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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. I paid $400 for my first decent bike. It was a 2012 Specialized Sirrus Sport that was barely a year old. It also came with a $600 wheelset that I moved over to my Trek road bike when I picked one up. Deals can be had if you are willing to hunt for them.
  2. Hybrids are a good option for most people. I would personally not buy one with a suspension fork. It just ads weight and really doesn't provide any useful benefit for crushed stone paths. Far be it from me to take the joy out of buying your first brand new bicycle, but your money will go a long way with a used bike. A decent hybrid can be bought for a couple hundred dollars. A really nice (used) first bike can be had for $500ish.
  3. New rotors in the mail. That wraps up my list of winter service essentials. Time to crack her open and rework what those guido hacks call a finished motorcycle.
  4. Isabella has had timing belts that lasted longer than that Triumph engine. How dare you stick her in the corner while you praise that British POS. Have some respect and at least do it in another room.
  5. I have everything to do with anything that might be something.
  6. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Possible new jerb in the works for me, so my vacation is unknown at the moment. Also, I don't like most of you.
  7. I spotted some rifles at the gun store.
  8. I owned a Shield. Nice carry piece.
  9. I was in love with this place the second I lifted that garage door. A few years ago I had the urge to do something similar, but on a much smaller scale. The character and compassion Brian has displayed with this place was very moving. I will be contacting him not only to rent a spot to get my Duc in order, but also to bring Isaac into this wonderful world of motorcycles. Finding an opportunity to bond with him has been a struggle for me. I think this just might be that opportunity. Derek, thanks for the photos. I might actually get Jinu in the sack now. Been fighting this yellow fever for a while. No offense Tim, but you're too white for my tastes. John, you are a rare breed of human and an inspiration to continue this journey creating a better version of myself. I am glad we got to keep you around a while longer. The rest of you mutts ain't that bad, either. Much love to all of you. I would say more, but I think I am finished pooping.
  10. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    My balls. Lick them.
  11. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I avoid the gap as much as possible. It isn't very enjoyable for resting or riding. I prefer to be away from the constant "brapping" and Harley dick measuring late at night. I liked Townsend, so I will probably stay there again. I also liked the cabins at Dragons Rest, in Robbinsville. Quiet and closer to better food than the gap store. The resort is cool, but the large crowd really doesn't appeal to me. I do think it is a good option for the OR.net Invasion, though. Lots in the "positive" column, for sure.
  12. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Watch and see. We make it a May trip and the sky murders all of us.
  13. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Roamr is a doubtful for May, so far.
  14. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    How does late May suit your fancy, Kent? I think I might take a week and stay at a KOA in Townsend. Late May strike your fancy, Tim? No chance of you taking a weekend in May, Shawn? Actually, the climate data shows June to be a heavier rain month. May is actually the better month to go, since the temps will be cooler during the day. Fuck Groms. Stay on your side of the hill. I think I am going to take an entire week this year. I have a new job in the works, so this is pending how well I negotiate vacation.
  15. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    It's the way you choose to be, Kent. Don't worry.. we still love you.
  16. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Ben doesn't owe anyone an answer outside of "no". I am looking at accommodations right now for myself. I am going next year, with our without OhioRiders. I have no idea what dates I can go, but I really liked Townsend. I am planning on staying near there, again.
  17. He is 100% allowed to resign and America should be grateful for his service. However, he didn't resign because he is old. He resigned becasue President Trump basically told him for the past year that his input and experience is irrelevant. Just another advisor distancing himself from the tire fire that is this administration. No big deal.
  18. Well, there goes Mattis. Thanks a lot, President Dumbfuck. Nice work.
  19. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I'm offended that you little cunts keep crashing this thread with your Fisher Price motorcycle circle jerk.
  20. Well, the job is over his head and under federal investigation.
  21. In what universe does Donald Trump go to jail?
  22. Pauly

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Pretty sure he said he wasn't planning the trip. I mean... I am no Rhode Scholar, but I think that is what happened.
  23. 1 billion? Someone is optimistic.
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