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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. That's Dearborn, bro. The Hispanic community in Columbus is much larger then any I've seen in Detroit. The percentage of black people in Detroit far out-weighs any other segment. Without looking at cencus numbers, I'm willing to bet it's 80-90% of the population in Detroit. "Plenty of white people" live in Birmingham, Rochester, Troy, Novi, etc. Not the D. Comparing Detroit to Novi or Rochester is like calling Delaware Columbus. Segregation is not who makes up the population, but how the different ethnicities interact. The UP is mostly white, but the areas around Detroit have very diverse populations that don't nearly interact as much as they do in Columbus. The racial tension here is only fueled by a mayor that incites hate and resentment towards people in the suburbs. You should have heard some of his campaign speeches. After living in Flint for 4 years and being around Detroit for a while I am unfazed by ~90% of Columbus.
  2. I'm calling BS on that. Michigan as a whole is the most segregated state I've visited and/or lived in.(I hae not been to some southern states) Columbus is much more diverse then Detroit. Detroit sucks. There are lots of bad areas in the city, there are a lot os drugs and guns, and A LOT of racial tension.
  3. US diesel has a higher sulfer content then in Eroupe, preventing a lot of the new diesels from coming here. You will see that change in 2008-09. There are already a few deisels slated for the US in 08. And your front grill is different, but it's subtle. The analysts that talk about this aren't market guys, they're industry guys trying to explain why the Prius is a lot hotter then others. When polling Prius buyers why they're waiting so long when they could go over to Honda and drive a car off the lot that day they usually say, "We want to make a statement." Most of the Prius owners (IMO) are the yuppie-hippie types that want to be trendy and want everyone to see them in the car, instead of buying it for better gas milege in the city. I think they're talking more about future models, like the Camry hybrid. Seeing sales of the Prius vs. the Accord has them worried that they'll be sitting on lots longer.
  4. But those aren't the ones that are selling well. The Prius has a long wait list while you can find Accords and Civics sitting on some lots. Analysts and the companies are attributing this to the fact that most people that drive hybrids want everyone to know when they see it. Toyota is actually investigating ways to make their newer hybrids look more different from regualr models.
  5. The Rotrex is not new, but the transmission drive added to it is. A Rotrex is already one of the most efficient centrifugal s/c's on the market. They claim they have the efficiency of a turbo.
  6. that's not a 333. It's a Radical.
  7. My problem with it is they're claiming 250 mpg as if they have some newfound technology that allows them to get unbelievable efficiency. But by plugging in the car they are using electricity that seems to be factored out of the environmentalists equation for efficiency. The electricity was most likely created by burning coal, which is more polluting then burning gasoline in your car. Since most Hybrid Hippies seem to live in California I'll use them as the example. California already has power distribution problems, with brownouts sometimes (hot weather) occuring frequently. What would happen to the power grid if everyone had a car plugged in and charging? Also, what do you do with the batteries when they're spent? Disposing of a battery is far more polluting then the small amount of C02 your ULEV puts out. The Hippies seem to overlook this too.
  8. That kind of HP is not unheard of out of those.
  9. Awesome. Good luck at competiton. I'll hopefully make it there to watch and my friend will be walking around judging for Bosch. I did FSAE in 2004 and had a blast.
  10. Pink is the STi badging color. "it has a sportsy interior." haha
  11. Yeah I know...we swapped a Quad 4 in our CRX. http://www.msprotege.com/members/Mallard/Pics/DSC04078.JPG
  12. Shouldn't be too hard to find the cams. We had some on our GRM CRX. I think you can even buy them from Summit, but don't quote me on that.
  13. It depends on where you are in Detroit. Birmingham is a really nice area and there's a lot of nice stuff around downtown Birmingham for the dream cruise. (Ford rents the downtown area and has a lot of displays, not to mention a lot of clubs have meets there) If you've never been to the dream cruise definately go!
  14. Yeah, i know, but ther's still hope to beef up the diffs and have a way to put that power down.
  15. you can't remote link to it...just go to http://www.clubGP.com, click on Message forums, go to the general section, and look at the post on top titled LS1 in GTP.
  16. sweet....the only way it could be better is if he mated it to an AWD system like GM did on their concept a few years back.
  17. http://www.allpar.com/mopar/world-engine.html Read that link for what will probably be in the next EVO. All aluminum and built for boost.
  18. I wouldn't be that suprised if it were true. Mitsu, Chrysler, and Hyundai developed the new line of 4 cylinder "world engines" together and will be sharing them. They come in 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 liter displacements and are already released in the Dodge Caliber (which shares a Lancer platform). The 2.4L Caliber SRT-4 is making 300 hp, so it wouldn't be a bad ting if Mitsu tried to save some more money by using it.
  19. nope, not photoshopped...this car was introduced as a "concept" a few months ago.
  20. There are ways out of apartment leases...I've had friends that have had to do it because of jobs. Keep at it. My roommate got laid off last week by GM.
  21. The bra will hurt your fuel economy. Welcome
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