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Everything posted by durk

  1. @OhioBob it’s a Leo Vince
  2. Here’s a pic to have fun with
  3. Summary of my adventures: Wife told me she needed me to feed animals this morning, so I got a later start. Fog was thick for 1st 45min of the ride. It was like rain essentially. I had some tough guy wannabe cop get out of his truck on 26 and give me crap for passing him. Shortly after I decided to hike this trail on 260. You can tell from this picture why that was a bad idea. I was raining sweat. Then at my last fuel stop for the day I discovered I have a leaky fork seal. It’s hard to believe it took this long for one to leak. The bike is 14 years old and has 56.5k miles. These issues had little effect on my day. I got 540 miles in and had a blast. The past 2 times I ran through SEO I took 550. Today I ran 676. I think I prefer 676.
  4. You didn’t miss it. I’m planning to ride tomorrow (Saturday 7-25-20).
  5. I know it’s going to be hot tomorrow but I’m riding. I’ll be in New Concord by 10. Pace will be medium fast to fast. If you’re interested let me know. Route = 83-78-377-550-26-800-255-800 or something similar
  6. What kind of mileage do you get out of Angels?
  7. The 2s are fine. I feel confident in them now. I would say they just needed more time to scrub in compared to the 3s.
  8. Gary did you try Bike Bandit? That’s where I picked up a set just in case I couldn’t get comfortable with the 2s I currently have mounted.
  9. Went for a short ride this evening near my house. Thought I’d play some country music through my headphones to hopefully keep a slow pace. That plan didn’t work much past the driveway. It was a fun hour and half with no cops spotted anyway.
  10. You look good in pics though. Does that count for anything?
  11. Nice pics. When you going pro?
  12. Made a run to SEO. Ran some roads the opposite direction I normally do to mix things up. Hit 255 and even ran a gravel road due to a road closure on 22. The gravel gave me flashbacks of @NinjaDoc connectors.
  13. durk

    OH Rt 255

    I ran 255 from the river to 800 today. About 3/4 is all new pavement. The new stuff is on the 800 end. Near the river is definitely rough, lots of patches and bumpy. The new stuff is super smooth and has been down long enough that I felt comfortable at a spirited pace. 255 is one of those roads that is a challenge for me. I need to run it more often.
  14. Sounds like you nailed the summary of the story.
  15. I knew I could count on you to tell me how you felt. I appreciate that about you. You used to be so nice to me, though. Guess the honeymoon is over. Since you called my county safe. I would say we agree .44% is not something to be concerned about. You mentioned that I travel to SEO which is currently a hot zone. I had not heard that. I did some number checks there for Marietta where I have stopped for lunch and dined inside at Subway the past 2 trips. I know I’m certifiable at this point. If I did it right Washington county I believe is where Marietta is located. 127 cases, population 59,911 = .21%. It’s safer than my little county. Now I had heard Cuyahoga was bad. As of last night .55%. I still would not call that worrisome. Realize these numbers I’m reporting are since the start of the pandemic I believe. I’m guessing folks have gotten healthy and there may be less people running around that are contagious. .34% safer than Ashtabula County Gentlemen I’m not try to piss anybody off. Jim and @Pauly you had me wondering if I should be concerned. I’m just reporting the numbers I see. Pauly you may be right. Maybe there is no changing my mind, but you made me question my thoughts, think about what was being said, and do my own research. I’m just trying to do the same for you as well as others. Feel free to speak your mind. I don’t see me crying or going away. Remember I asked multiple times for this thread to end. I have typed multiple posts to this thread and just deleted them. I get your frustration/anger. For example I just deleted my opinion outside of less than 1% not being much of a concern to me. The night @Steve Butters was getting ripped I must have typed out 5 different responses and just deleted it.
  16. So you agree the numbers for my county are safe?
  17. Okay boys I’ve been reading all of your posts. I’m trying to keep an open mind and take in your thoughts. Here’s my data: ashtabula county - where I live 421 cases population 97,241 = .43% Sick trumbull county- frequently shop 863 cases population 197,974 = .44% sick Am I an idiot for not wearing a mask? Covid numbers below https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/dashboards/overview then Google county population
  18. I ordered some parts for my quad on the 19th from Rocky Mountain. I received them on the 22nd. They came FedEx.
  19. I feel threatened. Can somebody hide this thread?
  20. I ordered a set of tires from Bike Bandit. They sent them next day air. I didn’t pay extra 🤷‍♂️
  21. I ran the posted route in this thread backwards today. Good times. I have never run 377 beyond 555. That road just keeps on giving. 550 was great right off 377. Fun times. I hope we can get a decent size group together to run it as a group ride. I did tack on some additional roads to the loop. I have a hard time not riding 800 north out of Fly.
  22. 550 miles today. Pretty much awesome all the way around. Getting pretty confident in the Roadsmart 2s. Only had a couple wiggles. 1 for sure was water I didn’t spot until late and I believe the other one was gravel.
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