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Everything posted by Wolfman1

  1. Welcome to the OR community! Most NEO riders will be meeting in the AM to ride to the Logan meet spot for the Epic ride. You can tag along with us if you want. It is the best way to meet all the OR peeps!
  2. Not a fan of bike bright as it is harsh on plastic and will leave stains if you don't wash it off quickly. I just use dish soap and it works fine. Keep in mind whatever you use will take the wax/polish off so you will need to redetail everything you clean.
  3. Welcome to the OR community! I love the Yamaha yellow and black!
  4. Sorry to hear about your misfortune as the weather is fantastic right now. Heal up soon!
  5. Welcome to the OR community!
  6. Welcome to the OR community!
  7. I own a XDs 9 and love it. I use it as my conceal carry. It is well balanced, not top heavy like some of the cheaper models. Very accurate and no jams. I contemplated 40, but decided on 9 due to ammo prices.
  8. LOL, I cant believe you made a post about removing neon lights and changing oil. I cant believe I am reading a post about changing oil and removing neon lights! Good for you D. Make sure you get a pic of him washing his bike, that would be epic!
  9. No matter what you post on CG you are going to have to deal with window shoppers and texters who don't understand the sales process. These things happen every time I post on CG, you just weed through the idiots and work with the serious buyers. I had a fully restored 83 Honda Shadow for sale on CG, I had people telling me I wanted double than what KB had it listed for. KB doesn't mean shit if the bike is fully restored and looks like new. Bottom line is I weeded through all the typical CG morons and got a serious buyer who gave me what I wanted for it.
  10. Welcome to the OR community!
  11. My uncle is a certified welder. His company builds a lot of complex machines. He uses a MIG for most of his work and a TIG for the smaller more detailed work. A good weld has zero splatter and no grinding necessary. I used to use a MIG many years ago to weld aluminum dump truck/trailer floors and liners, it took some practice, but I picked it up pretty quickly. We are both big fans of Miller welders, they make some of the most reliable welding equipment available.
  12. You will grow to love that seating position. I went from a cruiser to a Yamaha FZ1 and I felt very uncomfortable for a while. It took me a whole riding season to get used to it, seating position, shifting, etc.. All I can suggest is ride, ride, ride! I rode with a seasoned sport bike rider who helped me with a lot with my riding style which really smoothed things out for me and built up my confidence. Congrats on the purchase!
  13. My dad had a HHR, slightly larger than PT cruiser. He liked it until it started to fall apart when it got near 100k mi. Got rid of it and went to a Ford Edge and really likes it so far. That GTO is sweet, my uncle has a 68 Chevelle the same color and he said it will be mine some day.
  14. Welcome to the OR community! Lots of seasoned riders and wrenchers here as you can see. Have fun with your rebuild, I tore down my first bike, a 83 Honda Shadow and rebuilt her all the way up, cussed a lot, but learned a lot in the process and was glad I did it. Sounds like CSC has you covered, but if you need any other help @whaler is on the forum and the both of us work on bikes together. We are in Medina and fairly close to Akron.
  15. Maybe I should design an ironman helmet and implement a HUD that connects via bluetooth to your bike giving you the ability to see all bike vitals, gas level, mph, tach etc. in the corner of your shield. It will be voice activated, so you can turn it on/off/dim etc.. Of course it will also link with the Internet, cell phone, gps, communications, etc.. and it will cost more than your bike!
  16. And the guy in the truck keeps on going!
  17. Buell doesn't count? Ok, I guess I should have left the Harley out, but have seen plenty of riders in parade fashion going 10 mph below the speed limit holding up traffic.
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