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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Yep. Basically like this. Bonus points if you find one with Mickey Mouse on it. http://www.dailyecotips.com/wp-content/uploads/wind-up-clock-300x300.jpg
  2. Actually on topic: I found that an old wind up clock (the type that ticks) wrapped up tight inside a towel or small blanket works well for puppy sibling separation anxiety. I assume it's like another heartbeat they can snuggle up to. Worked for me when I had a punk ass Basenji puppy yelping all day long in an apartment.
  3. Obviously it's not like they're going to actually watch TV. It's so they can play Modern Warfare 2.
  4. Correct. Most other in-tanks on the market are also.
  5. True. Failtanic. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_QU1Z2X5b9OA/ST8mJDjY0yI/AAAAAAAAACA/QXi1T6GU0cE/s400/9815_failtitanic.jpg
  6. I may do this in Spring, though I already have the tuning stuff. I am going to add some stabilizer and top off the fuel for the winter, after it get consistently cold enough not to ride. Then in Spring I plan to at least change the plugs/oil, get new tires (or at least a rear) and wash it before the maiden voyage.
  7. FWIW I have been in the same situation for months now myself, and can't decide either. I have a hard time jumping ship because other than their DVR boxes being shit and occasionally poor quality video they have been great. I'm getting really tired of swapping boxes all the time and have also heard from most DirectTV customers that they love it. Someone told me TW has a new HD-DVR box instead of the shitty Scientific Atlanta one they've had for years. If this is true I think I'd like to try it beofre I make the switch.
  8. Fixed. http://wwwimage.cbsnews.com/images/2003/10/04/image576536g.jpg
  9. Welcome Billy. With all the autocrossers and F-body guys on this site it's good to see more FRRAX regulars on here.
  10. [conspiracy theory] You guys know all these fireballs and meteor showers are debris from NASA shooting a nuke at a meteor in space last month and claiming they shot the moon, right? [/conspiracy theory]
  11. +1 Whether your name is Tim McVey or Abdula Abdula Etc., a terrorist is a terrorist.
  12. OMG scary plastic gun! Let's all fear it and call it a Cop Killer!
  13. I've never been too keen on cutting springs (though I know people often do it with acceptable results). You can get Bullitt/Mach 1 springs for very cheap. If you run them with no isolators it looks like so: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/Broadside.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/driverangle.jpg
  14. I have the stock pegs off my Buell that you could have if you want to try them. Unfortunately the little spike that hangs off the bottom broke off of one of them because I dropped something on it by accident. The pegs are fine, just that one is missing the spike. You can get new stock ones for around $25 though.
  15. Actually it was ninety's rap sensation KrissKross. I hear they drop bombs like Hiroshima.
  16. I had SSH but I changed the default password. Most SSH programs recommend right in their install instructions to do exactly that, so these people are kind of asking for it.
  17. I didn't notice a boom here on the Southwest side of town, but we're close to the airport and the people in the office next door can be noisy so I tune alot of it out.
  18. I saw that and was really surprised. I'm glad he'll have to face the consequences (assuming he lives long enough, sounds like he's in rough shape).
  19. +1 I guess maybe I don't understand true depression, but I don't get what makes someone so emo-fag that they feel they need to kill their families also.
  20. So far I like it, even though it has a British accent. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b1/C3PO.jpg/250px-C3PO.jpg
  21. I was saying earlier that this has to be a sick ass way of commiting "assisted suicide" or fucking terrorists. Either way, I'll be mighty surprised if there's anyone left to interrogate afterwards.
  22. This thread makes me hungry. Now I know what to order for lunch. Thanks!
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