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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. https://khn.org/news/lost-on-the-frontline-health-care-worker-death-toll-covid19-coronavirus/ "Totes not contagious, tho..." -some guy at a mall.
  2. Yeah... Democrats suck. Perhaps I will sit this one out. Seems to be a game one is unable to win.
  3. Yeah.. In the beginning I was also impressed with the president's actions. I was convinced I was voting for Trump all the way into May & June. His most recent about-face and dismissal of the situation is where he lost me, but I will make a deal with you. I will wait for the second half of this video before I cast my vote.
  4. Oh, before op thinks I am ragging his ride... totes not doing that. Just cracking Tim's sesame seeds. Your bike looks dope. Congrats and speed safe.
  5. You should ride mine. I have a step ladder you can borrow.
  6. The blame lands solely on the president. It is his role to lead the nation. He hasn't been passively causing harm. He has actively subverted science and testing to whatever agenda they want to pretend doesn't exist. Our leadership is laughable. When we let morons do dumb shit that endangers themselves, that is called freedom. When we let morons do dumb shit that endangers the infrastructure of our healthcare system, that is called enabling. That is a huge red flag that shines a bright light on the maturity level of the American public. All the president had to do was put on the damn mask, get on the damn television and tell the American people that he knows this shit sucks. "I knows its hella inconvenient and makes this year suck royal balls. Like it, or not, a shitstorm of suck is heading our way. No, we did not create it. Yes, China fucking sucks. However, if we would like to avoid the worst of the shitstorm, then we need to come together and fight this on a united front. Pretending this isn't a big deal is irresponsible and I will not allow any Americans to die needlessly as a result of the apathy of ignorance and greed." Economy saved to the very best of American ability and efforts. Americans united for the first time in his presidency. Flatter curve on the spread. He would have my vote come November. Discounting a very real threat is dangerous leadership and not something that should be dismissed due to the stock market figures. Working within this threat is how we overcome it. This is the new normal, at least for the next few months. People need to get that shit through their thick skulls and stop making petty excuses for not helping out.
  7. Probably anyone lame enough to equate a Suzuki SV with a Ducati anything. And I would ride a 650SV. Those things are a hoot. They're just like real motorcycles.
  8. Get your faggy science out of here, pal.
  9. Oh, snap... why couldn't I make the connection?
  10. I am sure sweet baby jesus will protect all of god's children too ignorant to educate themselves on the science of viral spread and mutation. Sure would be nice if I had a talking donkey to tell me what to do. Oh, wait...we already elected one.
  11. Social distancing ride with the 3rd Reich to finish off the last of the grippy bits on my front tire.
  12. I think mine is the same, but don't really know. I just know the entire system is the best I have ever used. I do know that I can set mine in "Enduro Pro" mode and the brakes unlink, the rear ABS is disabled and front ABS is set to "offroad ABS", whatever the hell that is. Not that I will exert the energy to plug in the dongle to activate the "PRO" modes. Plain, old factory settings are sufficient for my riding style.
  13. I was not in my right mind the other evening, but I stand by my rant. I had some shit to say, apparently. I will do more to social distance from politics on this forum and more to further the sport I love. Stay tuned... Speed safe. Happy 4th.
  14. Nope. Anything I could pick won't hold a candle to the GSA. I am completely set for a few hundred thousand miles. ..or until Jim is finished with his Goldwing.
  15. I delivered the Ducati. I now only own 3 motorcycles.
  16. "everyone wears a fucking mask, dude" If 10% of the greater Akron area is wearing a mask in public, I will eat my shorts. Hell, I will eat your shorts. The only ones consistently wearing masks are people working with food, and even that is not 100%. There is no way you and I have remotely close to the same vantage point. I see the breakdown in our meeting in the middle, now.
  17. You been to a lot of places in a mask, have you? I was in Raleigh when that Subway was bombarded with assholes carrying AR-15s because they were protesting all of this fake, Covid bullshit. The fucking true believers are the shittiest ones in the group. I have yet to be in a physical confrontation(thankfully) , but I have been approached more than once. Not everyone carries their cell phones around their neck with the camera rolling... and there are plenty of vids online. Not all of thit is made up. However, for the sake of what actually matters, let's talk about the healthcare system. This is the infrastructure that WE ALL RELY ON TO KEEP US ALIVE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. What does their version of America do? FREEDUMB!! all the fuck over the place, when they could just wear the mask because it is in their own best interest, let alone yours and mine. Can we agree that we shouldn't need a law prohibiting fucking kids, but we have a law prohibiting fucking kids for a reason? Sometimes we need to protect ourselves from the absolute lunacy of ourselves. We. The. People. need to make sure our government works for us, even when we need them to. It's why it is there. Don't hold my hand, but use some of that money you get and do something about this whole "this century's plague" thingy. I can't believe our educational system has failed this miserably. We are a nation of idiots. We can do better.
  18. How is making vaccines mandatory for school (childhood general population) any different than making masks mandatory for the workplace, malls and such? Both pose a serious health concern. Both are in place to protect the life of the other person and society as a whole. I will be the first to stand up for your right to defend your life with a firearm... hell, by any means necessary. I see the greater good in the right to self-defense and carry rights. These people saying I am not American because I am standing up for the right to not be harmed by a controllable organism (other countries have all but squashed the spread) because they're too entitled to throw on a lung condom can suck my patriotic dick. Fuck them and their regressive vision for my country. Since when did being American include reckless disregard for your countrymen? We can do better. We need to do better, or we are not going to make it. "Life. Liberty. Pursuit of happiness." Note the one that the other two depend on. Now they're going to tell me what the fuck it means to be an American? Blow me.
  19. Woah... hold the phone, Steve. I didn't call you anything. I asked a question. It's simple. If America would mask up, the discussion of mandatory masks would not be on the table. If Americans slowed their role just a bit, they might understand that masking is the best way to avoid an economic shutdown and a complete onslaught on our healthcare system. It is in EVERYONE'S best interest to put on a mask. This is undeniable, scientific fact. I am sorry if their Bald Eagles are a little bunched, but a very large majority of the population is beyond tired of the mindless drones shitting all over the place. The extreme "my feelings matter" lefties and the uber annoying "jesus loves murica" righties need to sit the fuck down and let the smart people do the driving for a few decades. Americans can do better, but here we are.. pandering to the spoiled brats.
  20. Cause and effect seem to be a sticky wicket for most of you guys. You all realize the mask is the best way to avoid a hot spot, right? Percentages are a funny thing, too. It wasn't sent here via smoke bombs, so the whole "low percentage safe community" argument is seriously stupid. New York, Washington, San Fran... were all low percentage communities at one point.
  21. Do you believe vaccines should be mandatory?
  22. Everyone has to make their own decisions based on their vantage point, Rick. Just remember, not everyone gets to avoid the population or work from the safety of their Amish community. My point of reference is a little cluttered with self-entitled, spoiled assholes that feel the world shouldn't stop churning out their cheap, plastic goodies just because people are dying. It's cool, though. I don't mind not seeing my kid for a few months, missing his 21st birthday or being stuck in a hotel away from my home for weeks at a time, eating in my car because everything is locked down, driving 18 hours to a job site because somehow designer purses and makeup are essential to the American public. Hey, so long as you can all can wipe your asses with clean toilet paper, buy all the booze you need to cope with your boredom, or get your motorcycle tires on time... I know I can sleep at night. I am mostly salty about the shitty looks and comments I get when I try to keep others safe by masking in public... but I am sure I won't catch anything. Totes appreciate the support, though. Speed safe and maybe I will catch you on a ride next summer.
  23. I used to trail brake exclusively with my rear. Then @what told me it was dumb. So I stopped. Now I just downshift to oblivion or stop being a bitch and carry too much corner speed. Now? My brake pads are mint and I buy tires every other week.
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