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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. The outdoor/underground rated stuff? I might take 150' or so off of you if you are willing to 'part' it out. Want to bury the line to our house at some point. Just need to go from our back left corner of the back yard to the back left corner of our house.
  2. Well, clearly people like them, just not my cup o tea.
  3. I honestly can't wrap my head around why anyone would like the new Taurus. Huge outside but not so huge inside. Basically a poorly designed SCUV without the rear storage area or 3rd row capability. If I'm driving around a huge car, I at least want the benefit of it being big on the inside.
  4. Do you think this would help hold together my fence that's falling down?
  5. Because by everything my neighbors tell me and I read online I can afford and deserve a $1mil house if I make $250k/year!
  6. 606 confirmed working with digital optical out from the TV to receiver, all 7 channels. Unfortunately I have nothing on hand with digital coax, but I'm pretty sure it would be the same result. Unfortunately it looks like the volume hard knob on the receiver is a little wonky, doesn't work all that well. But the remote works 100% and changes the volume fine.
  7. PMd'. It's yours assuming the 2000GT guy was talking about the 606, which I think he was.
  8. Bottom one (575) no, DSP chip is bad. Only analog works. Top one (606), IIRC yes. As far as I know and remember yes, only HDMI is no good. I think that's how I had it hooked up last time I used it, with analog components for video and some sort of digital (coax or optical) for audio. But it's been 3 years since I had this setup in the old apartment. I did check to make sure it was still working, but only by hooking up some analog. I'll try to check it tonight. HDMI daughter board is a common issue on these things. FYI, I linked those picture for the 606 wrong, and put the picture of the 575 for both. 606 is this one http://www.onkyousa.com/Products/model.php?m=TX-SR606&class=Receiver
  9. If you are on a fixed gear bike and wear pants that are too tight?
  10. Love this place too, but they are a small store so keep that in mind with their relatively limited amount of stock. They might have 30 bikes where performance has 300? People at Performance have always been very nice and knowledgeable enough, and my standards in the knowledge area for my hobbies are relatively high. People at Bikesource are a bunch of potatoes. I'm pretty sure I've been in there and had 'sales' people that don't even ride bikes. I won't go there or suggest anyone I know to go there. I have almost no experience with the Trek store.
  11. Sorry, have to bail, went and saw it last night since an opportunity came up and it worked better for my schedule today
  12. Info on Columbus http://www.city-data.com/income/income-Columbus-Ohio.html Just for a comparison, info from City Data. This doesn't match exactly the info above, but just to give an apples to apples comparison. But when you zoom out to Franklin county (so capturing some of the burbs) Then if you 'zoom out' again to Columbus MSA, it's closer to the $43k-44k number
  13. Says someone who's kind of poor but not so poor he can't afford the basics needed to live. :gabe: If you're rich and unhappy, you're probably going to be unhappy no matter how much money you make.
  14. I have to head out to the east side right after the movie and I'll already be "late" so I'm driving down. Let me know next time and you can pick me up. It's been a while since I've ridden in the 7 and I've not ridden in the STi yet!
  15. It will actually be half way through the movie.
  16. That's for the standard screen? I vote IMAX but if all of the 30k millionaires don't want to afford the extra $3 I'm fine with the regular screen. Fandango is saying 11am and 2pm for IMAX and 1pm for standard screen. I'm guessing the 11am showing will work better too, timing wise than the 1pm?
  17. That looks like some upscale homeless person dessert. Looks like some shit Mugatu would serve at the Derelicte show. No matter how delicious it is, I don't want to eat my food out of something that looks like a trash bag.
  18. +1 for Frontrunner. Go support a local business that treats their employees well!
  19. Notice that I never said faster, I said better. Ok, you might have more fun rowing your own gears, I know I do. And that's fine to have your own preference. It doesn't mean that the MT is objectively a better combo all things considered.
  20. Is that a reasonable price for a V2? I really have no idea because I'm not in the market, but my gut tells me that's a low ball offer.
  21. Yes. I guess that's part of the point I was trying to make, sorry if it wasn't clear. The marketability of shifting and low speed creep is worlds better on the SQ5 w/8HP and I think you would need to instrument the car to tell if it shifted any slower than the S5 w/DCT. Because of that, I think the drive-train comb of the 3.0'T' with the 8HP is a better combo than with the DCT. The only thing you lose with the 8HP is launch mode. I think that's because the TQ converter on a regular launch is already doing part of what the DCT launch mode does so the benefit is not nearly as stark so they don't apply it to AT cars.
  22. You've said your backseat in the GTR is a bit too small for the kids. This seems like the perfect replacement. :burn:
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