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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Assuming it is insured (you aren't required to insure watercraft), and insured for the value of the vessle, then yet it will. My boat and trailer are insured for more than I paid for them 11 years ago, as watercraft insurance isn't all that expensive.
  2. Is there an ap/jailbreak program that will force your iPhone not to roam on another network? You can shut data roaming off via the settings, but not cellular roaming. Was a PITA issue when I was on the border this past weekend, and the phone liked to roam into Rogers when AT&T still had signal (just not as strong).
  3. That statement was so funny that you had to type "haha" at the end of it?
  4. - Living in Powell does not make one a yuppie. - I moved away from Reynoldsburg 3 years ago. - I commented even before then that the taxes were getting out of control and the area was on a downward spiral. Tax issues started in 05-06 time frame, area started showing signs of going down in the 07-08 time frame. - I comment about all the money you are blowing, and then you are somehow poor folk? Makes sense. - Any positive comment made here about Reynoldsburg in the past couple of years was likely timed at the same time I was trying to sell my rental property prior to renting it out. Reynoldsburg was once a pretty decent area to live. Reasonable property prices/taxes, crime was in check, the outskirts were growing, lots of good shopping, close to things to do, etc. Things have changed. Massive tax hikes, businesses closing down, increase in crime, property values have went to shit. Get the picture?
  5. You own 3 Audi's - you can't call anyone a yuppie.
  6. Don't you have another 50k car to buy while living in Ghetto-burg?
  7. You also only work 8 months worth out of the year (summer, Xmas break, spring break). Assuming the private sector works 11 months (due to holiday/vacation time), you technically make 11% MORE than the private sector. Teachers are very quick to forget the massive amount of days they don't work.
  8. Ahh, let's just have him blow any extra income as soon as he gets it.
  9. No, it was an accident it was built high. Someone just couldn't read plans and it ended up that high by mistake.
  10. There is a Tesla in Columbus - a real electric car.
  11. No shit - that's a car loan on a loaded econo-box. How about some real debt!
  12. The solution is easy - if you are on Welfare longer than 6 months, you must be sterilized. And no extra welfare funds for additional children. We need to prevent those that leech from the system from breeding, as they breed more of them and/or criminals. Sure, 1 in a 1000 might contribute to society, but we can take that loss, especially when the other 999 aren't around to ruin us.
  13. That's not true. Rent is charged based on what the market will pay. I'll use my rental property in shithole Reynoldsburg as an example. When I bought it in 2002, it was a decent area with reasonable property taxes. Since that time, property tax has doubled (DOUBLED) in an established neighborhood that has been there since the late 60's. Yet property values have plumeted. I am getting top dollar in rent for the place, but I basically break even. Taxes went up again this year, yet I can't ask for more rental money, as no one would pay more to live there. Of course Reynoldsburg is awful a managing money. They even have a school district income tax to go along with the very high property taxes. How about this - no money from property tax should go to schools. Rather, those with children in school have a mandatory tax they must pay. You chose to have the kid, you pay for them.
  14. Yeah, losing my job right after buying a home is sure fortunate. Ramon noodles are $.20/bag - you can eat for very cheap if you really want to pinch pennies. Mac N' Cheese can be had @ $.60/box. It's called making a sacrifice.
  15. I was laid off 5 days after buying my first home and spent a year unemployed. I still made sure to get bills paid and kept my credit perfect. It took years to recoup from that time without work but filing bankruptcy was never an option. Neither was not paying my bills.
  16. Download Datamaster EE. Very good data logging program for the OBD-I LT1.
  17. It should be the more you make, the more you SAVE AND INVEST. 3 car payments - seriously? It's not exactly a shocker you have filed bankruptcy in the past.
  18. imgburn is awesome. I've tried a lot of others (various versions of Nero, Ashampoo, Roxio, etc.) and it is simply the best.
  19. I've never hired a pro for spraying for weeds or any lawn care for that matter. But my yard is starting to look like the shitty yard of the neighborhood and I want to care for that. It's about 2 acres of yard, with only a couple of small trees other than the trees that line the edge of the property. Had a telemarketer from some place call this evening, quoting $110 per application for the full yard, and said they typicallly do 6 applications a year. Is that a normal price / number of applications? I've never done any research into lawn spraying, and don't want to shell out a bunch of unnecessary money.
  20. Nitrousbird


    Do them yourself. Laser printers aren't all that expensive now. There are some very high quality kits out there. The invitations I did for our wedding were nicer than most that I have seen, and cost less than what the "pros" offer. I was able to spend time doing them the way I wanted, with the fonts, text, and printing being perfect because I could keep experimenting until it was exactly how I wanted it.
  21. We hope you are joking. If not, promise everyone right now not to breed - ever. I am a donor, why not? I don't need spare parts when I die.
  22. Yay - I'm leaving to drive to Niagara Falls in a couple of hours in the Avalanche; that will be fun filling up.
  23. So who is making something that can compete for the money?
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