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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. They're fucking stupid. It's as simple as that.
  2. I have only been banned from one subreddit.. and it was that one.
  3. ..and without people wearing masks, we will be forced into another shutdown. The patients are running the asylum.
  4. It is a funny picture, but unless we have two suns... it's a fake.
  5. Didn't notice. Not a member of that piece of shit subreddit.
  6. Take a picture of your bike within social distance of a tank.
  7. https://www.lung.org/blog/covid-masks "For the general public, the reason for wearing a facial covering is to help protect others from you when you cough, sneeze or even talk and spray viral droplets into the air. Many people who become infected can unknowingly spread the COVID-19 virus because they have few or no symptoms. So wearing a mask is showing respect for others and is your way of helping lessen the spread of the disease. It is important that the mask not be so thick as to make breathing through them completely uncomfortable. Filter inserts are probably not necessary and may make the masks more uncomfortable."
  8. It took almost 2 weeks to get my Anakee from DK. The issue is lack of personnel at transfer hubs.
  9. There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated.
  10. I found dealer support during my short Buell ownership was worse than if I had owned a MotoGuzzi in Antarctica.
  11. I rode all over Amish gravel country and did a lot of standing. I need the bar slightly higher than it is. I have to crouch to reach them and that is getting old. So, some Rox risers will be here on Wednesday. I ordered a new saddle for the Voyager. It arrived last week, but it is still in the box. I will get to it, eventually. Lastly, I figured out the hill hold feature. I was using it incorrectly. I was leaving it engaged and trying to launch, which works.. but is not fluid. Now, I come to a stop, keep the clutch in (dont have to, but I dont often put my bike in neutral at stops), apply the hill hold. When it is time to go, squeeze the brake lever to release the hold and off I go. I never thought a parking brake on a motorcycle would be a thing, let alone something I love and wish the Voyager had.
  12. Right. Not everyone walks away with zero lasting effects. Wearing a mask is the least we can do to help.
  13. Republicans are the party of private property rights, guys...and speech protection. That's why they defended all those protestors with their stockpiles of guns ammo. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/06/27/884272188/justice-department-issues-warning-about-fake-mask-exempt-cards Fucking children. Spoiled, self-centered & infantile.
  14. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2020/06/27/texas-residents-emergency-alert-covid-19-surge/
  15. Yeah, I get it. I decided to delete my post because preaching to the choir is a redundant. Plus, I am not inclined to be participatory in that tribe's voluntary martyrdom. Not that I can hold folks accountable for that, though. I am sure the view is limited from the cheap seats.
  16. Ohio hates the Epic Ride for some reason. Always tossing a wrench in the works.
  17. Anti-maskers shall henceforth be known as Covidiots in my world. I cannot take credit, but I am using that from now on.
  18. It was a long night. I miss quoted. My apologies.
  19. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-effects/scientists-just-beginning-to-understand-the-many-health-problems-caused-by-covid-19-idUSKBN23X1BZ This virus attacks more than the respiratory system..and the damage is very real. This isn't influenza.
  20. ..So many bad words that baby Jesus would cry.
  21. https://reddit.app.link/ieD3tovcE7
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