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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2020/06/27/texas-residents-emergency-alert-covid-19-surge/
  2. Yeah, I get it. I decided to delete my post because preaching to the choir is a redundant. Plus, I am not inclined to be participatory in that tribe's voluntary martyrdom. Not that I can hold folks accountable for that, though. I am sure the view is limited from the cheap seats.
  3. Ohio hates the Epic Ride for some reason. Always tossing a wrench in the works.
  4. Anti-maskers shall henceforth be known as Covidiots in my world. I cannot take credit, but I am using that from now on.
  5. It was a long night. I miss quoted. My apologies.
  6. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-effects/scientists-just-beginning-to-understand-the-many-health-problems-caused-by-covid-19-idUSKBN23X1BZ This virus attacks more than the respiratory system..and the damage is very real. This isn't influenza.
  7. ..So many bad words that baby Jesus would cry.
  8. https://reddit.app.link/ieD3tovcE7
  9. Was it wet in KY? The silt from the trucks is very slippery in the wet and damp.
  10. Of course it will rain this weekend.
  11. Not a racism issue, though.
  12. Meh... if you've seen one crotch rocket, you've seen 'em all.
  13. I can't believe you walked right past this.
  14. This is the content I live for.
  15. When this thread hits 88mph...
  16. You reposted a picture of a future post. That takes talent, sir.
  17. Anyone that can't take the heat should stay on reddit where they belong. Not everything needs to pander to the least common denominator. I am tired of accommodating people I do not know that feel I owe them something. The door swings both ways. Suit up, throw a leg over.. or piss off.
  18. If your Ducati rear brake doesn't work, leave the wrenching to someone smarter than you.
  19. That is actually the 2nd best news I have heard, today.
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