunday
  11. Welcome to Ohio! Very few of us ride Harley's, but we always welcome any bike to come and ride! Southeastern Ohio has so many phenomenal roads to ride! You'll love it!
  12. Are you running hypersmooth stabilization? Not sure which GoPro you have, but it's possible you are recording at too high resolution/FPS and they are shutting down hypersmooth stabilization. Run 1080/60 and the camera stabilization is phenomenal. This could be your issue.
  13. Yea, I saw the article yesterday on Facebook. Always a terrible thing to read, especially to hear it happened on his birthday. Rest in Peace @LINK and my thoughts are with all his friends and family.
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