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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. Mallard


    I have the same problem and that's why I didn't do much exercise through college. Now I've set a goal for myself and I know if I don't run everyday I won't make it, so it keeps me motivated. Set a goal for yourself and stay focused on that. (Keep is short term...2-3 months ahead)
  2. Mallard


    +1 I've cut pop out almost completely. Drink more juices. (tomato and some type of fruit punch)
  3. Mallard


    My advice differs from the weight trainers. I'd focus on cardio if you want to lose weight and be able to play a ball game without getting tired. High protein diets in mice have shown a reduced lifespan (from 900 days to 700 days). Yes, you aren't a rat, but there have been no clinical studies with humans as it would take many, many years to conduct. Make what you want to of that study. High fat, low carb diets (like Atkins, Zone and South Beach) have been warned as causing stress to the kidneys and increase the risk of liver disorders, gout, coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and severl types of cancer. (There are some pretty heavy orgainizations backing that statement) According to the National Weight Registry, which has tracked long-term sucessful dieters since 1996, 99 percent of the people who enjoy lasting fat loss (more then 70 pounds lost and kept it off for over six years) don't use ketogenic or high-protein, low carb diets. They use high-carb diets. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, limit your calories, not carbs. It's your total intake of calories, not carbs, that controls your weight-loss density, your risk of disease, and how long you will live. All of the positive weight-loss results of high-fat, low-carb diets you read about in the media result from consuming fewer calories and not from eating fewer carbs. Aerobic exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness and helps lower your blood cholesterol score, blood sugar levels, and triglyceride levels (blood fats). It promotes a healthy skeleton and lifelong weight control, and it helps avert diabetes and many types of cancer. *Everything above is taken out of the first chapter of "Eat to Win for the 21st Century" by Robert Haas, MS. If you're serious about healthy weight loss and in creasing your stamina I would go out and buy this book. Everything in it is from proven clinical studies and has shown long term success. It will help you plan a better diet and an exercise schedule. You will lose weight by burning calories, and the fastest way to do that is with aerobic exercise. (cardio) If you're overweight running might not be a good idea since it will be hard on your knees and you'll likely get injured or hate it so much you quit. Start by walking more. Try swimming. Swimming, in my opinion, is the best exercise you can do. It's low-impact and you'll burn more calories for a given time period. I'm not over-weight and never have been since freshman year in high school. That's when I started doing a lot of cardio for sports. I fell off the wagon when I went to college but I recently got back to it. In the last month I have lost abuot 10 lbs and gained a lot of stamina back. That may not sound like a lot to you, but I didn't have that much extra to lose so the percentage of that 8lbs compared to my entire weight is great. Summary: Buy some books, eat better (not one of these fad diets), and do at least 5 hours a week of some type of cardio activity. (walking counts)
  4. Well the Mazdaspeed 6 does use the same engine (with Direct Injection) and I heard they share a rear suspension, so it shouldn't be too hard.
  5. Zaino>* One more Another
  6. No K-sports are cheap coliovers that are the entire package. I think they all come with camber plates on the front too. They look nice, the spec sheet sounds nice, but the shocks are cheap POS's.
  7. Click me Click Track Video or Running Footage
  8. 40-60k MORE!? That's a 70k car to begin with, I'd just get the Z06, Ford GT, or a Gallardo at that point. I will say though, that I think it is a badass car. Too bad they aren't 40k, I think more people would buy them.
  9. It doesn't have to be bouncy, but it will ride stiffer and you'll feel more bumps in the road. I know my car will bounce on certain roads depending on the road surface. (Wavy concrete for one) I beleive the K-Sports adjust rebound and compression at the same time. Just continue to make it softer until it feels like something you can live with. I also hope you set your ride heights properly and aligned the car.
  10. Congrats! You use so much spray you qualify as a distributer.
  11. Try again. Congrats Morgan. Welcome to the club. Now get off your ass and get a job or else the Protege will be faster then you soon.
  12. Mallard

    New here

    I try to get out of their way but they always move over with me. J/k..actually I've been good for over a year now. woo woo. Welcome to the board.
  13. Mallard

    Fat people

    I just ran 4.5 miles in this heat and I feel great! tongue.gif
  14. Teckademics All their vids start with "Mischief"
  15. SAAB 9-2X Turbo (WRX Wagon with nicer interior) drops from ~$28k to $19k.
  16. Not between now and July 5th. If you take delivery before July 5th you get the discount. So if they have to order a car for you you'd better hope there is one at another dealership somewhere that they can trade with.
  17. No, they are cutting jobs because there are too many redundant jobs with the union and they can save money by outsourcong stuff overseas. The health insurence is a different issue that they have been trying to work out. GM stands to lose a ton of money under the current plan which isn't good considering they're already junk bonds. Everyone that works for them will still have coverage.
  18. He was hypnotized. Once you're in that state they can put you under and bring you back at the drop of a hat.
  19. When either: A) They stop making the car off of a compact sedan platform so that they can design the rear of the car to be more aerodynamicly friendly. B) Aerdynamics cease to exist. I'm betting on never.
  20. Upon further inspection I see your only posts on the Mazda board are video links to the same site you link to here. Never even a response, just posts of links. If you're planning on spamming this site with links to your porno site you won't be around long.
  21. Yeah, that car's sweet even though it's a re-post from a few months ago.
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