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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Same here... sitting in a mostly empty building, but I guess it was just better planning on their part. If I'd thought ahead I would have taken a vacation day today like nearly everyone else.
  2. Or Alt+PrintScreen to capture only the active window (like if I wanted to just grab a shot of this IE page.
  3. Problem solved: http://www.offyparts.com/images/offy_6208c.JPG
  4. I'm in total agreement with 92lx50 More to the point of parents of kids that were killed with guns doing everything they can to prevent it happening to other kids... I think the ones that make it their mission to help increase gun control are among the rest of the "misguided" group. Certainly their heart is in the right place and they think it will do some good but I feel like none of the pro-gun control camp seems to take a minute to look at the big picture. I'll even say they make valid points at times, but the big picture isn't that guns killed your kid. The activists that have had personal tragedies, I think, are the ones that would benefit the most from some education. Education that could have done their kid some good.
  5. The flip side of that argument - I think you'll find that most hunters use guns to kill their prey the same as they use a knife to kill cheese. What I mean by taking away knives and such is not that I think the government, or anyone for that matter, wants that... what I mean is that it's just the top of the weapon food chain. If there were no guns in existance tomorrow - it'd become something else. Also, I have done alot of target shooting that has nothing to do with intent to be powerful over anything, it's just a fun sport to me and lots of people. It's probably the number one reason most people I know that own guns have them - sport. There are some people that just shouldn't have firearms, but those same people probably shouldn't have alot of things. I assume the guns you're refering to are more along the lines of handguns, particualrly those intended to be "people killers" (hi-cap handguns, assult rifles maybe) moreso than a sporting weapon (.22 rifle for plinking, shotguns for birds and rabbits, etc). The problem is that alot of weapons fit in a grey area and who's to say that the 12 gauge pump loaded in my closet isn't also the gun I use to hunt (not that I have been hunting since I was a kid).
  6. I could go on for days about my feelings on this topic, but the cliff's notes are as follows: -my main issue with people being pro gun control is that I think they're missing the issue. To me it's only a tool. Yeah, maybe it makes it a hell of a lot easier to kill someone, but the point is that people have been finding ways to kill each other for thousands of years. Take away guns and then you'll have to take away knives... then spoons... etc. Where does it end? I often hear the term "gun-violence" and it makes me shake my head. I just wan to go "Oh no, gun violence. Everybody run because you know how guns are always killing people. If people couldn't get guns they'd never find a way to kill each other". Point being that we spent many years killing each other without them - they aren't the cause of anything, just the next evolution of people making weapons. It's what we do. -Let's say we pass a law tomorrow that no one except police/military personell can posess firearms. I gaurantee it will have very little impact on crimes committed involving firearms. Just about anyone who's willing to break the law to commit robberies or any other sort of crime isn't going to have a problem breaking one more law by taking a gun along. The only people losing guns in this scenario is the people that purchased them legally. Granted there are some times, like someone had mentioned previously, where people just snap and do something like shoot their spouse... but they might have been stabbed, run over with a car, etc. instead. -It's generally a good idea to seek some sort of training, at least informal training when you're new to firearms. I think that even alot of people that are "scared" of guns would benefit from becoming familiarized with them. I think most people that are scared of guns were just raised that way, it's just ignorance (meaning they just know they aren't supposed to like them or that they are "dangerous"). Also, as far as training goes I wouldn't have a problem with having to show some sort of competency to be able to buy guns, much like you have to do (at least once) to obtain a driver's license. - (somewhat related to the previous point) Children accidentally shooting each other. This always turns into "movies and games are to blame"... but it all boils down to proper safety. If you can't keep the guns locked up and away from the kids, as well as teaching them proper safety and handling when they are old enough then you shouldn't have them in your home. It's like buying a dog and just turning him loose to fend for himself - there's a certain responsibility that comes with ownership. -I think the CCW law in Ohio is sufficient. Sure it's not perfect, but at least people have to undergo a background check, some basic training (although I know some people take shortcuts here) and you even have to recertify every few (8?) years which is more than we can say for driver's licenses.
  7. I didn't think it was a great deal as much as it was just a neat way to build a road-race car.
  8. Oh yeah. It's not cheap... 23.5K OBO Here's where I saw it posted originally: http://www.frrax.com/rrforum/index.php?showtopic=10728&hl
  9. There's been alot of talk about these on here lately. I just ran across this and thought I'd throw it out there. It's not mine nor do I know the seller, which is why I didn't put it in the classifieds section. http://www.ponycars.net/94rx7ls1.htm
  10. I think he's implying he wants it more for improved steering response but prefers to stay power-assist. I think the manual racks are a pretty slow ratio too. Factory PS racks are 15:1 The oem & replacement manual racks - I'm not sure about but I think they are 20:1
  11. I have no experience swapping these racks into other cars, but Flaming River does a quick-ratio rack for the fox Mustang. It's part # FR1890Q. There may be others for cheaper, but this is the only quick ratio power rack I'm aware of for those cars.
  12. Team Chevrolet is known to have good prices on OEM GM parts. teamparts@teamchev.com 1-800-658-4017 Make sure you tell them you're an internet customer. If they think you're a local they'll quote you retail price. Their shipping isn't too bad either, it used to be anything over $100 was free.
  13. I would have to punch you in the urethra. It could be a super-sleeper.. but for way more money than doing another fox in the long run. Yes, that would be just another Mustang... but it's a hole lot less gay than that abomination. Besides, then you could be mistakenly grouped in with the AMC Boys.
  14. http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:VDaJSP4ha-VJuM:http://www.pups4sale.com.au/welsh_corgi_pembroke_03a.jpg
  15. I recently picked up a set of Rocky Alpha Force boots. They aren't really work boots either but are built like they should take a real beating and aren't very heavy for their size. They are more of a tactical type, but available with composite toes. I only wish I had gotten the zippered side because I'm often too lazy to lace them., otherwise I'd wear them alot more.
  16. I didn't think it was actually directed at me, but figured I'd explain in case you took the "at least it's cheaper than a brake swap" comment as a jab. As for bolt-on wheel adapters, they do have a generally bad public perception in some circles but I think that's largely due to people using substandard or incorrect ones. For instance, you could run right out and get some basic cast 1" adapter/spacers that adapt 6x5.5" to 5x4.75" for fairly cheap... then later you'd probably find that the hub hole was too large, so you have no support there and that the material is not really the proper choice to take that kind of abuse. I have seen alot of spacers and wheel adapters that are on the market that are the exact same design that companies like Mr. Gasket were selling 25 years ago. There were alot of guys using these back in the 70's and 80's (sometimes improperly, even) that had failures, so I think alot of that stigma has carried over. I think if you ask most people why they're scared of adapters they have had a run-in with a bad set/improper use or more likely just because they were told they were dangerous. So in my opinion as long as the buyer makes an informed decision and buys a quality product, they'll likely have no issues. There are alot of guys running quality wheel adapters on road race and autocross third gen camaros so that they can use the plentiful and cheap 17's from the later cars. If that's any indication of the abuse a properly fit adapter will take, I'd think some easy to moderate DD action shouldn't kill them. As a precaution you could check your lug nuts with a torque wrench at regular intervals... but we probably should all be doing that anyway.
  17. Every time I see a Starion (which isn't often) it makes me think of Jackie Chan and that huge guy driving into a lake in Cannonball Run... I always liked the styling of those cars.
  18. Wasn't trying to be a dick, I just have a natural tendency to overexplain.
  19. Weight reduction? Lots of it. :burn:
  20. No problem. Andris Skulte makes nice stuff. I have know alot of F-body guys that have used them or his machined spacers with great success. I actually had a set of custom machined hub-centric spacers for the Mustang I never got around to using. They aren't cheap, but they're one of a handfull of wheel adapters I'd trust. Come to think of it, converting all the brakes could be more than $400 or so in spacers anyway.
  21. You could probably go with a set of bolt-on wheel adapters. I think the Colorado is the normal GM 6x5.5" but with a different hub diameter. I'm not sure if there are any adapters of that type on the market that aren't meant for the larger full-size truck size hub, so you may not be able to locate anything "off-the-shelf" but could probably have them made. Skulte Performance Designs does some custom wheel spacers. I'd shoot him an email and see what he thinks (http://www.skulte.com/).
  22. This was true at the time, but you can get the GM units at JEGS now. http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product2_10001_10002_946657_-1 They're still $1800+, but they're available. The GM units seem to be alot more scarce, so it's probably going to be tough to find one used.
  23. I saw that a few months back, but it's still hillarious (albeit weird in a British humor sort of way). "Want some Bailey's? Creamy, Beige..."
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