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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. I'll admit I don't know anything about GLADD, their message or their tactics, although I've never heard anything bad about them like PETA. Eric's got a point too. I think it's easily arguable that what the AFA is doing is much more negative and destructive for what 'America is based one' and our growth economically and sociologically than what Ford is doing, which seems like they are at least trying to be positive.
  2. Take her to an autocross now! That's a very easy place to learn the limits and behavior of the car. I haven’t ridden Ledges or walked it, but I'm not sure how much of a 'learner' track it is. A lot less daunting than M-O, for sure. Although they are farther, and I've told you this before too, I'd like to reiterate it. Beaver Run and Gingerman are VERY good tracks to learn the behavior and limits of your car and get comfortable with driving fast. I’m sure ledges wouldn’t hurt, but imho, one of those other places would be better for her right now. FYI, I was able to keep the car in third at Gingerman, helped me to concentrate on everything else. That place is far though. Beaver Run probably isn’t that much farther than Nelson Ledges. Maybe 2.5 hour as compared to 1.5?
  3. Damn John, that sounds nice. Congrats on the new mods. Dyno it yet to see what those mods added?
  4. Imagine what people that motivated could do if they put their energy, time and money into something positive like Ford is trying to do with this program. Like if they did missions programs or feed homeless people. What they are doing is only contributing negatively to our society. graemlins/nonono.gif
  5. Does Brims have a 'yard'? Is that who you are thinking of?
  6. I can't believe no ones hopped on these tickets yet. I'm going tonight too. This will be the fourth time I've gone to it. I had a blast every time and I'm sure tonight will be the same.
  7. There was a supercharged one in OLOA.
  8. Anyone ever put a V8 into an FB? I've never heard of one or seen one before and I was just wondering. Mainly since thoes are the lightest out of all of them, and handel very well.
  9. They title for it says "3.3SOHC V6" too. Hope they get it straightened out. EDIT: This sucks dude. They specifically say the fourth digit is an E, designating that engine. But the VIN they give definitely doesn't have an E as the fourth digit. You can get the free carfax thing, which just tells you what kind of car it is. That says the VIN given in that ebay add is for a "2.4L L4". I just saw browning's post, what he said is consistent with this too. double
  10. I'd highly suggest against a business degree. I knew this kid in college who was charismatic enough to manage people and get a job, so that wasn't the problem. He was VERY smart. They give away one "Presidential" scholarship per year to a male and a female in each college where I went. He got the one my freshman year for the business college. Had pretty much straight A's all through college. Someone saw him about a year after we got out of college. He was waiting on them at a restaurant. One of the managers at the Max & Ermas I worked at during a summer in college had a business degree, he wasn't getting paid that well. My point is, it's hard to apply and if you do get a job in it, you might not get paid very well. You have to assume that you will probably be doing whatever you major in for at least a few years while you save up seed money and/or are getting the business off the ground and profitable. I'd suggest finding something else you like and could enjoy doing for at least a few years while you save up seed money to start your business. Think about what happens if you end up doing this for the rest of your life or even 'just' 10 years while you’re starting your business, it could happen. Take some appropriate business classes while you’re in college. I'm not sure what would be good to take, but it sounds like some people already have good suggestions. Go get your MBA at night after you finish your undergrad. You'll learn as much if not more about business as you would have in a business degree, and it will only take a short amount of time and a little amount of money compared to an undergrad degree. I think there are some schools around here where you can get it in 12 months going nights and weekends. Sociology and Psychology are two majors that are very hard to do anything with just an undergrad, don't usually pay well to boot. Something to think about. If you are really interested in these take a few classes, maybe add a minor down the road or even a second degree. My last boss took a few psychology classes in college and read quite a bit about it. He felt that it helped him manage people better.
  11. Lol, what do I know? I'm just a skier. I couldn't tell from the way he was positioned in that portion of the trick. He could be going inverted still at that point, and is obviously spinning.
  12. http://www.evillelakeeffect.com/HV/data/media/25/Picture-588.jpg
  13. Ben pimpin it. http://www.evillelakeeffect.com/HV/data/media/25/Picture-481.jpg http://www.evillelakeeffect.com/HV/data/media/25/Picture-586.jpg
  14. Firefox>* Glad to see your in there. I just couldn't remember what you were wearing. It's a little bit easier to pick out Jay. graemlins/lol.gif
  15. Bah, I'll be out of town that whole weekend. I'll have to make sure I can make it out to the next one, last years was fun.
  16. Boarders and skiers. Me and Ben (Coke), and his friends Jay and Bishop went to Holiday Valley this last winter and participated in this rail jam. It was a promotional event for Lords of Dog Town, the movie that's about to come out. Unfortunately I suck too much to get into the video anywhere, Jay's in it a few times. I don't think I saw Ben either, I think he was having a bad day. Video Pictures What Jay looks like so you can catch him in the video. http://www.evillelakeeffect.com/HV/data/media/25/Picture-344.jpg EDIT: Just thought this might be more approprite in the Pics&Vids section. Can a mod move this?
  17. Boarders and skiers. Me and Ben (Coke), and his friends Jay and Bishop went to Holiday Valley this last winter and participated in this rail jam. It was a promotional event for Lords of Dog Town, the movie that's about to come out. Unfortunately I suck too much to get into the video anywhere, Jay's in it a few times. I don't think I saw Ben either, I think he was having a bad day. Video Pictures What Jay looks like so you can catch him in the video. http://www.evillelakeeffect.com/HV/data/media/25/Picture-344.jpg EDIT: Just thought this might be more approprite in the Pics&Vids section. Can a mod move this?
  18. I'm not sure what that has to do with you buying new tubes now, but I see what your off topic point is now. tongue.gif A little more on topic. I would love to go with you guys if I had something to ride.
  19. Eh man, I'm just speaking from my experience when I used to BMX dirt ride. If we put $2 tubes in there they would bust. You put super thick 5-10 dollar tubes and good liners in there, they would last forever. It's really just an area that can make your riding experience so much better at times for not that much money.
  20. Why a Passatt 1.8T? A 99-00 A4 1.8T Quatro easily fits that bill. 99.5's usually go for 8-9k and 00's around 10-11k. They only had 150hp stock in those years but just a cat back and chip will get you near 225. Actually just a chip should put you into the high 1XX, 200 if it's the right chip.
  21. Buy GOOD tubes, they will last forever.
  22. They are following the grill/face design that Audi has switched to. Probably less following and more they decided to switch to this across the VW/Audi line and just introduced it on the Audi’s first. I personally don’t like the new styling as much. I should say that pertains to any of their cars that are attainable; the Le Mans Quatro does look pretty sweet though. This is the new "Face" of Audi, or their Halo/Super Car. Mind you this is the concept car, but it is going to be produced. Supposedly they (VAG) don't stray too far from concept to production usually. http://www.audiworld.com/news/05/lmq/LM030012.jpg http://www.audiworld.com/news/05/lmq/LM030006.jpg Le Mans Quarto article New A3 http://www.audiworld.com/features/tests/P5038313.jpg A3 Article New A4 http://www.audiworld.com/news/04/090704/800p/40.jpg A4 Article
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