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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Does it come with racing harnesses? Track Prepped? Safety wired? Sounds like a street car to me. I get that I am just being a pedantic wonk because the original 1965 GT350 came "race prepped" with a lot of these things (plus functional air extractors, overrider traction bars, and other things the new car probably does have). And not that I object to toy cars at all, just wondering what racing opportunities for this car as a track weapon there are beyond track days and bracket drag strip passes.
  2. This is my father and his 1986 zx1000a1 ninja (and also my old 1967 gs340). http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/7d1c.jpg Dad bought this bike new in 1987 as a leftover. As a kid I went to a million bike nights, rallys, meets, toy runs, etc... on the back. It was the first street bike I ever rode at 14 years old, I rode it to mid Ohio from New York one year, and was the first vehicle I ever went over 120mph on. It's the first year of the zrx race replicas, so the engine still says GPZ all over it but the frame is a zx vin. By modern standards it a really good sport tourer, but back in the 80's these and GSXRs were hot shit in a champagne glass. I remember reading cycle world in 1989 when they said there would never be a bike made faster than the zx10. How wrong they were.
  3. You are not the only one frustrated by this, the prosecution is extremely frustrated, mostly because the investigation didn't yield more suspects to charge. I find it hard to believe that an officer acted alone, even if he was the only one standing on the hood of the Malibu firing into the windshield (it just isn't in police training to act alone, relies a lot on the buddy or partner system). If the testimony turns out to be not self incriminating then immunity is worthless. Either way I don't see any of these officers returning to work if they testify, immunity or not.
  4. Fixed it for you. If there is a potential that he contributed to the incident that the defendant is supposed to be charged with he can't be forced to testify to his detriment. they can always charge him later based on his testimony so He's using the 5th amendment the right way but it isn't helping the defense's case because now it looks like the police have something to hide. It's a CYA tactic for the officers but it does frustrate the justice looking to be done. Interesting to see how this pans out. As far as riots, who knows, but there should be protests.
  5. what happened to the Merkur XR4Tis? or am I thinking of someone else? Saw Pick and Pull has 2 of them in their yard yesterday, was going to mention it in case you needed parts.
  6. did you pay for digital copies? The online galleries are usually so that you can order digital or print copies, hence why they carry large watermarks that are not easily removed so that you can't just right click the online gallery and save the pic. If the digital or print copies you paid for have the watermark then you absolutely should go back to the photographer and have those removed. The gallery is not often inculded in the digital copies you purchase because it is treated like an order form and you probably didn't pay the photographer for online hosting. In the end it never hurts to ask but for the gallery, since it serves as a store, they may say no. for any digital copies you paid they should not have any watermarks or logos. At the end of the day you are the customer and if you approach it from the standpoint that the relatives may buy extra pics if they can see the kid clearer then....who knows. I don't think they should be automatically offended if you are nice about it.
  7. Don't underestimate the power of anonymity. There are plenty of people out there who are perfectly normal, well adjusted human beings who don't really register the internet as being real and say some of the most awful shit in that space. for the sake of this board I hope you are wrong, based on the sheer volume of homophobia, mild racism, and misogyny I see on this board regularly. I am sure it isn't even intentional and probably those people are perfectly nice in person but still....it's not hard to find. As far as internet tone - well it is really hard to read tone on the internet, and it is mostly done by the reader not the writer. You never know how people are going to interpret things.
  8. Hence why it is often better to have the search done after the initial weeding out and not to place as much weight. This way if the suit is filed it looks like a variety of information was used in making the employment decision and not only one thing. But everyone's industry is different. I can only speak to the financial and legal industries which usually do these after an interview has been scheduled. The problem with internet information is it is not "work related" information or information gathered in a work context (like a reference or a recommendation) but rather personal or character information which can run into protected classes under discrimination statues pretty easily. With employment discrimination it is the employer who has the main burden of proof to show that it didn't happen - with Title VII and ADEA all the plaintiff has to prove is that it is possible, which is really easy when you consider social media often discloses race, age, religion, gender, etc.
  9. Good information there. This area has been a minor battle ground in the last couple years as people and companies find out that doing searches like this without consent or basing employment decisions on certain things found on these sites can run afoul of state restrictions as well as certain federal anti-discrimination statutes. I can't speak to Ohio but I know it was a bigger issue in NY.
  10. here is a thread with pics to see what I am talking about: http://www.bimmerforums.co.uk/forum/f92/e36-318is-how-change-fan-belt-water-pump-photos-t83653/ http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff516/bazbmwe36/waterpump11.jpg
  11. to remove the pump from the block, there are two threaded holes referred to as "jacking points". Basically this works like a steering wheel puller in that you tighten the bolts and the tip of the bolt pushes against the block. Not a tool per se but more of a technique.
  12. Are you looking for the tool to pull the pulley off the waterpump? or the waterpump out of the block. for the pulley it is a 32mm wrench and the bolt loosens clockwise. By the way, did you drain the cooling system before loosing the pump? otherwise you are working against vacuum. Do you want me to come over?
  13. And when does that happen exactly? If you work for a large corporation they will do it after the interview, because 1) it's easier to background check a small pool than every applicant, 2) you have to consent to a background check and most outsource that function because they will get extra measures like confirmation via IP address and other things "just googling" doesn't provide. If you are a small company? then you do it whenever but considering the error rate and the likelihood of false positives it is a lot easier to meet the person first, get their consent, then google, then if you really want to hire them follow up regarding things on the web. However, plenty of HR professionals will tell you that while it is a "best practice" it is not to be relied on because it is not verifiable information. And that is just social media, usually forums offer a level of anonymity that social media doesn't. Often companies won't even look at that info unless there is something highly inflammatory and more than a spurious connection. Is there anything preventing you from jumping to a conclusion about internet data? no. But even the professionals will tell you it is best done after the interview.
  14. you absolutely can, however most (as in all) won't hire you based solely on your Facebook page, and while they might fire you for something on your Facebook page the first impression is long gone. Internet is rarely ever a stand alone. You mentioned this in the context of first impressions and really first impressions begin with a handshake.
  15. mostly boredom. Here is the thing though, I have met some of the members here in real life and found them intelligent, articulate, and engaging people - and don't consider myself above anybody. But yet on here it's pretty...i don't know...crass and dumb. It's like a giant therapy session for closet behavior. Not that I want it to stop, I find it hysterical and amusing so I prod it a little and I have to say it does not disappoint. Anyway, I have other things to do for the rest of the night, can't wait to see whats been written here tomorrow.
  16. Oh it probably will, Doc. you can only poke a bear so long before it wakes up and rips your face off. I'm getting kind of bored of it though. I have all the info I needed from this little experiment anyway.
  17. When I lived in New Orleans, I actually bought one (a wagon like the one pictured, i think it was a '73) from the salvation army for $900 running and rust free (in primer, missing trim, and the interior stank). We used it as a parts car for my buddy's 1969 medium blue coupe, including cutting the nose off the car to fix some light crash damage. I am pretty sure after we parted the car out we threw it away. That was about 2003. It kind of shocks me a little that these cars in the last 10-12 years took a 200%-300% increase in value. Mine was way nicer and driveable the moment I bought it: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Volvo-Other-P1800-ES-/301636343868?forcerrptr=true&hash=item463aed583c&item=301636343868 $22K for a wagon p1800!?!? never thought I would see the day: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Volvo-Other-1800-ES-/181747418366?forcerrptr=true&hash=item2a50fd84fe&item=181747418366 These cars were hated for so long because coupes were still reasonably priced and compared to a coupe they are an acquired taste styling wise. I feel bad we destroyed that one in New Orleans so long ago.
  18. First impression in real life? absolutely First impression on the internet? you must be joking. feel sorry that you deal only in absolutes, amused by your frustration and resistance to the concept that nothing is absolute. But I am convinced there is no such thing as interesting debate on this board and little regard for free thought. So at this point I just keep it lively, maybe waiting to see if someone else feels the need to respond and see what kind of legs this place has.
  19. I'm ok with being "that guy". You never hear boring people referred to as "that guy".
  20. if you are so set in your ways that you think this is as concrete as "the sky is blue" then I feel sorry for you. Your annoyance is not my concern, but it is amusing. You guys want the same boring conversations and the same lack of free thought. Homogeneity from here to eternity.
  21. I have a strong opinion as well, and I have no problem voicing it. Here is the thing I find extremely amusing....you all assume that because I have a different opinion than you that I do not want you to post you opinion, which is flawed logic. Quite the opposite. You post your opinion, I post my equally strong but dissenting opinion and a discourse usually starts. Maybe my expectations are too high that there are people here who value conversation over the same opinion presented 13 different ways. Maybe I should just fill threads like this with " 'Merica !", "Git er done", and other sorts of nonsense so I don't make you guys nervous by challenging your world view and shit. Maybe I am mis-understanding the purpose of this section of the board: isn't this the section where one guy posts what he thinks and then another guy is supposed to tell him he's full of shit and here's why? Or did you mean by "anything goes" that anything goes by Midwestern standards where nobody is supposed to upset the apple cart.
  22. FWIW, jag interiors are pretty nice places to be if the car isn't running and you aren't having to monitor gauges and stuff. If you are an old jaguar-ophile it's about the cheapest way to get the old tech: the inline 6 they made since jesus could drive, the independent rear suspension, the parts bin E-type sharing of the 1970's cars. My father's cousin phil had a 1976 XJS that belonged to John Glen and it had an LS6 454 swapped in to it by GM jag in the late 70's. The car drove great and I drove it more than a few times, felt tight, and was super comfy. It also handled pretty well. I mean it wasn't a sports car but it is way better than a honda accord, toyota camary, etc....If he is not into old jaguars, then I don't know what to say unless he has a fetish to dress like and drive the car of a 1980's coke dealer (in which case he should buy a 911 targa, preferably a slant nose). To have one as a toy it's not a bad car but you want to be choosy about what maximizes the fun. V12= fun. Convertible = fun. Unmuffled hopped up inline 6 = fun. Lister Jag = fun, BRG = requirement. A 1994 coupe with a 6 is a nice driver but nothing to write home about. If he gets it for $2K he'll probably be able to sell it on for that as values are pretty stable. He'll probably lose just as much fixing stupid things like the climate control. for all the things that jags are quirky and have character for this is the least quirky car so it may not be anything good. I will say this - if the car has a spec of rust on it run the opposite direction. These cars are rust traps. whatever you see on the surface is 4 times worse where you can't see.
  23. if it was a V12 and $2K I would say pull the trigger since the v12 XJS's use 4L80E Chevy transmissions after 1992 and swapping a chevy in there is as easy installing engine mounts and a radiator. Remember though, Jaguar mechanicals are not unreliable, their electrics are the issue. Usually when people swap chevys in, they get rid of the electronic fuel pump, and the fuel injection in favor of a carb (or stock GM FI) which cures a lot of the poor running issues. In my mind the only reason to own an XJS is to own a jaguar convertible GT car, preferably in British racing green with a Connolly leather interior, with a direct link to the e-type for the cost of a used 1989 honda civic. It would make a great toy. I'd like to pretend I wouldn't daily drive one but I can't, but then again I have a threshold for pain in a car that surpasses most, plus a back up car - but for most people I wouldn't recommend it.
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