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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Looks sweet. I don't get the C6 being "long in the tooth." 2011 is the 7th model year, the C5 ran 8 years and I don't recall any complaints back then about it's age. Further, no one is making anything for the money that can compete with it - so why upgrade?
  2. Would probably be cheaper/quicker/easier to pick up another set of OEM wheels from E-bay or Craigslist.
  3. If you wanted a full refund, why didn't you take my advice or that of a number of other people here? Dispute the fradulent charge and move on.
  4. PS3 is a better system than the Xbox. How's that HD-DVD working out for you?
  5. I have used Netflix the past 3 nights. I just logged in with my PSN email and password. I sometimes have to try a couple of times but it has always let me log in.
  6. I have always wanted to visit there. Sounds like a fun trip!
  7. I don't think I used any personal info signing up with my PSN account. The email address isn't even valid now. I am pissed the PSN network is still down, as this shit is taking way too long to fix.
  8. Group interviews are basically just sharing the job of just having a one-on-one interview. More people to chime in afterword and make a group decision. I've done them both ways, and I prefer doing a panel as I can bounce opinions off of others, and it is far easier to make a decision on someone. One mistake I see a lot of people make is only speaking to the person that is asking a question to them. If that person is asking the majority of the questions, it seems like you are just ignoring the rest of the group (obviously a bad thing). No one likes being ignored. Once you have performed a bunch of interviews, it sucks. I dread doing it - same bullshit, different person. Being fresh and original is key to being a success. I know I have changed how I would interview for a job after being on the other side of the table. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and DO NOT WAIT until they ask "do you have any questions." You should share who you are and your work experiences. You are going to be asked about strenghts/weaknesses - address that without being asked. If you know of technical aspects of the job they are interviewing for, discuss your experiences as they would likely to apply at the job at hand. You want to trigger questions from them that are off their normal "list" of questions. You don't have to be a charming, social butterfly. But being direct, professional, and taking charge of the interview is very refreshing.
  9. Don't worry about it being a panel interview. I've done a bunch of them (I have interviewed enough people to last me a lifetime). When I do panel interviews, some of my coworkers won't even speak, or only ask a single question. Sometimes the group will take turns asking questions. Overall, it is no different than interview one person, except make a bit of eye contact with everyone in the group each time you answer the question. That said, if they are just asking you questions with you answering them, the interview is going badly. Take charge of the interview, be fresh and address things you feel would be questions they would ask. Make it conversational - interviewing a lot of people gets BORING. If you can break the boredom, that can move you up in the list even if your skill set isn't as strong as someone else. Also, like any interview, come prepared. Know about the company you are interviewing with. How long they have been around, their Core Values, etc.
  10. This must be a common thing in Polaris. It has happened to my wife a couple times - normally at lunch or after work drinks. She leaves a reasonable tip, and someone adds several extra dollars to it. She always calls the manager, and it gets removed. IMO, fuck the manager - just call your CC company and dispute the charges. Managers normally just fix the "mistake." Good ones will go further if they know you had bad service, others don't care. I have found mailing a letter to their corporate office does wonders (I have done this twice for extremely bad food & service).
  11. Anyone who votes for anyone other than Ron Paul is an idiot. That is fact, not opinion.
  12. Mitsubushi still sells DLP's. I have a Proscan LED-LCD for our bedroom. 47" @ $699 was hard to beat. Picture is just as good as the Samsungs/Sony's (which seems to be the best looking I've seen in person), but the image processor isn't as good, so you can get a bit of choppiness, and a little fake looking @ 120Hz settings. IMO, you should take a look at stores and see what you like...pick it out then find the best price online for whatever you want. Make sure you view content you normally will view. If you watch a lot of DVD stuff, have them play your favorite DVD. If you like Blu-ray, play one on it. Like older movies - play that (you get the idea I assume). Not all TV's are good at displaying all image types. Also, once buying one, go to Monoprice and get a .5-.75" mount and recessed wallplates. I did the .3" mount, and it is a big PITA to install because it is so close - those few extra tenth's are worth it, and it should still looks good. Don't go over a 1" mount for sure, as that takes away from one of the cool features of LED-LCD (how thin they are). Here is mine: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4588 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4587 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4586
  13. LOL, they won't show. That group says they will show up to all sorts of places and it ends up being only a small percentage of what they say they will attend.
  14. The Porsche is only 100k more expensive than the V, yet still couldn't out trap it. X6 only kept up due to AWD. I want to like the looks of the Porsche, have seen a bunch in person, and I just can't. The X6 actually performed better than I expected (but at that price, it should be even faster), but damn it is a pointless vehicle.
  15. Lol, easy...hope you paid that principle down a lot.
  16. I run a Piranah Composite on mine. You buy the center hub, then the three blades. Easy to change pitch (just replace the 3 blades) and cheaper to replace damaged blades than to rebuild a prop. Performs in between an aluminum and SS prop.
  17. Obviously a biased list. Land Rovers depreciate more than anything, and are well known for being unreliable. Want to own an 80k Land Rover for 20k? Wait 3 years.
  18. Yes, you have a 3-car garage. Why not use that 50k and sell the joint before the value gets any lower?
  19. Nitrousbird

    TW VS. WOW

    Or you can use your Insight example - the company that sold half of themselves to Comcast a couple years ago, and are on the market to sell the rest of the company right now.
  20. Hey Jones, Why not move out of shithole Reynoldsburg instead of blowing your money on 50k+ cars?
  21. Some of us like to be informed consumers. Have you ever actually looked at a Lowes / Home Depot review? It's like a bunch of house wives reviewed products. At least here there are groups of people that deal with products like these as part of their business, or mechanically enclined people who understand the use and needs of different products. Sorry that I want to acutally make the best kind of purchase I can, and spend my money once - I like getting input from multiple sources. For everyone else, thanks for the input. I've read too many mixed reviews on Ryobi to choose them. For Redmax, the cheapest I could find that was a straight shaft was $210+shipping - a bit more than I want to spend on a trimmer. For the Echo's, what is the minimum model to go with that worth buying? The Stihl's all seem pretty pricey.
  22. So it looks like it is split, depending on the business. Thanks for the input guys.
  23. Time Warner has started offering 3D programming On-Demand, but the content is awful. What kind of 3D programming does Direct TV offer. I know the demand for programming isn't really there yet. As for HD, WOW will have over 100 channels of HD by the end of May (a new pile of HD channels will be activated this week).
  24. Nitrousbird

    TW VS. WOW

    Not in Central Ohio. They only offer 15Mbps down with an awful 768k up. You mean reports that WOW has been #1 in Internet according to JD Power for the past few years. I am sadly forced to be a Time Warner customer. I'll give them credit that their service is better where I live now (likely due to the plant being ran back in 2003), than when I lived in my wife's condo in Upper Arlington / Hilliard area. Still get way more than expected outages, and the internet speeds have inconsistent days (with signal levels staying rock solid - usually latency and packet loss issues).
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