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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Yup, I miss TON - I saw them in concert 7 or 8 times.
  2. This one will not meet your needs. It is great for trimming around the house, around trees/bushes in the yard, but not meant for the big stuff. It is lighter than those meant for that too. It looks like I will have one that will meet your needs available in a week or so. It is almost brand new, but will cost a bit more.
  3. The ability to use the internet. Tiny pictures that you have to post a single one per post is a good indication that you have no idea what you are doing. We aren't here to teach you.
  4. - They need a bigger runoff - A better launch would have easily netted a few more MPH. I am sure that bike is a bitch to launch though...
  5. 25cc, straight shaft, older model but ran fine last year and started up easily this year. Brand new gas cap just installed. Selling because I needed something bigger for my property, but great for your average residential setup. $50 Will also throw in a nearly brand new (used once) Craftsman fixed line trimmer head for $15.
  6. This is when you should be allowed to punch your kid in the face.
  7. I'll take two please.
  8. That guy would have gone a lot faster if he could get the power planted better
  9. Bell housings don't match up. And only the 93 t56 has a different ratio.
  10. Assuming he is going with a F-body motor/tranny (which would be by far the most common), the ratios are all the same in the tranny (of course different ratios between the manual [T56] and auto [4L60E]). Ratio differences were in the rear end. I believe the same goes for the GTO as well.
  11. The trick is usually a good torx set. Had the same issue when helping a buddy with his wife's 9-3. But I guess vice grips work too.
  12. Memorial Day weekend + full-on sunny + 90 degrees + has been shitty the past 2 months = likely freaking packed and choppy as fuck.
  13. The only hope for that video was someone falling in and being eaten. That ending didn't happen.
  14. 10 years ago I had a g/f that had a 98 V6. That car was a fucking dog. My stock 93 Chevy Blazer at the time would rape that poor thing. Why not just get a GT? They aren't that expensive.
  15. I'd be interested in a place to store either a car or boat in the winter. Something I didn't need any access to (basically, stuffed in a back corner somewhere). If the fee was low enough and I can be assured it isn't messed with or touched by anyone, I'd be down for sure.
  16. You might want to check your conversion there bub. :dumb: FYI, a loaded UK S4 is over £45,000, so you are wrong there as well.
  17. I used to do those - probably still have some leftovers in my basement somewhere. Fun for sure.
  18. +1. Those areas have really turned to full-on shit holes the past couple of decades - it has been a gradual trend that is only getting worse. I am amazed Eastland is still around, as it is a shit hole where you don't want to stay in too long as some ghetto POS is probably looking to break into your car in the middle of the day.
  19. They aren't all that pricey now - you can get several 12x BD-RE burners for under $100. I've had mine for over 3 years now and I think it was around $250 back then.
  20. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817607025&cm_re=bd-r-_-17-607-025-_-Product I have bought a lot of these. This is the first time ever I have seen them under $24.99 - normally the only deal I have found is free shipping. $19.99 + free shipping = crazy deal for these - I just bought 3 cake packs. You won't find reliable BD-R's for less money anywhere. They are rated 5 eggs for a reason; great HTL discs at prices below the less compatiable LTH discs (that are "supposed" to cost less but don't). These discs work great, and burn at 8x without issue. These are the only discs I buy now.
  21. You are the one that involved Apple into this...
  22. Jailbreaking an iPhone is fairly painless.
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