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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. AnyDVD was a no go. is a go. I guarantee the download from 2 months ago isn't nearly the quality of the current Blu Ray release.
  2. Blu-Ray is in the mail from Netflix today. Hopefully AnyDVD is updated enough for me to take advantage...probably not, though.
  3. I am afraid of what the heating bill is going to be in our house this year (first winter for the house). All electric. Electric hit $250 one time this summer. Was $136 the last billing cycle, and I only had the heat pump on maybe 4 days of that, and we were gone with everything off for 4 days that cycle too. I inticipate $300-350 electric bills this winter once I have to kick off the heat pump and go full electric furnace. Reynoldsburg house is set to 45 degrees (lowest the thermostat goes), so I see the bills there being pretty cheap. But paying a mortagage on an empty house isn't.
  4. That is an awesome costume. No matter what costume contest you went to, that is a guarantee win.
  5. How is 140MPH super-car like? Regardless, looks like a sweet car, but sounds like it will be too pricey for what it is.
  6. LOL, I didn't buy my 57" new, just have the receipt when the last guy bought it new. I bought it used 2 and a half years ago for $550. I don't care about per-day costs, I care about buying a tech that isn't dying. Seems the more I research, the more it looks like dead tech. LED is probably the new kid on the block. Now I had some guy trying to tell me how Sharp and Vizio now make them, and Panasonic is coming out with DLP's, while Samsung and Toshiba still make them. Yet not one of their websites list a single DLP TV. Only on Craigslist. Being the nice guy that I am, I made sure to send links to all of their TV product listings. Also saw some guy trying to sell his 2003 LCD rear projection (70") for $3000. Yes, 3k...tried to call it a DLP too. These Craigslisters are amazing. You have a PM.
  7. We are willing to spend more money, but not 4k+ on a TV. Resale is important; flat panels are going to be around for a while. They will all lose value, but if you are still selling something that is current or semi-current tech, it will lose far less value then something that is a dead technology. For instance, if you bought a 50" LCD last year, the prices haven't fallen much on those, and use you wouldn't lose much at all on those. I e-mailed every 65"+ DLP seller on Craigslist - so far, I've gotten two idiots that think their TV's are worth way more than they are. One was wanted a few hundred bucks more than I can get it brand new shipped (and his was 2 years old); the other wants $50 less than I can get it brand new. Hopefully not all of these folks are idiots; I probably need to search Cleveland and Cinncy Craigslists as well.
  8. You didn't read the thread, did you. Projectors + lots of windows = aweful idea. And DLP's don't weigh that much. Rear projection CRT's do.
  9. $950/month. Free cable (DVR, all digital/HD/Premium channels) + 15Mbps down/2Mbps up internet. Also includes wireless router. Renter pays utilities. Must let me keep my Slingbox there. Whole house wired for cable; several rooms wired for internet + the wireless.
  10. They have last years model for $1199, and this years for $1329. This years adds a couple new features, and the TV case looks a lot more up to date (almost looks like an LCD from the front).
  11. It isn't. A college kid in an apartment has no reason to complain; an adult with a large living room has every right. We went back to HH Gregg today. - That 65" Panasonic Plasma I saw for a good price; well, their anti-reflective technology is a fucking joke. That thing was like looking in a mirror, and it wasn't even bright back there. I could sit and watch all of Sawmill traffic go by. - It was amazing how different the DLP's looked. Same series but a different size, the 65" looked like ass compared to the 73"...proof that they things can be dialed in to look a lot better if you spend a bit of time calibrating them. - Saw a 60" Aquos for $2500. My wife and I felt the size of it was bigger for sure, and the picture was much nicer than our current TV, but felt it would still feel small in the room. At this point I think we are going to look at a used DLP and see if we can score a good price until large LCD technology becomes cheaper, then upgrade to that.
  12. Renters are gone; they left with a couple days notice, and one of them owes me $660. Those POS renters were hard on the joint. Spent several hours today working on the joint. Got 1/2 of the wallpaper that needs pulled done.
  13. Re-sale is always important. We thought the primary TV would be the 50" Sony for years to come...it's not. And we would sell it, but the re-sale just isn't there. My worry is 4 years from now, it won't be worth jack squat. My 57" was $2400 in 2003. Now I'd be happy to get $400. The 50" was about $1500 3 years ago, now worth about 600-700. Yet if the technology is still current, the values will stay high. A projector in anything but a dark room looks like washed out ass. Will do one in the basement when we finish it, but that's the only place I will ever have one.
  14. I had to put him down a year and a half ago. He was 18. This was Dexter: http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/666/sittingandsmiling.jpg
  15. This is Ty, our 12lb terrier mix. He is not a yappy PITA like most small dogs are; actually a pretty cool dog. http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/626/019brodman.jpg http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3343/178brodmanns.jpg
  16. That was Trevor and Tim; I believe I was out of town when they did that (they were my roomates at the time). Trevor worked at Jegs then, which I think is how you met him.
  17. 47" is a joke. Our 50" is too small. My wife were walking around Best Buy in Polaris laughing about how you can't buy a big TV there at all; somehow 42-50" is now the big TV. Very odd, since even in the mid 90's, getting a 50" 4:3 TV wasn't uncommon (which takes a 60" 16:9 to get the same 4:3 viewing area). Retailers love the idea of these small TV's, as they can stock a million of them easily.
  18. I would look at the "new" LED DLP's, except they don't make them anymore. Samsung got out of the DLP market. Mitsubushi is the only DLP maker as well. 2008 was the last year for Samsung DLP models. I've spent plenty of time in front of DLP's (well, at least big ones that I'm interested in), and I like how they look. But I'm worried we would buy a technology that's on its way out, like how our LCD rear-projection is no longer made. As for Plasmas; new ones have expected lives of 100,000 hours - 11.42 years of use. I doubt I'd have the TV 11 years from now, and obviously wouldn't play it 24/7 at that. As for burn-in, most new models are far less prone to it, especially if you "break-in" the TV properly (no letterboxes the first 100 hours of use, and keeping the contrast below 50% during that time). That's not my concern...the reflective screen is. I'd totally go for LCD if it wasn't for the price for big ones being insane. I did find a 65" Panasonic Plasma for $2350 shipped with a supposed anti-glare technology that's worth taking a look at. Having a wall-mounted TV would be sweet, but at 1k more, may not be worth it. LCD's can't burn in - period. Neither will DLP's or LED.
  19. My wife and I have been looking to get another TV. Our primary TV is a Sony 50" LCD Rear-Projection TV. Our complaints are that it is too small, and high-def doesn't look as stellar as we would like...since we watch a lot of HD and Blu Ray, this is a concern (the TV is a 720p unit). Our bedroom TV is my 57" Sony CRT rear-projection HD (225lb monster). Since my wife wants to create a workout room in the basement, I figured we could move the 57" down there, put the 50" in the bedroom, and get a monster for the living room (when we finish the basement, I'll do a projector, but that's a whole other animal). Now the problem...we want to go big. Our living room is big, with very high vaulted ceilings. Our 50" looks tiny in there. We had vaulted ceilings in our condo (though not at high), and the 50" looked big. Now, it looks like a joke, and people are always amazed it is a 50". We want to go 65"+ LCD's over 50" are very expensive. Plasmas are as well, but not as bad at that size point. But Plasmas have another issue - glossy screens. We have a lot of windows, which aren't appropriate to put blinds/curtains on, so glossy screens just won't work. DLP seems to be the answer, but we are concerned it is on its way out. I have one buddy with a 60" Mitsubushi DLP (last years model), and another with a 67" Samsung LED DLP (Samsung got out of the DLP market this year, only Mitsu remains). HH Gregg has this years 65" for only $1329...that's $170 cheaper than I could find it online anywhere. Cheapest 55" LCD (which IMO is still too small for the room) was $1450ish. Cheapest 65" LCD...a whopping $4250. No. I still want to look at the new Plasmas with the anti-glare feature, but I am betting they still have some noticable glare (plus will still be 2x the price). Overall - is is stupid to buy a DLP TV at this point?
  20. TTT. I will be over there tomorrow working on it if anyone wants to take a look.
  21. You could get an 02 Avalanche 2500 w/ similar miles for a similar price. Something to consider. 8.1L instead of the 6.0L too.
  22. Pryor was at least 50% of this loss. Excusses for him have dried up. Young or not, most good Jr. year QB's don't have the playing time that Pryor has had. It's time to look at alternatives.
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