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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. True Story. I have done this with a 302 powered fox street car and it was really neat for about a day. I lost intrest in the car completely after a while and sold it for stupid cheap.
  2. The STI (Shop Towel Induction) swap is what all the cool kids are doing these days.
  3. I fear no *properly set up* nitrous application... It's more about the false "savings" from going with nitrous over something else. Over time it can easily cost you the difference in fills and other timing/tuning gizmos that no one ever seems to factor in at the beginning. It's easy to go "Hey, I can get 150HP for like $350"... then you spend $800 total getting it all rounded out and safe... then fill it every 15-ish passes at $40+. So, to me, it's more like the high maintenance girl that didn't seem like she was going to be in the beginning and might also have an STD
  4. I'd go turbo either way. It just seems worth the additional money up front and will likely be easier on parts over time. Also, the B-cam has a fair amount of overlap. I would probably swap it in favor of something with a little wider lobe separation if you go with a power adder, especially turbo. If you stay with FRPP cams, the F cam is decent, although I'm more of a Comp Cams fan. That being said, it's not that the B-cam won't work, just probably not as well as something with less overlap.
  5. If I didn't have a wedding to pay for, I'd likely be the next owner. I want a nice fox again some day. Damn priorities! Bump Looks to be in very good shape and I always like the blue 2 tone.
  6. I usually have the best luck going right into Printing Prefferences>>Effects. Usually the settings in there will allow you to scale to fit the page or to a percentage (so that you can make it 200% or more to make 4 pages centered). You can probably get there from the Print screen, but I usually just go to Printers and Faxes on the start menu and right click the printer icon.
  7. As a reward for your acheivment, I present to you: This Golden Christopher Walken Trophy. There is no greater honor. http://walkenthewalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/walken-trophy.jpg
  8. No sand here. I was stating I'm in complete agreement. Not so Ninja edit, for clarification: The part about it making little difference what model the car is was in refference to Ogrelta asserting that a Mustang can't keep up with a 350Z on a roadcourse, simply because it's a Mustang. Again, that may not be what he meant to say, but that's how I took it. I just get tired of often hearing things like "Yeah my Miata's not fast, but meet me on a road course..."
  9. Agreed. That's mainly what I'm saying is that it's less about what car it is and more about driver, followed by proper prep, then way down the list somehwere is the power it makes/ what engine is in it. It really has little to do with what make/model the car is.
  10. To be clear, you can substitute in any model of car where I'm using 350Z as an example.. I'm just making a point that I think applies to al make/model assumtions.
  11. I think the original intent that spawned this thread is that it's ignorant to assume that because you have the Almighty 350Zed that it will outhandle a Mustang, simply because a Mustang "can't hang", not any actual pertinent data (or at least that's what it sounded like to me). Like someone else already said, what is it about a Mustang or a Camaro that makes them automatically not as good on a road course, besides an ignorant view? As for the part about Cobras not being stock... I don't get that logic either, but I see what (I think) he's trying to say. I'd throw my hat in the ring to if I still had a car... but I don't. That being said, I had ( ) a nearly dead stock v8 powered GT that I would put up against a 350Z any day on a road course. I tend to be somewhat a a Mustang squirrel, so maybe I'm a little bit biased, but I learned a long time ago that making broad generalizations of a given car's capabilities without any more experience with them than what magazines have to say about it is an excellent way to find yourself extremely surprised on race day. I feel better... Since the other thread was locked I couldn't pile on with my irrelevant, potentially biased view. Also, no one should get all "sandy in the south" because I used the word ignorant, it simply means you don't know enough about that particular thing to make a clear comparison. I'm also not saying my car would have been any better than a 350Z on a road course, merely that I wouldn't assume that because I was driving a Mustang I was at any kind of disadvantage.
  12. Well, it's in France. SO, naturally, by the time it eats up all that cheese it will plug itself. Problem solved.
  13. The Hadron Collider opens an innocent sounding Mini-Black Hole in Europe and sucks in the Earth.
  14. Not exactly the same, but hours of entertainment: www.actsofgord.com
  15. I'll take the enclosure if it will fit the space I need it to. Can you tell me the outside dimensions of it? I assume it includes the mesh grille?
  16. Yeah, he woke me up in the middle of the day (when I was working third shift), and it took me a minute to figure out what the hell he was asking. He apologized about the "misunderstanding" (apparently he didn't "understand" what stealing is) but wanted to let me know that he put $200 into replacing the swingarm bushing and something else. When I said "Okay, so why are you calling me?" he finally got to the point and said he thought he should be paid back the money for fixing the quad. When I told him there's no way, all he could muster was "I guess have fun riding the quad I fixed" to which I replied "I certainly will. Enjoy not being in jail unless I change my mind. Don't call here ever again".... I don't think I legally could have changed my mind after I already declined pressing charges, but he didn't call to cry to me anymore.
  17. Truth. A few years back I had my quad stolen from a friends house out in the country (where it was stored). A couple of weeks later a friend of mine spotted a guy only a few miles away riding a quad "just like it" in his field or something. Later that same friend drove by and looking at the broken plastic he could tell it was mine. We called the local Sherriff and I gave them the Vin from my title. I was stuck at work the next day when they sent someone out, but all they needed to was a witness (my friend) and the VIN I gave them. When they went out there the cops aksed some questions, determined it was mine and had my friend load it up and drive away. I was never even present, and I also would not recommend going all Charlie Bronson and ending up missing. Just call the cops with the right info and let them handle it. Incidentally, this same jackhole somehow got my phone number and called me a few weeks later trying to get money from me for repairs he had made.... to my STOLEN property. I didn't press charges when they took it back, but after that crap I wish I had.
  18. My guess is that it's not only extremely helpful, but extremely funny when someon pulls the "No Speak Engles" line and you bust out some "Yo Hablo Espanol"
  19. Looks like I'm out... not looking to get soaked and catch a lightning bolt in the eye.
  20. Andy supplies free digital "after" pics with each detail. One stop shopping. See: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/Untitled-1.jpg Freedom costs a Buck-o-Five.
  21. I'm probably heading down there later... assuming Eric (Nther91) is still going. I went a couple of years ago, it's kind of about Irish Dancing and drinking beers... That's about all I got out of it.
  22. "ka-Chow!" I was un underpriveledged ghetto youth too, so my kids will one day have somethign like that too. Prius engine swap????
  23. He didn't make it. That's just all of the interior pieces from a red 1986 Ford Escort.
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