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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. My only complaint was the seats. I think they are way too firm. I didn't have a problem with adjustments, but I'm not tall. Visibility out of a lot of new cars is an issue IMO. Some cars, like the Camaro, 370Z, etc. feel like a rolling duck blind.
  2. It's funny how almost every review I've read of the Cruze is positive, but people on CR rip on it. Are the rental cars member's have driven 1.4LT's or 1.8L's? I've been in a few 1.4LT's and I think they're pretty good cars. I would beg to differ. There are/were plenty of small cars that are great handling cars that people buy for this reason. (GTI, Mini, 1 Series, some Focus's, Mazda 3/Protege, Integra/Civic Si, etc...) I think most small cars actually sell themselves on the 'fun-to-drive' aspect. Now, times are changing and fuel economy is the focus, but there is also a broader demographic buying small cars today.
  3. All of this is valuable info for anyone seeking a professional position. It can't be stressed enough how important networking is. Starting in April my group had 25 open positions to fill, and a further 8-10 were added through the year. Today we STILL have somewhere around 20 of these still available. We have wasted so much time on worthless interviews that you start to think that there's no one out there worth a damn anymore. If a trusted member in the group makes a referral they are almost guaranteed an interview. I made a referral and they had him in 2 days later, where a normal resume submission could take weeks. Also, never lie in an interview. If you don't have certain experience, education, or something on your record be frank about it, because it will be found in a backgroud check and it will immediately disqualify you from the position, no matter how small. My group has been looking for a vehicle technician for a few months. In the job posting it says you must have a clean driving record. We've had multiple people admit to DUI's in the interview, and we have made two offers to people who said they were "clean." One turned out to have a felony and the other had a DUI. Now if either of those individuals were candid and said, "Four years ago, blah, blah, blah, I've turned my life around and I'm clean now." they would still have the job. But because they lied in the interview they were shown the door. P.S. We're still looking for a vehicle technician in the Pontiac, MI area. Referrals are welcome.
  4. The short answer is yes. The long answer entails WHY. What was missing at GM was a passion for its products. The enthusiasts weren't in a position of power, and the managers focused on the cost knew nothing about what content they shouldn't remove from a vehicle. Their vehicles had no passion (sans Corvette), they weren't fun to drive, and they weren't class leaders. There were too many paper pushers focused on a release date instead of being focused on making a world class product, even if it meant $2.50 more per car and a delayed release. Lutz recognised this and had the company on a path to turn it around, and the fruits of that are the products you mentioned, plus the new Malibu, Equinox, Volt, CTS, SRX, LaCrosse, etc. The economy crashed before this product could hit the market though. So yes, the Cruze and Sonic could have saved GM's product line/sales/slipping market share, but not simply because of the product, but because the ideaology within the company has changed. The Pontiac brand needed to be realigned as an affordable, fun-to-drive brand, while Saturn needed to be GM's Scion; a brand that used previous generation platforms from their other brands which the bugs worked out. Those brands lost thier mission over the years and I could go much more in-depth on my thoughs of what they SHOULD have been, but that's another topic. Clay, I think that AB review of the Malibu Eco was overly harsh. The guy wanted to hate it. He even went so far as to compare the price with destination to a Camry minus destination. Why not compare apples to apples? What I got out of the review is that it is quiet, rides nice, has nicely weighted steering, and gets great highway mileage. Looks are subjective. I've seen a few in person and they're not bad. AB didn't even bother washing the car for their 'beauty shots.' This was also the ECO model, which is tuned for efficiency. I'm looking forward to seeing the 2.0LT models and how they compare to the Regal.
  5. Bringing this one back from the dead.... Is there an easy way to do this in post-processing with free software? I have some pics of my son in front of the Christmas tree (done with a point and shoot) and I want to blur the background/tree lights. I didn't see anything like this in Picasa, but I could be blind.
  6. I believe they are the same brakes as the R/T but with better pads, so anything that fits on an R/T will fit on yours.
  7. As far as grills go, you can get a mesh grille, which I don't really like too much on this car...maybe black or gun metal mesh would be better. I do like the recessed honeycomb grills you can get though. They're silimar to the ones on the SEMA concept GM had. http://image.hotrod.com/f/9259754/hrdp_2007_sema2_18_z+pontiac_solstice_concept+side_view.jpg
  8. I think the proportions are thrown off in pictures. It's A FOOT shorter than an Genesis Coupe and something like 16 inches shorter than a Porche Cayman. Hopefully it doesn't look like a clown car in person, but I like the concept. I'm picturing something the size of an Elise.
  9. It's not chrome. The windshield surround is silver, as is the entire frame of the car. Nice pick up. Also, I know it was a problem with the Sky's, but not sure about the Sol...don't slam the hood shut while the doors are open.
  10. 2010+ Equinox 4 cylinder has worked out very well for us.
  11. The Detroit train station was designed by the same guy that did Grand Central Station, so there are some similarities there too.
  12. There are a ton of people that go down there; some to explore and take pics, some to salvage, and others to destroy. There's a video from a few years ago of people pushing a dump truck off an upper floor of the Packerd Plant.
  13. Shit. you added that bit of info after i dl'd to my phone
  14. Lots of beautiful buildings down there. I wish they would do something with the train station.
  15. Great pics. I don't see owl's too often, even though they're pretty big birds.
  16. Agreed, but solving the situation by taking the law into your own hands is not acceptable. The kid took it too far. No. The histroy was just mentioned so it was understood why he was targeted, since so many people seem clueless and think it was random. We did not kill them.
  17. Always put something down. We had one guy interview and under desired salery he put "don't care." I understand he may have been out of work for a while and needed a job badly, but in reality HR just passed it aound and laughed. I felt bad for the guy, but it made a bad impression.
  18. This is gonna get better. The guy is a trained fighter. http://www.facebook.com/NicholasHNguyen?sk=wall Question: Since he is a trained fighter, can his hands be considered a deadly weapon?
  19. On the original forum it' was posted on there are several lawyers who all agree that the kid was in idiot and will face charges since he posted the video. One had shown the video to the people in his office and it sounded like they were already working of bringing the charges against him. Now it's made the front page of Jalopnik too.
  20. Since that photo of her ugly teeth, she went to a cosmetic dentist and got them "fixed" (just before the Playboy shoot).
  21. Since this is on the topic of shitters, I'm assuming you played First Corn.
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