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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. Welcome! Very clean build and I'm glad to see you drive it a lot. Any links to info on the RB26/30 conversion? This is new to me. Holden used a Nissan engine, or does everything just happen to line up?
  2. Mallard

    Yummy LSx

    http://jalopnik.com/5904764/this-is-not-an-engine-its-a-cake I want it.
  3. The 90-96 300ZX is one of my all time favorite cars. Looks great!
  4. There was a lot more to the decision, and this was only one small part of it. C'mon. He's 8 months old, he has been sick multiple times this winter (he's in daycare during the day), he's had two trips to the ER in an ambulence and third in my car, he's had 2 multiple-day stays in the hospital, and he's currently having another reaction to medication. Do I need to say more? The rate of occurance, as in the percentage of the population. Currently about 1% is Celiac, but 6% have gluten spectrum disorders. quick hybridization link with pics of why what you eat now is called dwarf, or semi-dwarf wheat: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/2012/02/it-aint-rhight/ Again, not the same wheat as previously cultivated. I cannot keep on weight for the life of me. I have always been thin and in high school I was 125 lbs, could run 2 miles in ~12 min, took medals at the city swim meet, held a school record with the relay team, and could do an infinate number of pushups without getting tired. I have a fast metabolism and low body fat. Even when I would eat 2+ doughnuts per day in addition to all my normal food I would only be 136 lbs. I drink 2 protein shakes a day, do push ups in the morning and night and eat my normal three meals a day with occasional dessert after dinner. The only difference since going GF is the additional protein shake.
  5. Never took it personally, I was simply pointing out that you can't come into a thread and say, 'a bunch of you are wrong, a few are right, I know the truth,' without calling a few people out or explaining you position.
  6. No it's not outside the spectrum of this conversation, and my body does not have specific problems related to wheat. If you had actually read any of what I posted you would see that. My wife is gluten intolerant, I am not. I quit eating it in order to minimize cross-contamination in our kitchen and we are keeping our son off of it for as long as possible. I don't want questions of why mommy and daddy have different plates for dinner. Also, after reading study after study on the effects of wheat on the human body for the past 3 years as I researched my wife's condition, I decided it probably wasn't the best thing for me to be eating either. The risks outweigh the reward to me. It's funny that you mention having a thyroid checked, because a lot of problems caused by wheat are similar to symptoms from thyroid problems. Usually doctors check their thyroid, find everythings normal, then send them on their merry way. Counter-counter point: Today's wheat has 3x the gluten content due to genetic modification through hybridization when compared to the wheat from pre~1980. The rate of wheat-induced illnesses around the world has been on the rise. It's be linked to everything from autism, alzheimers, certain types of arthritis, gastro-intestinal issues, heart disease, and the list goes on. It has 3x the genetic material of human DNA and contains far more proteins as well. Any of those proteins can be absorbed into your blood stream and cause an autoimmune reaction. Wheat is the number one cause of autoimmune disorders as well. Two slices of wheat bread will spike your blood sugar more than a snickers bar. It's also an appitite stimulant and on average people eat ~440 extra calories per day when including it in their diet. I could sit here and link you to study after study that links wheat to a large specturm of disorders, but you probably still won't believe anything I say. Feel free to Google Gluten Spectrum Disorders and see the full range. You are comparing the fight against HFCS to Phillip Morris defending cigs, but the agriculture lobby is much more powerful, so why would you believe anything they say? They have already tried to discredit the author of Wheat Belly, but they couldn't with scientific data, so they have resorted to trying to dig up personal dirt on him, even going so far as to pull his credit report. These effects are not rare, they are widespread. Not everyone has Celiac, but it effects people in different ways. Feel free to go to the links I provided and try to refute anything they are saying. EDIT: Here I googled it for you - http://www.spectracell.com/media/presentation-slides-the-gluten-sensitivity-spectrum.pdf You can try page 14, and 26-35 for the gist of it. Dr. Osborne has videos on eother YouTube or his web site where he talks over this presentation. I went on the diet in order to be heatly, not to lose weight. Considering I started at 5'8" 135 lb, 28" waist I have no reason to want to lose weight. In fast, now I am trying to gain weight, because my intension was not to lose any. Even though I do not have time to work out (8 month old in the house) I am still active and in decent shape. Two weeks ago it was nice outside so I ran a quick 2 miles with no problems. I am by no means thin and sickly. But what you just mentioned IS, or very well could be, a GF or paleo diet!
  7. Please, enlighten everyone with the knowledge that makes you superior. Just because someone was never morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't know a thing or two about nutrition. You can't just come into the thread and say, 'wow there are a bunch of idiots in here that don't know anything, but I do" without calling certain people out or listing some specifics. Since cutting out wheat, not changing anything else, and still not exercising regularly, I lost 9% of my body weight and my acne has almost disappeared. I didn't do this to lose weight, as I didn't think it was possible, but it just sorta happened. There are plenty of cases of people on insulin that went wheat free and either no longer need it, or have greatly reduced their dependence on diabetic meds. The same goes for many conditions that have been proven to be influenced by wheat or a gluten spectrum disorder.
  8. Paleo has nothing to do with only eating meat. In fact, there is a lot of plant matter in the diet. Just no grains. I fail to see how the belief that calories are calories, no matter their source or content is 'winning this thread.' It's a nieve, completely false belief.
  9. Simply not true. You are taking the stance that calories are calories, no matter where they come from, and that's just plain wrong. WHAT those calories are, where they come from, how they spike you insulin levels, how you body digest's them, etc. is all very important. There are plenty of studies out there that are linking wheat consumption to a multitude of illnesses, but it's also the reason the population is as large as it is. I would urge you to watch this series: is you really are interested. Or read http://www.wheatbellyblog.com, or his book Wheat Belly. These are the reasons more and more people are going Paleo or GF/wheat free (or what I would call partial paleo due to some similarities).
  10. It's more than that, and I wouldn't consider it a fad diet, like Atkins, South Beach, etc. The hardest part for me would be the grains and peanuts. I eat the hell out of corn and rice and would have a difficult time avoiding foods with these ingredients in them. Also, since peanuts are a legume, you can't eat peanuts or peanut butter. However, you don't go on this diet to lose weight, you do it because you believe that your body isn't meant to eat/rejects certain foods. That said, a few months ago I went completely gluten free (since my wife is gluten intolerent and I've started drinking the psudo-paleo kool-aid) and I feel great and my acne hasn't been this good for years. The problem is, all grains have some level of gluten, so some groups are pushing paleo as the only TRUE GF diet. I'm not quite ready to make that jump. You could try these books: http://www.paleocookbook.com/ http://www.glutenfreesociety.org/healthy-gluten-free-recipes/ Or read the wheat-free (maybe not full paleo...not sure) blog: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/ They'll even send recipes to your email if you sign up for the email list.
  11. It's not GM that is doing it. GM has to price the car at a price that makes a profit, and at this price they're still probably selling at a loss. Hell, supposedly Toyota didn't make a profit on the Prius for 10 years, but GM doesn't have the luxury to do that. The banks offer the lease, get the tax credit, etc., not GM. Multiple banks offer this lease price, but the Ally is the only one that doesn't charge a turn in fee, while others do. People get the $7500 tax credit on the Prius and Leaf too, it's not just Volt owners getting a refund.
  12. Yeah, but you will have a hard time ever finding one with $0 down. Here's the quote I was given: There was also a dealer around here selling their loaded demo for $8k off sticker (about $35k) and you would still get the $7500 tax credit, so it would come in around $27.5k, which is cheaper than a loaded Prius.
  13. Buff Whelan Chevrolet in Sterling Heights. Largest Volt dealer in the country. When we went on Monday they had 6 or 7 on the lot. We took delivery on Thursday and there was only 1 left. They have been trading with other dealers around the country in order to get more. It was $2500 due at signing. GM's site says 349/mo w/ $2999 at signing, so they are giving a pretty good deal. OnStar is free for the life of the vehicle, and XM is free for either 3 or 6 months (can't remember at the moment). I am a car guy, but I must say, so far I absolutely love the car. It drives really well.
  14. He drives the Lambo Murci LP640-4 SV TT that IPS is building in this thread.
  15. I'm sure it want something like, "I'll forget this ever happened if you and your 4 friends show me your boobs."
  16. The last time I was at the post office I was the only person in line. The lady came out from behind the counter, showed me the automatic shipper machine, and wouldn't stop talking about how great it was. I found it odd that she was that excited about the machine that was going to replace her.
  17. I checked and the financed amount on the lease is sticker minus ~$3500 (what the bank credits you of the tax credit) and a residual value of just over $25k. I think the other dealers are just marking them up like crazy.
  18. So you spend $160/month for both car and gas, yet drive 350 miles/wk? I spend at least $140/mo on just gas commuting. I can only see this happening if I had my car paid off or financed it for 10+ years. haha, I'm no sugar daddy. Momma makes her own money.
  19. Actually it's the dealership that decided to move the cars. GM is advertising $350/mo for a completely base model. Other dealers quoted $365-450/mo for this car. We're also using the car on the weekends in order to use up the mileage.
  20. Not looking to get into the politics of the car, but you have to realize that the car wasn't priced this way because they want to gouge the customer. They invested a lot of money in this car, and the battery is expensive. Yes, the Cruze is the better choice for longer trips. My wife's commute is less than 8 miles so the gas engine will never turn on. My commute is 25 miles, so unless i could plug in at work it may be a toss up. We're never taking the Volt on a long trip (like Detroit to Columbus).
  21. Standard 120V charger comes with the car and takes approx. 10 hours for a full charge. A 240V charger reduces charge times to about 4 hours and allows you to take advantage of off-peak utility rates.
  22. There's a $7500 tax creadit (the same one that's been around since the early 2000's) if you purchase, but since this is a lease I understand that it goes straight to the bank and it's built into the lease price.
  23. 3 year/36k mile $322/month. It's a base model with the preferred package. My wife's commute is only about 8 miles each way so we'll have plenty of miles to drive it around on the weekend. Also, the electric company will give $2500 to cover the cost of a charging station and installation to the firt 2500 people, so we can get a 240V charger installed in the garage absolutely free.
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