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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. My Spokane trip was cancelled for health concerns. Lots of contractors from Europe and Asia and the Middle East... so my boss called it. Thanks, Boss!
  2. I travel to Spokane next week. It's been fun, y'all.
  3. It's been a minute since I heard that. I am totally playing that on repeat in the car during tomorrow's errands.
  4. I went to YOUR schools! I went to YOUR churches! I went to YOUR institutionalized learning facilities!
  5. That's alright. I will probably get hit by a bus, anyway.
  6. Rode 800 to Riverview diner for a deep fried hotdog and a Pepsi. Took 556/145/9/151/212 home. I did about 260 miles, so I was able to play all day on one tank. I love that part.
  7. I wanted to ride Tony's bike, but he thought he might have trouble reaching the shifter on mine.
  8. I only got to ride with him once.. and I was no where near capable of seeing the smoldering cigarette. I heard tale, though.
  9. Young. Old. Big. Small. Fat. Thin... I don't care what you look like. Just don't smell funny. I think I will cruise down to the Ohio River for some deep fried hotdogs. Anybody fancy a ride? Should be quite lovely today.
  10. I rode today. Left the house around 8:45. It was super chilly this morning and plenty of salt on the roads, but I didn't have one slip or slide. Heated vest and grips were warm enough that I enjoyed pretty much the entire day. The 30 minute slab from driveway to meetup was kind of boring, but it beats sitting on an airplane for 3.5 hours. Perspective is a very stong educator. I love riding the BMW. I love auto-blippers. I love heated grips. I love cruise. I love riding season. I love all of this shit. Let's get this season on its way. Speed safe, all.
  11. It is like an overgrown Hyperstrada. Almost as fast, too.
  12. Ready to roll. Time to break in a new season.
  13. I will give you $100 if you can catch me out there.
  14. The Arashi I bought for the ST3 seemed to be decent quality, but there were no tapped holes for my ABS tone ring. After that nonsense, I appreciate Kent's position and can see no fault in it.
  15. Then I think OEM is the best choice for you.. and that is really hard to fault. Smart call for trouble-free installation.
  16. I would buy a low mileage pair off a parts bike.
  17. Honeslty? This planet needs a good, old-fashioned plague. Some of you just shouldn't be here.
  18. Life is too short to wait for plans to unfold. Start pulling layers asap.
  19. Is this whole beerflu thing worth getting anxious? I do think a few week worth of grub is a good idea, in general.
  20. Pauly


    I am not trying to talk you into a cruiser, but the best decision I made with the Voyager was to stop riding it like I was on a sportbike. Once I relaxed and let the bike be what it is, the ride became far more enjoyable. Now I just sit back, relax and enjoy the sights, smells and feels when cruising. I do have 1700cc, though. That probably helps.
  21. Pauly


    I have a bike that lives for cruising at less-than-felony levels. Bike porn posted for @SherBear2bliss.
  22. Pauly


    There are plenty of seasoned riders on this forum that prefer to ride at a reasonable pace. They had better start chiming in as willing to lead some of these rides.
  23. Pauly


    PM me your number.
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