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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?f=18&h=&t=133095 Reading some posts on here it looks like the Carrera GT holds the current production car record. Although here http://www.roadracers.co.uk/nring.htm it says it's a Caterham 7 Either way, if an RL beat a Skyline GTR it's f'ing fast.
  2. Saw this on another forum so I figured I'd post it over here. http://www.world.honda.com/HDTV/news/2004-4040401a/ 12 min vid on how the SH-AWD system works. VERY cool. Rumor has it Honda took the RL to the Nurburgring with a production Skyline GTR and didn't leave until they could beat it's lap time. Some info: Also:
  3. That has to be the longest sentence typed in the history of CR.
  4. Ken's right. Your roommate is depressed about his weight so he's going to starve himself?? All that's going to happen is he's going to get more depressed and feel like shit. Get him on a good diet and into the gym. He'll lose weight and feel better about himself.
  5. Since I think we were all fairly split on this topic I thought I'd revive it. I've been reading a few books on fitness which include topics from cardio/aerobics, weight training, diet, different work outs, etc. Since this more or less turned into and exercise/health topic I thought some of you would be interested in some of these quotes: -Lifting weights builds muscles that can help you burn calories. Muscles burn more calories then fat because they are more metabolically active then fat...muscles are calorie-hungry in general and at all times burn more calories than does fat. Keep in mind, though, that if it's rapid weight loss you're after, cardio exercise is still your best bet. -Weight-bearing exercise increases bone density, which helps prevent osteoporosis. -Running or jogging is one of the best and easiest ways to lose weight. It burns more calories than many other forms of exercise... -Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to improve cardiovascular health. Since heart disease claims many lives each year, improving your heart health can help you lead a long, healthy life. -Physical fitness reduces your chances of heart disease by lowering your blood pressure and by keeping your heart strong and healthy -Exercise alleviates depression by providing a natural antidepressant, boosting self-esteem, and enabling you to put things into perspective. Aerobic exercise forces oxygenated blood to the brain as well as to other parts of the body. -Another benefit of regular exercise is a stronger immune system... To me some of these are no-brainers, but I figure they apply to what has been discussed. The main topic was weight loss, which if that's your main goal you should do cardio for the fastest results. You HAVE to keep your heart rate up for an extended period of time for best results. Weight training is important and has its benefits. To have the best overall fitness you should do a combination at both cardio and weight training, with an emphasis on the cardio for lower blood pressure, endurance, and stronger heart. All exercise will help you psychologically.
  6. Yeah, it's not too hard if you're comfortable with wiring and pulling trim panals off. A friend of mine installed my Blinder for me along with most of the wiring on my AFC and gauges. He does nice work. He did all the wiring on his race car and got quite a few compliments on it. If you decide not to do it yourself let me know if you want me to ask him for you. (He hard wired his own V1 a few weeks ago too)
  7. So you're going to take the guy that helps you fnd one on a date? Try Auto Trader. I looked in there about a year ago and 10k was about the lowest a TT was listed in good condition.
  8. Are "sniper kids" the same as the "street snipers" that used to hang out at Steak and Shake?
  9. Mallard

    First Mod

    Schroth 4 point harness
  10. Unless you already know for sure that another ECU will work on you car, I wouldn't spend the money to find out. A lot of newer cars don't like swapping ECU's. I'd especially be afraid to try it if your ignition key has a computer chip in it.
  11. SAFC's are not compatable with my car either. I'm using a Split Second PSC1. It has an internal MAP sensor that can automatically switch between maps depending on the amount of boost. That way I don't need to re-tune with each mod that effects my boost. The Protege's that use e-manage have to wire in a pressure switch. I don't know all the specific of it since I didn't go with that option, but it may be the same with your car. There's a lot of info, including wiring diagrams on the Protege forum if your interested. The only reason I would not go with the UniChip is because it's only tunable by certified UniChip tuners. That means every time you change something and want a re-tune you're probably looking at $75-100. At least with other options you can just plug in a laptop and do it yourself.
  12. There has to be a way to trick the ECU. People were having the same problems with the Protege learning around piggybacks, but now there are known ways around it. I have an AFC on my car that hasn't had a problem since it was installed. Also, people figured out how to wire up the e-manage to work. The Siemens 2000 is just OBDII, right? Anything particularly special about it that keeps people from using a piggyback? Anyone have links showing the difference between a Garret T-25 and a GT-25? I'm still interested in knowing how they're different.
  13. Doesn't "Garret T-25" = "GT-25?" So, you're saying a GT25 flows more then a GT28RS?
  14. If you're looking for 300hp I wouldn't go with a T-25. The 'potato' is definately better suited for that. The only "high" HP Protege's still using the stock T-25 have been modified with a T-28 compressor and some porting. And that's with a slightly higher displacement then you have plus 9.1:1 compression. (what's your compression ratio BTW) Modern Performance in NJ can set you up with a nicely modded t-25, but I'd suggest just buying the GT28RS...probably costs as much, if not cheaper. doggun - why do you think the E-manage is crap? I had heard a few good things about it, although not researched it that heavily. Plus, they supposedly just unvailed the new version that has a WB O2 input and self-tuning capability.
  15. No that was last weeks ep. which they showed before the new one. I agree. You're not a diva you snot nosed, spoiled, ugly, snobby bitch. I am also ashamed to be able to make any of the above comments as that means I watched part of the piece of trash show.
  16. In Vegas at the craps table a british guy made everyone cheer "God save the queen" before every roll. Everyone was drunk and winning though, so we didn't give a shit. (the dealers weren't as amused)
  17. I've never seen a crushed piston, but i'd worry about your rods. Any idea what the stock ones can handle? How about the auto tranny? How about piggybacks? What works with your car? E-manage? S-AFC? How big is your stock turbo? What kind of power can it support? Can it be modified? These are all things I think you need to figure out before you decide to slap a bigger turbo on. How much power are you looking to make? I ask all of this because in the Protege world: S-AFC's don't work, the auto tranny's are weak, our rods can't handle lots of power, and our stock T-25 has been modified by some people and now pumps out 283whp @ 13psi and 338whp @ 15psi.
  18. Yeah, considering the GT2871 is a GT28RS (the 'disco potato') with a larger compressor he should have no trouble spooling his 1.8/1.9L and it can make a lot of power. Unless the Volvo came with some strong internals he probably won't even be able to use a GT2871 to its full potential so I don't see the point in spending the extra money for the GT3071...although it's supposed to be a really nice turbo from what I've heard. (people are putting both of those turbo's on Protege's with no problem spooling)
  19. +1 GT2871 is also suppsed to be pretty nice.
  20. I know of lots of 3800 V6 equipped cars that have done the same. My Delta 88 had 189k on it when it was totaled, and my family's 98 Intrigue has over 150k on it with no problems. There are plenty of other Grand Prix's, Buick's, and Old's that carry high miles and still run strong. I think you're forgetting about Toyota's 'oil sledge' problems. My dad's '01 Avalon has had more problems then our Intrigue has ever had. Or did you forget that Buick was rated highest quality by JD Power and Ass. over Lexus and Toyota? Yes, they make good cars but every car company has their problems. A lot of people give GM a bad rap. The Ecotec is a good engine, especially the newest versions that are out with the new updates. Just wait until the performance model Solstice comes out (GXP, GTP, whatever it'll be called) and you'll see the power it's capable of. And in response to the original post, yes, i agree, the LS series engines are BADASS and can't be beat in a power vs. price vs. packaging size vs. reliability comparison.
  21. In my opinion, swimming is the best workout your body can get. You will burn more calories while using more muscle groups then you could ever hope to target in the same amount of time in a 'dry land' workout. Plus it's non-impact which makes my knees like it a lot better then running.
  22. Damn Berto, sorry to hear this. Good luck.
  23. True, I was lifting less each time, but he was bigger and lifted for football so he should have been able to put it up easily, right? Yes, I was a skinny mo-fo. Ken stated that Cardio was good for your heart and lifting was good for your waist. I disagreed on those grounds. I only did cardio and got down to a 28" waist. I weighted as much in 8th/9th grade as I do now, and I was about 6 inches shorter with a 32-33" waist, I was not exactly trim. Yes, your body changes a lot in that time too, but my waist line changed mostly because my body fat % dropped so much. There's a big difference between being healthy and being strong. I'd rather go to the doctor for a physical and pass with flying colors then say I can bench xxx. There are lots of factors that play into overall health, especially your diet, so I'm not saying that you can't be healthy with a heavy lifting workout. But with a cardio workout you're better off IMHO. Whatever workout your doing the main thing is keep your heart rate up! Some people can jog or bike for miles and never breathe heavy because of the pace they choose. Break a sweat, keep your heart rate up for an extended period of time and you'll lose wieght provided you don't gorge yourself on food.
  24. By no means did I have no muscle mass. No I could not bench a massive amount of wieght, but I was strong. As I said, a Kilborne football player was talking shit about swimmers being pussy's, so I challanged him to see who could do more push-ups and I let him call ups and downs. He lost just over 120 while I wasn't even straining. Right now I want to stay around my 150 lb weight but get back my endurance and have a strong upper body. That's why I'm doing free-weights, but I'm not trying to lift tons of weight. My point was that you can do cardio workouts and be in better shape. You can still be strong and cut with a cardio-type workout (read: not just lifting heavy shit) and you'll be in better health. Losing weight and being healthy are not the same thing necessarily. To prove I did not look anorexic I'll did up a pic of myself from senior year sometime this weekend.
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