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Everything posted by Got-Boost?

  1. With the right setup, anything is possible.....like anything else, time and place for everything... I take it Peter, Eric, or Tim has talked him into a Gallardo-TT...
  2. That's pretty much all that needed to be said... /thread.
  3. Is that really your bike or are you just using a previous owners pic of it?
  4. At his age, insurance $$$$ is going to be the biggest thing. I would check into that before you look at anything else. I just remember I owned a Cobra in high school for not much more than another kid bought a V6 (same year) for. He added all the Cobra appearance stuff in the end but spent almost the same amount as me....
  5. As cool as it is, it doesn't really have any racing history or wins until what Zolder 2006? Would be cool to have but as far as collector and value down the road, it's probably just going to continue to drop...
  6. If you are stuck with a V6, I would personally look at another vehicle. As GGA said the 3.8 is really junk and will make it NOT fun for him or you. Not to mention something almost 10-years old you aren't going to find many V6's that were well taken care of in those years... 94-95 5.0 V8's really aren't that fast. 96-98 4.6 V8's are dogs. 99-04 4.6 got the updated heads and really aren't bad (updated bodystyle). Is she worried about insurance cost or speed/power?
  7. To be honest, I wouldn't waste your time with that model with the V6 unless you plan to swap out the engine for a full build. You can find a GT with all that stuff for not much more and it will save you a lot of time and headache down the road (not many changes from 94-98 as far as the chassis).... What are your plans for it?
  8. Sean, have you talked over the rule ideas? I just wanted to see if it was going to be closer to Texas rules than Maxton/ECTA? A few on the landracing forum seem to think you need a roll cage for anything over 135 or 150mph in a car. Honestly, I think they are going to eliminate a LOT of people if they try and enforce that...
  9. What exactly are you wanting to do? I've had good luck with the Innovate stuff (DL32, LC1, XD16)...
  10. I was about to say, most of the smoke was tire rub on the fenders...
  11. As much as I hate the hosts on Top Gear (other than Tanner) I don't know if I would pick this guy. I've seen him in other stuff and would pick someone else but he would be better than Rutledge and Ferrar for sure...
  12. Karma will come back and bite these people. To bad we can't deport them or something in the mean time...
  13. Yep, that's why we are trying to find another longer track. Loring is the only 2.5-mile course but they can only offer 1-event a year, plus it's way up in the NE. Wilmington is right at 2-miles...
  14. Welcome Sean... :bangbang: Now if Wilmington would just get on the ball with an answer... I wouldn't bullshit about something like that...
  15. Welcome Sean... Yes sir... http://hybred.smugmug.com/Texas-Mile/Texas-Mile-10242010/IMG4019c-1/1065362580_aSHiK-M.jpg Video: It can and does happen but there are a few that have crashed at 200+ and walked away. I know two people that have actually had there bodies clocked sliding across the ground over 200mph.... :bangbang: Just curious why a few have said NO? If you aren't into Top End racing, cool....just curious your thoughts and what if anything would get you to come out?
  16. It's okay, it's probably the same person that said no on another site. He said drag racing takes no talent and auto-x is better...
  17. Spaceghost, The real question is have you ordered mods and do you have them stacking up in the house waiting for the car to arrive? Lol....at comparing interiors and now $100k car interiors at that...
  18. Yep! That's what they are working on... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ILN,+Wilmington,+OH&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.042042,67.763672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Airborne+Airpark+(ILN),+Wilmington,+Clinton,+Ohio+45177&t=h&ll=39.431088,-83.789034&spn=0.034341,0.066175&z=14
  19. No you are correct, that one went 200+ all motor... I just meant that most slap a big shot on to run the number. Lots of C6 Z06's out there. Typically stock they run 166-170ish. Headers, CAI, tune, etc. get them 175ish. Cam will have them knocking 180's. Stock 04 STi- 140 Cobb Stage 2- 150 GT40R 28psi- 170 GT40R 31psi (stock motor 7,300rpm)- 176
  20. Everyone thinks they will go fast first time out and it's really a learning experience...
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