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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. I love just about anything done oscar style NOMNOMNOM! What are your other top places, ever had the rock filet at the Elevator?
  2. While we didn't explore around Mountaineer much, just driving in and out of there it seemed like there was absolutely nothing else to do outside of casino. But if you like to gamble I'm sure you could waste a weekend there, and it is a nice place.
  3. Who was it that said the joke about getting a house so you can get more stuff so you have to buy a bigger house to put more stuff in?
  4. All donations can be made directly to our new not-for-profit "Make Brian Wagner Less Angry and Drunk for The Good of The Kids Who Can't Read Good and Stuff Organization"
  5. That's cool. Maybe I'm using him as a punching bag too as it's beyond frustrating to see good people like you trying to do the right thing and getting fucked by a situation 100% created by others (irresponsible lenders, borrowers and government). For me in the end this is just a debate. There is no black and white in this area. It's what's 'fair & right' and everyone is going to have a different definition of that. I think it's a little more black and white in this area than say, what should we tax people, but it's still not 100% cut-and-dry. If it were, there would be no debate. I still think he is wrong though. :gabe:
  6. You must not have heard the part about lenders putting, typically higher risk people into worse loans to make more money off of them. Pushing them towards larger loans knowing they were going to default. Illegally and knowingly incorrectly labeling debt as good when re-bundling this debt that was bad. This was purposeful and systemic, all to make a quick (billions of) buck(s). I don't see what you don't understand about the lenders having a pretty big part in the mess we are in right now.
  7. If you don't think banks were purposefully and systemically lending in a predatory manner you are a fool. If you don't think this should be illegal you are also a fool. The free unfettered market being able to 'save us' or even being logically and morally correct is a farce. People are greedy and if given the opportunity some will take advantage of others less informed to make a profit. Even if that situation is short sighted and will fuck everyone in the end. There needs to be checks and balances in place to make sure that immoral things don't happen. There needs to be checks and balances in place to make sure the system doesn't collapse and fuck everyone in the process. All so some rich people could get richer, faster, on the backs of everyone else. Yes, the people who took the band loans should have known better. BUT they are the least culpable in these situations. The banks really should have known better (they are the experts), and the government really should have known better. They have more responsibility in this than some average person, lay-man. I have less dog in this fight than most. I have 0 debts, I'm not a home owner. I kept my job through all of this, though my wages were cut for a year and frozen for another year after that. I'm actually going to benefit from this because I'm buying my first house this year. But I realize that if it weren't for what the banks and 'wall st' (for the lack of a better term) did to cause this financial collapse we would be much better off as a country, as a society. Brian's done nothing wrong in this situation and he's fucked because of other peoples mistakes. No, not mistakes, that would imply an accident. It's more correct to say their reprehensible, and purposefully reckless actions. No, I don't advocate him defaulting if he has another choice, and I believe staying in his house and paying what he's agreed to is a choice. I also wouldn't blame him for doing it either.
  8. Ya, it felt like it took a while to get there too, once you turn off of 70 and start going north it's a little slower going. It was a fun time and a nice place. I thought the horse racing was a nice addition to the regular casino. You can go back there and eat dinner on the track to waste some time. Though, I'm not sure I'm allowed back there. :gabe: The sports bar up front was nice to eat lunch and start out the day when we got there. They had some pretty high end liquor in there. I've never been to Wheeling (casino) so I can't comment on that one.
  9. Not sure what we will do this year. Probably moving right in the middle of the growing season. So if we plant at our current place we won't reap any of our crop and it will be too late to plant at our new place. Maybe we will just go help out my parents and plant some extras.
  10. Did you visit their webpage? http://www.maxjaxusa.com/img/motorcycle-lift.png http://www.maxjaxusa.com/features.html
  11. Yup, buying a place this year, probably in the city which probably won't have a big garage and not a ton of land and possible restrictions on how big of a garage I could put in. I've thought about this type of system before. :fa: I will probably just use a jack and jack-stands at the house and buy a real lift to put at my parents when they finally build their pole barn. Do little jobs at the house and big jobs at my parents.
  12. Trouble Maker


    Lo fucking L at the cinnamon challenge gif.
  13. Trouble Maker


    Lol, re-read and it understand what you were trying to say now.... so you were using the old, tired, immature 'fag joke'? :dumb:
  14. Trouble Maker


    I'm really glad I've seen some other people pointing this out lately. 'Fag' jokes were funny when I was in middle school and didn't know any better, then I grew up.
  15. http://www.quantumtom.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Screen-shot-2010-04-24-at-10.39.52-AM.png
  16. I guess taking your kids to 'activities' is a kind of work.
  17. Only if you are learning to pirouette.
  18. I'm usually M-F 8:30-5. Occasionally I will have to work a little late to get something done. Very, very rarely I have to work on a weekend, maybe once or twice a year. Today is one of those days. FTL.
  19. I don't see, understand or agree with his point. Maybe if you are doing this as a living and are uptight about no one 'stealing' your photos. I know you and Tim do make money with this. CCL (some of them) DOES NOT give anyone permission to use your image in a for profit situation. CCL specifically states that it does not give that permission. What CCL does is let anyone use it in a not-for-profit situation. So what if someone uses your pic in a not-for-profit situation? Plus, even if you could go after someone in using your pic in a not-for-profit situation, what damages are you likely to get? From what little I know about his case, just what I've read here, his case would have been the same with or with CCL enabled. Maybe the CCL in flicker is one that enables for profit use... I don't know why they would use that one. CCL is nice because it's a well thought out blanket license for those who don't have the money or the time to have lawyers draft up a license specifically for them. I would think you would be better off using CCL than not if what you are worried about is someone using your photos for profit without your permission, since (some) CCL specifically states to NOT use the artwork for profit.
  20. Tonight on White People Problems we have Ryan. He's not sure what to do with his life. He's 35 years old and his parent's are kicking him out of them basement, forcing him to get a job and his own place. He's blaming all of his problems on the National Hockey League team, the Columbus Blue Jackets, losing all of the time. To try to fix this he's going to go protest the team... we aren't sure about what or why. Tune in to find out.
  21. Holly shit, I didn't even look at it closely until now. Why would you even want a house that big?
  22. That's my biggest concern for him. Even if it's not a year down the road, what if 5-10 years down the road he decides he wants a different job, which is pretty normal. Well now he has to get a job in the area, which greatly limits his job search criteria unless he wants to drive over an hour to work. Or have to sell the house and buy somewhere else. At least if he's between Columbus and Marysville it's still not a bad drive out to Honda and most of Columbus is accessible.
  23. Exactly. I go to a game or two a year, so I do 'support' the team. By no means a fan, but I enjoy going. I DO NOT want my taxes paying for what should be a 100% private entity. Guess who gets the profits, if the CBJ profits? NOT the tax payers who are propping the arena/team up. The voters agree with me, but the city decided it didn't want to listen to what the voters wanted.
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