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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. got it in today. $58.95 we have 3 bottles, it is Grande Wormwood/Sweet Fennel and Made in France. i'm just letting people know if they want me to hold a bottle. i personally like the flavor and the proof.
  2. there's no problem of liking black wheels, it's just i've been on this board since it began, and there was maybe a handful of people with black wheels...but recently they have been coming out of the woodwork...i know it's big for the stars in hollywood to do it now as well... i had my old FD painted Viper blue because i like that color, but then the bright blues started becoming oh so popular in the rice world...that's why my new FD will not be that color again...i dunno i guess i just hate bandwagons. if i had black/liked black wheels, i'd be kinda upset that everyone has them as well because it's a fad. btw, not trying to start a flame war...more or less interested in hearing how the 'murdered' out crowd feels.
  3. just a question, maybe someone else has asked this before. what are you guys gonna do when everyone has black wheels? it seems like 25% of the members on this site have black wheels. i hate black wheels, i can somewhat understand black/black if you can keep it clean or put it in shows, i appreciate originality or the 'wanting to be different' aspect of having your wheels blacked out, but... this is the next 'alteeza' mod...i see so many cheesy riced out cars with black rims now, and to make it worse i've seen quite a few stock cars with stock rims painted (with what looked like spray paint) black...there is a girl in my Chem class who got a Mustang for her birthday and is bragging on how she's going to 'murder' it out. does anyone else notice this? i dunno why it even bothers me, i must have sand in my vagina.
  4. this absinthe is made from wormwood, and even contains the chemical that makes you 'trip'...albeit at a lower level than what is found across the pond. i've had Absinthe from Englad, and this was pretty close.
  5. i work at a liquor store off Polaris and we are going to start carrying an American absinthe they finally legalized...it's called 'Lucid' and it's pretty tasty, 124%...nice green color and anise flavor. we'll have 3 bottles in sometime soon, retailer said they'll be around the $75-80 range.
  6. you're a fucking tool...and your car is full of phail...i'm sure your g/f has been hit by 'bricks'..and if you're single i'm sure the only girl you can get will be. HELLO, this is my girl, please read the whole thread...I have explained why this was asked...quit with the retarded responses, we are home now, this was done in my interests because i am a drunk mutherf*cker.... PEACE OUT BITCHES! ps: Anthony is da man
  7. hahahaha....i am the one who wanted to know, she will be driving drunk people around (namely me) and it can be a hassle to even have drunk people in your car, i've had friends held before trying to press public intox against them until a supervising officer showed up and released them... i applaud their cause and what they are trying to accomplish but there is serious profiling at some checkpoints and if you have been pulled over a few times you'd know that not all cops are created equal.
  8. i used Wachovia down in Florida and wish they had them up here. they allowed you up to $200 withdrawal without an overdraft fee if you had enough in your current balance, plus they had free checks/ATM usage and there was no minimum balance for any accounts. so unlike gay banks like NationalCity where you deposit $500 on Friday and on Saturday you go to find out your current balance might be $500 but your "available" is $000....grrr that makes me so mad.
  9. +1 it's nothing like it used to be, i have been in no hurry to get my car done, i miss the old days, even if i wasn't racing, it was fun just to watch, or trail along, or even wait for the people to come back and give us the highlights and bitch about how Linn can't honk. it's kinda ironic, we are moving towards the car enthusiast board more than ever, but people think we are all about racing.... i think the 'racing' in ColumbusRacing is silent.
  10. drink specials?!?! does that mean Bud Light is only $10/bottle tonight!? kekeke COIN!
  11. no it's not a real GT40, met the guy who owns it, he said it's Nelson's annual cruise, supposedly they were escorting them and partially closing 315.
  12. 2012 /end world. the prophecies will be fulfilled, it's coming. :bangbang: :asshole:
  13. well Marion isn't quite Columbus now is it Pony boy? :asshole:
  14. not that i know of with a rotary...there have been quite a few with the numbers to do it, but going from paper to practice is a whole other ballgame. high hp and rather low tq, they really need some talent behind the wheel, plus i don't know of many guys that are serious about drag racing, it's mainly a roll/twisty club.
  15. mine hit a parked car...so, yea, mine isn't running at the moment hehe. it's on it's road to resurrection though. and sadly, i will probably keep a rotary platform, some crazy 3-rotor setup will most likely be next.
  16. Cosmetic work!!! *cough* new front bumper *cough* :asshole:
  17. daddy like! but i'm sure it will be 8o-1ook+
  18. i think your calculator is busted...or you're using a Teays Valley edumacation. :asshole: mine never got anywhere near 28mpg, maybe 18 at the most.
  19. Hahaha "Bose". god i love those people, they think it's so high-end and top-quality. i love it even more when they get the little ice cube style system and think it just rocks the house. i'd rather have some huge JBL stage speakers hanging from my ceiling than those stupid little pussy cubes everywhere.
  20. could be, go over to Bmxmuseum.com and do some reasearch...there are guys on that site who pay top dollar for old stuff. I've been out riding the past few weeks...i just caved in and bought a whole new setup. Now if the damn rain could hold off when i'm not busy it would be nice.
  21. i don't get a shit storm, but she usually makes similar comments. come hold me, cuddle me until i fall asleep....bla bla bla then gets irritated when i say no thanks. i always tell her she's a closet lesbian and she should be dating a girl or a pussy ass guy.
  22. not sure if they are the "best" as far as performance....but prolly for performance/value, are Hawk HP pads. i've ran them in my C5 and all my RX7's.
  23. E36 M3 was not a bad car at all, i spent a loooong time trying to decide over an M3 or S4, eventually the turbos won the choice. it's fairly nimble, i just didn't like how you really had to wind the gears out, reminded me of an S2000. As for a C4, i know they can be made to handle and made fast, but the interior, wow. going from a C4 -> C5 was a huge step forward in cabin comfort and ergonomics. i'd definitely say the M3 > C4 when it comes to interior comfort.
  24. hahaha Circleville is full of hicks, tools and douches..... oh wait, i'm from Circleville? SHIT.
  25. well shit, since this is the kitchen and i'm bored i'd also like to add this: maybe this fucksock had the same bad taste in his mouth you do now. thru all the years i've had cars, imports to big block americans...hands down without a doubt and probably by a huge margin...Mustangs and Civics were the cars that revved or tried to get attention from me. he sees you and thinks, here's another Mustang douche thinking his car is all that and a bag of Tilley. haha, it's kinda funny, i know so many cool people who own them, yet i see so many tools out all the time flying around and revving, making their little dicks hard from the sound of their Flowmasters! anywho, he is in the stereotype of Tokyo extreme drifting ricer queer, and you are in the stereotype of Mustang douche. so what does that mean? 1. quit going to River Valley. 2. Buy an LS1.
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