I tried riding with the shield open or off and just safety glasses...until that time a huge bugs splattered at the edge of my eye. I could feel the wetness but couldn't stop to clean it. It looked blood red when I cleaned it later.
Is it a clear pinlock insert? I found the pinlock to be great for anti-fog, but it is a pain at night due to reflections. I thought most drop-downs would be tinted.
Is a dark tinted pinlock insert anywhere near as effective as a dark shield? I imagine light around the edges of the insert might be distracting or annoying. How is it compared to a drop-down visor? (I've used safety glasses at times.) What I dislike most about clear shields is the greenhouse effect.
Even though I have a green bike and some green on my jacket, I was thinking of going with an orange helmet. (The jacket should be replaced soon anyway. Maybe next year. And I don't care about matching the bike.)
Anyway, isn't insurance is an issue when loaning out a bike. I looked into the concept of renting out a bike to new riders as a money-making idea. Requires commercial insurance.
Yeah, unfortunately, no one is likely to volunteer their bike. It might be different if it were a dirt bike kept off road.
Hey, anyone want to let me ride a dirt bike?? I think it would help my street skills. One day Imma get one.
Agreed about taking the course. $50 and you get a $50 insurance discount. There is one starting tomorrow! Listed twice it seems. Once for ONE opening and another time it shows walk-in only. Odds are not to bad for a walk-in from what I've seen.
7/6/2017 - 7/9/2017
Thursday(7/6) 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM; Saturday(7/8) 07:00 AM - 01:00 PM; Sunday(7/9) 07:00 AM - 01:00 PM;
And I would gladly give it a go, but my wife would kick me out of the garage and maybe the house. Got a whole house to work on to prepare for a move.
I found a service manual for the bike and it gives numbers for resistance checks at least, and a wiring diagram. Is it actually a 6V system??
Yeah, I don't really know. A quick search seemed to indicate CDI. There might have been some changes between 1976 and 1977 even. One thing though; this thread makes me want to get an old bike to work on! (I always wanted a YZ80 when I was a kid. Still can't afford it at this point. haha)
Just curious. Did you make an attempt to check it yourself? I guess there is no battery, so I guess just a magneto generates power. (Or is it called a stator?) Maybe the first thing to check. Then points and condenser. Then spark plug. Or do it in reverse order.
I'm curious if you have a service manual or a wiring diagram? I guess there are only so many things that could go wrong. (I guess it would have a points and a condenser?)
Interesting. Every time I tried raising or using a taller windscreen I just get more wind noise. I was starting to wonder if filling the void behind the windscreen with a tank bag could make a difference. Maybe change the low pressure area somehow.
Yeah, I was wondering what time bars close in Ohio. (I'm not a drinker...or social for that matter. haha) Are bars allowed to stay open later of certain occasions? I guess there might be traffic from non-local holiday visitors, too. So regular weekday nights are not so bad? I don't know if it's true, but people seem to disappear from the streets earlier compared to NJ.