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Everything posted by Wolfman1

  1. Wow! I figured it was only a matter of time. What worries me is when they tout this stuff you know our enemies can see this too and are going to do anything to get there hands on it!
  2. Wolfman1

    Bike Night

    I went to one some years back at Quaker Steak in Valley View (NEO) near Cleveland and there were over 1500 bikes. They were parking all the way up to the movie theater. It was pretty insane, but really cool to see all the different bikes. The funny thing was the parking lot had just been paved and bikes kick stands without the pucks started sinking into the asphalt. There we a shit ton of new holes in the new pavement. People were scattering trying to find anything to put under the kickstand to prevent sinking. Quaker Steak donated 100's of cardboard coasters to stick under kick stands. This was when I started to carry a puck in my tank bag.
  3. What?! The Epic Ride will not be the same if you sell your bike. I look forward to seeing you and the VIffer at every ride. Promise if you sell it you will get something else so you can still hang with us at the Epic Ride!
  4. Glad to hear you are ok. Bruises and a bruised ego with no other contact with any vehicles and no citations is a good day in my book! My road rash and back are still healing from my accident last summer. Going to try and ride this weekend for the first time since my accident. Get that bike fixed and you will be back on two wheels in no time!
  5. That thing looks like something out of the future. Really frieken wicked looking, I love it! Put wings on it and it would probably fly.
  6. Never been pulled over on my bike. Probably just jinxed myself. Lol! Only deal with the state hwy patrol was when I wrecked last year like Derek stated above. Statie was really cool. He saw all the dirt and gravel in the corner like I had stated and saw that I was in full gear and never been pulled over on the bike. He called after I got released from the hospital and genuinely said he was happy to hear I was ok and home. He said he didn't want to add insult to injury by giving me a ticket for failure to control. I was very thankful. There are a few good guys out there.
  7. Yeah, nothing a 2x4 and a sledge hammer couldn't handle! Lol!
  8. Ask Derek Clouser on the site, he may be interested. He just picked up a No Mar kit with balancer. Currently its set up in a garage in Medina.
  9. They just arrived today!
  10. Everyone has already talked about the pace and getting over your head, so I will mention something else. Another thing to keep in mind when group riding is the guy behind you is counting on you to pass along important info from the lead. There are important hand signals that only can be learned through practice and experience. Noticing when there is need to slow down or an obstruction in the road. All this info needs to be passed along to the rider behind you. This will come in time when you ride in a small group with experienced riders, that is how I learned.
  11. Looks like a nice aftermarket option. They say the weight of the sensors doesn't throw off wheel balance. That would be my only concern.
  12. That is cool! I would love to be able to look down and at a glance see my tire pressures while riding. Like i stated before, it would be nice to know if you have a leak or a tire going down.
  13. Welcome to the OR! If your up to it check out the Epic Ride threat and meet us for the Epic Ride. There will be some awesome roads and curves on the route! It is also a good way to meet some fellow riders.
  14. So what do you think? All the talk about flat tires in a previous post has got me thinking. Is this something already available as a option or could we see as an OE item on a motorcycle in the near future? I see there are a lot of aftermarket TPMS systems for motorcycles on the market. Sure would be nice to know if I have a tire going down.
  15. Everyone knows this is bogus and if they try to enforce it they are breaking the law themselves. This state law has been challenged many times by multiple localities and they have all lost every time. It is typical politicians trying to look like they are doing something to justify their jobs.
  16. Typical! If its not chained to the ground, they will steal it!
  17. Right before she got parked for winter I changed the oil and brake fluid. Wash & Wax. Ivan's jet kit and carb synch. Replaced the stock windscreen for a tinted windscreen. Replaced the stock muffler with a Delkevic slip on carbon fiber exhaust and replaced a scuffed up bar end. All I need to do now is install my frame sliders and set up my suspension and she will be ready to go.
  18. All the talk about tire plugging made me think of a story about a friend of mine who was out riding and picked up a nail in the middle of nowhere. Tire went flat. Fortunately his BMW came with a tire plug kit and co2 cartridges to fill the tire back up. It got him home. After hearing his story I picked up a kit from the Pony and keep it under the seat of my bike. The next riding season I was out riding with Derek and Whaler when I noticed Derek's tire going down. We were in the middle of nowhere and pulled off. We used the kit and was able to get to a fire station to get the pressure up to normal. Made it all the way home without a leak! If you are reading this you may want to consider picking one up.
  19. Thanks for everyone's input, I just ordered OES frame sliders for my ride!
  20. Another NEO guy! Welcome to the OR! I am just a half hour north of you on 83 in Litchfield.
  21. Another NEO rider! Welcome to the OR!
  22. Good move on the battery tender. Like I stated before, I had the original OEM battery in my last bike before I wrecked it, so that is 9 years on one battery. I plug it in all winter and after every ride.
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