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Everything posted by durk

  1. Screw it then I’m showing up on Mike’s lawn tomorrow morning. Look for me on the news boys. Maybe you should show up too, so I can straighten both of you out at the same time.
  2. This is why I need you to talk to your buddy Mike and tell him this 2days in, 2days out crap doesn’t work. Tell him to open the schools up in the fall and while you’re talking to him tell him to open the fricken restaurants back up. Not in 2 weeks either. I’m mean now. Please and thank you.
  3. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2020/05/06/ohio-gov-mike-dewine-one-option-schools-fall-two-days-person/5174398002/ My daughter actually found this. Personally I’m done. I’m ready to go back to normal life. I say if you want to stay home fine. Me personally I have little fear about this stuff. I’m willing to take the chance. They tell me we don’t know enough about the virus. I say exactly. Why are we making all of these decisions without solid information. I’m not big on living in fear.
  4. Anybody else ready to move past the Coronavirus?
  5. I did have to use a hammer and screwdriver at 1 point because my spoon was so stuck. After I break the bead I spoon the 1 side off. That usually goes pretty decent. It’s spooning the 2nd bead off that has caused some issues What are you cutting your tire with. I’ve tried cutting tires before and they are tuff. It was a car tire.
  6. This is the second time I’ve changed a tire when it was cold. Both times have sucked, but when it’s warm I’d rather be riding. Right tools I have motion pro spoons, but not a no mar. The sad part is the hillbilly stuff with the truck hitch, 2x4, and deck board break the bead fairly easy. It’s the spooning off a Dunlop Roadsmart 3 that sucks.
  7. After my last rear tire change a week ago. I wish I owned a set of warmers just for changing tires. It was quite the struggle spooning off that Dunlop rear. I did take everything into my basement to try to get things warmer than the 50 degree temps outside. I wasn’t sure I was ever going to get the thing off. I eventually got the job done after probably 45 minutes of fighting the stupid thing.
  8. I think I almost did the same thing at the first Epic ride I came to. I had never actually even rode in a group so I figured I’d start off in the medium group. When I arrived there were like 20 guys in medium and only @Helmutt to lead. I started looking around to find a smaller group and I spotted a smaller group with a VFR (pretty sure it was Tpoppa). I said I can go with this group, but the looks I got from that group and others told me to just stay in the large group. Definitely a good thing I did. No way I would have kept pace with them.
  9. @JustinNck1No app or anything here. Bike is a 20yr old Sears $100 mountain type bike. Based on mile markers on the trail and my math, I typically avg 13-15mph on the bike path near me.
  10. Tim did they actually send you home mid-ride?
  11. durk


    @B-Mac don’t you go selling anything. We still have plenty of riding to do together. I just need it to warm up before 9AM so I can make it farther south for our meetings. I don’t much like riding in sub 50 weather. I still need to ride your Hocking route with you.
  12. I typically try not to go much past 120. Light comes on near 130 usually.
  13. That’s ridiculous. How much fuel can it carry? You’d have to stop every 50 miles or so with my fuel capacity.
  14. Please tell me that’s an exaggeration. I get 35-40 mpg on the CBR. My truck gets better gas mileage than 15.
  15. Well said @CoDAF. Thanks for putting into words things I don’t know how to say.
  16. About 400 miles today. I started out at a medium pace. Then I ran into @NinjaDoc, @Skinny guy, and @Muckles . The pace increased instantly. Hope I didn’t ruin your fun gentlemen. Sorry my ride with you all was short lived. I needed to be home by 5.
  17. Welcome. Nice looking bike. If you like twisties, you’re in the right place.
  18. Tonik and Tim are right. No letters or anything at this point. Tell him straight up he can’t do it and go from there. Hopefully he will respect your request.
  19. @NinjaDoc would tell you to slow down, but as soon as he hits a good twisty road those restrictions get loosened up. 😁
  20. If you enjoy twisties let me know. I have a 3hr loop over into PA from my area we could run. It’s not SEO twisty, but it’s pretty good for a shorter run.
  21. Welcome. I’m not too far from you. You seem to have a bike for just about every type of riding. Which do you prefer to ride the most?
  22. I guess I would upset most of you. I go out without a mask. I try to respect others space but if you come into mine I don’t mind. TootallTim’s post about what you should and shouldn’t do sums up the understanding of this virus. I don’t disinfect everything, I don’t go around licking door knobs either. I try to use common sense and try to limit my trips out. If I need something, however, I go get it. I wash my hands and call it good.
  23. About 300 today. 150 or so with this guy. He planned the route for the most part. 170, nice connector to 518, 164, 644 to some potholed gravel trenched connector(always an adventure when Doc leads me around 😁) to 646 to 9 to 164. We did meet a new rider on a Connie. Guy was pretty good rider. Hope he shows up here.
  24. I agree. It’s funny, I never noticed them as a kid. It sucks to get old and out of shape.
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