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Everything posted by Wolfman1

  1. I don't believe old fluid will cause complete brake failure. Brakes will definitely be shitty as far as stopping on a dime goes, but not a complete loss of brakes unless there is some other factor involved.
  2. Really sad, there is always two sides to every story. I just wish the officer would have just manned up and told the truth for everyone's sake.
  3. The ring lock can be moved underneath the bag, I am assuming you moved it all the way back which moves the bag all the way forward?
  4. This country is falling apart. Imploding on itself by design! I fear for what my kids are going to have to deal with down the road. I would love to vote in someone with the right ideals to make the necessary changes for this country, but who am I supposed to vote for, our candidates for president are a freikin joke!
  5. Very nice bike, I am digging the color!
  6. Glad to hear everyone is alright, that was a scary hit directly to the driver/passenger side.
  7. I guess 4, which is probably less than what I would have done, I like my bike pristine before every ride!
  8. We do these almost every ride including our favorites 78 and 83!
  9. I have the Coretech 2.0 tank bag I would be willing to sell it if you want it. It is a very nice magnetic bag, I just had problems with the way it magneted to my tank and it left some marks, so I decided to go with a Givi tank lock bag instead. It is brand new with all accessories. Stop by one day when you are out cruising around and you can try it out to see if you like it.
  10. No one has mentioned what a virus will do to these cars? What happens when a hacker figures out he can break in and control someone's car remotely? You know it will happen. You can already purchase a vehicle with built in Wifi which means it's connected through some ISP, so it can be connected to wirelessly anywhere. I am sure there are protocols put in place like firewalls and making the car computer isolated from the Wifi, but look at some of the security systems already in place like Onstar that allows you to speak to a person remotely who can open your locks or turn off your car. Makes one wonder about the possibilities!
  11. So true, lol! I ride my own ride, so it doesn't really affect me any, as long as you don't mind waiting for my slow ass!
  12. Now I am official, I found a guy close to my work that builds custom tournament Cornhole scoreboards. He built this for me for only $23. The base is filled with sand, so it won't blow over and I now have a place for my drink!
  13. Do it, I would ride down to watch you D!
  14. Congrats on your purchase D, now you will be miles ahead of me on our next ride, lol!
  15. I was told the good boards are the slippery ones. I sanded the poly down to get it smooth, so it will take some skill to drop them in. My dad's boards have a rougher surface and you constantly get a corn bag pileup at the hole. We will see how they play this weekend.
  16. Kind of a package deal with a guy who lives near me. He gets the boards from an Amish guy and then has a friend who is a graphics designer make the decals. He let me directly work with his graphics guy on my design and when they were printed he mounted them on my boards for me. I did all the finish work from there. All together with his costs and me doing the paint, poly, and hardware it was less than $200.
  17. Happy Birthday Man! Where's the cake!
  18. Thanks! That's funny, when I play at the family gatherings the game is over in a couple turns because everyone is so good at it. Started to get annoying, so I finally decided it was time to get my own set to practice on. Originally I was just going to buy a set on craigslist, but I haven't seen anything related to motorcycles besides a HD set here and there. That's when I decided to make my own design using the colors of my bike. I almost went with a Yamaha 50th anniversary theme using white, black, and yellow, but the checkered design would have been a little difficult to lay out.
  19. Check out my new cornhole boards, I just finished them. I have always wanted my own set to practice on, especially when I get my ass handed to me at summer parties, but I didn't want to spend the time building them completely from scratch. This project is a culmination of a few different sources. The boards are Amish made and the top is one large vinyl printout of my design I had printed at a graphics shop. A few more things I added include three coats of UV rated poly, painting the underside to prevent moisture absorption, installed cabinet hardware to latch the legs in place when moving the boards, and I added handles to each board for easy carrying. Going to try and toss a few this weekend to see how they do!
  20. I feel your pain. My wisdom teeth needed pulled bad and I kept putting off until I got multiple cavities in them and the Dentist told me to man up and get them pulled. I finally got it done a few years ago and in literally 10 minutes they had all 4 pulled and I was out the door. I should have done it sooner!
  21. Welcome to the OR community!
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