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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. ...At least it's not the almighty CrossFire Injection... The Holley standalone EFI computer for that looks promising for the price. Not that you're looking to go wild with it, but if you were... [/offtopic]
  2. I'm definately going to a Halloween party this year as a piece of toast.
  3. I wondered the same at first myself. I had been talking with my fiancee about what she thinks of us owning said Jaguar (then I rememebered I'm poor)... so when she saw this on the news she called to ask if it was the same one.
  4. Sounds like just what I need. Just let me know if you can get it out here (assuming I don't find another one within the next week). Thanks
  5. Only requirements are no console models and must have s-video input. I thought for sure I'd find something on Craigslist, but thus far I have struck out.
  6. If you want the R model (the one you linked) you had better hurry. There's only one left in the warehouse. http://www.frrax.com/rrforum/style_emoticons/default/1poke.gif
  7. I'm in the Hayes Colony area, just north of the Fairgrounds.
  8. That's a familiar view. I used to live 2 or 2 apartments over on Falling Leaf... about 6 years ago.
  9. I'd say we got around 12-15" total here in Delaware. It's hard to say since the wind picked up and the drifting really started. I had to get up early on my days off to take my fiancee to work... other than that it's been kinda' cool to see this much snow at once. It'd be nice if they plowed the side streets here, not that I've had any issues in the Jeep.:woowoo: Pics: http://home.columbus.rr.com/twistedfocus/
  10. Oddly enough that's where my search led me. A 2005 LGT non-limited (or a 2006-07 limited at the right price) has been at the top of my list for many months. The problem is finding one that's low-miles, manual and clean that's not priced outrageously - or for that matter finding one anywhere near Ohio at all... It seems few owners are parting with them, which seems like a good sign at least. Buying a house recently has put a temporary damper on the car buying bug, so I'm probably going to have to wait a few more months. I have also been swayed toward the Audi S4, which "feels" a little more solid to me and I like the cool factor of twin turbos... but I'm not liking the idea of a car with a double-firewall and so much added complexity that you have to pull the nose of the car off to do damn near anything. Also, they still push my budget a little as compared to the LGT which is also a few years newer.
  11. They are direct injection. I have a friend that has one. It's a nice car and has a good balance of handling/comfort/power. They have a very "touchy" clutch that makes them a bit hard to drive at first and because of the 18" wheels your winter tire choices are limited (almost required because they come with summer only tires). I thought about buying one for a while, but the one that my friend owns tends to eat up front tires even though the alignment is fine and it has been to the dealer to check out twice for this same issue. That and the fact that I didn't notice much by way of aftermarket stuff made me shy away from them.
  12. By the title of the thread I was definately expecting something besides boots... What did they switch you to at work? You hadn't mentioned it.
  13. I'm thinking water pump is an easy first check... but if it's not the issue I would first make damn sure you have all the air out of the system before you buy any more parts. Do B2's use a closed cooling system or an open? I know closed systems in particular can be tricky to get all the air out of when they have been run out/low and refilled.
  14. This time of year Jegs is always looking for people for the tech line.
  15. Bump - Still available. Buck531 ended up having engine problems and has bigger fish to fry than adding these kick-ass, bling-bling gold wheels.
  16. That thing is custom! It looks alot like that car Adam used to have.
  17. I'd say we could check it out in my garage if you still want to come over and pick up those bling-bling gold wheels, but right now my tools mainly consist of a hammer, screwdrivers and tape.
  18. I just learned to read and realized you said it's a 1994 model. I think the TPS on yours is a bit different than mine, but the concept is the same. Just the wiring and voltage to set it at differs.
  19. I think the CPS usually causes a no-start condition (although Cherokees are notorious for them going out). It sounds more like your low idle is related to a bad or improperly set TPS. Think old school post-style radio knobs... the hiss they get in the area you use them the most after years of use. TPSs are very similar and can pick up the same sort of noise in the signal. You can tell if you hook up an analog voltmeter and do a slow sweep b/c the needle on the voltmeter will spike or dip instead of rising steadily. Mine needs replaced, and in the interim I just manually set the idle a bit high (about 900 when it should be 750) and when it warms up it falls down to about 500 and runs rough but will keep running. If you do that, I would definitely recommend that you reset the TPS voltage because using the stop on the throttle body to manually raise the idle without doing so will cause it to think it's at part-throttle. The good news is that it's free to check the adjustment of the TPS and cheap to replace it. I found a good writeup on setting the TPS on Renix jeeps (which I assume yours is, what year is it?). You can find write ups on both engine series' online. From there I would look at the IAC. You can easily take it off to clean it while you're messing with the TPS. Sometimes that's enough to "un-stick" it for a while, but in the end if it seems related to your bad idle, I'd replace it. Also, have you checked to see if there's fluid in the reservoir. If it's empty I'd pop the drums loose to check for a busted wheel cylinder first, then suspect the booster.
  20. Me too. Quite a bit. It was the worst drop I have seen since I started the plan.
  21. I still have these - How's the low , low price of Free? You just have to pick them up. Only 2 of them have a tire on (and the one is basically flat) so they don't take up much room. You could probably pick them up in nearly anything.
  22. Yeah, it's a common mixup. It's too bad because there are alot more applications that use the ever-so-slightly larger 4.5". Ford always has to be just outside the norm... Apparently interchangeability isn't "Job 1".
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