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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. He was running a Falken Azenis, and the reason he was unhappy with his 60' is because his old EPROM had a studderbox (sp?) and shift without lift so he could launch at full boost and pull consistant 1.6's. He switched that one out because the car was stalling sometimes...now he knows it was a bad connector so he'll probably have it back in the car soon. He's running a EVOIII 16G. And he says he's going to use an RC car servo to move the butterflies...not sure how he's going to wire it up, so I'm just as interested as you are.
  2. Yeah I think it's the JDM intake manifold. He called it a Cyclone intake manifold? Is that it? He's working on it and should have the butterflies working soon. I should also tell ya that that's AWD on an AWD dyno (didn't pull a shaft and run FWD), with stock head and cams and stock diffs. He took it to the track and ran a 12.051@113.95 (1.731 60')and a 12.163@116.28 (1.8xx 60') on the short runners. This is his daily driver w/ full interior. (nothing has been stripped from the car) His front tire (stock open diff) was spinning a lot and he wasn't happy with his 60'
  3. here's my friends 91 Talon. I'd post my dyno graph but 157hp and 175ft-lbs is far less impressive. Just so you know, he has a dual runner intake manifold so one run was with short runners and the other was long. Once he figures out how to control it it will switch at 4500 rpm, giving him the 370ft-lbs and 322 hp. http://www.msprotege.com/members/Mallard/Pics/Dyno_Chart1.jpg
  4. I have to agree with this. Plus, these aren't projectors and don't seem to be worth the price. It looks like they just built a housing for the stock low-beam and put a Wal-Mart fog light next to it.
  5. I heard it was pushed back to the beginning of 05.
  6. What do you want it for? The reason I ask is there is a nice CRX for sale on Honda-tech that is a national championship road racer. It's a really fast car and a great deal (if you want to road race)
  7. I already got my Blizzaks on. Winter Project: Tear up some snow covered parking lots. And maybe some engine stuff, and suspension stuff. (I'm trying to be real specific)
  8. Funny that that wagon would have an awrracing.com banner on it amid rumors that Volvo my be entering the SPEED world challange. (AWR makes race parts for the SPEED Proteges, rx7's and miatas)
  9. The account is set up. It goes to my work e-mail, philip.mallinger@luk-us.com (that's the PayPal account) I updated the original post with the info. I will continue to update the original post as we continue to make developments. (i.e. if we make t-shirts, etc.)
  10. I'm in depending on the weekend.
  11. True. Your standard ECU may need a narrow band signal so you could either weld a second O2 bung in the exhaust or put a wideband in place of the stock O2 and use one of those 'boxes' that can output a narrow band signal to your ECU. Also, some of those systems can data log so you don't have to drive while watching a gage.
  12. Very true. But right now UM is feeling loose.
  13. Mallard


    It's called campus.
  14. Mallard


    I loved it when they showed U of M's band at the end. It looked like they were goig to cry.
  15. I won't ask why you were searching for an anal massage.
  16. It's the sensor. Think of the narrow band as a switch that can tell you if you're rich or lean. It's only "accurate" for A/F's between something like 14.2:1 and 15:1. And even then GRM could not get repeatable results. The wideband, however, returns accurate and repeatable results from 10:1 to something like 16 or 18:1 (Farther out then you'll ever need it). Since most people tune for AFR's around 12.5:1 there is no possible way to tune with a narrow band. If anyone wants to see the article I can probably scan it and post it next Wed or so. (When I'm back on cable).
  17. October 2004 Grassroots Motorsports has a great article reguarding narrow vs wide band A/F gages. The narrow bands are shit. Never accurate, not repeatable, and impossible to tune from. Hooking an a/f gage to a narrow band and tuning from it is like tuning with a GTech.
  18. http://www.19actionnews.com/Global/story.asp?S=2570341
  19. I updated the original post with PayPal info.
  20. haha, that sucks about his clutch. I'm suprised he couldn't get a good launch. I guess he'll blame that on the hangover. Not sure what he's thinking about cold weather and turbos...
  21. I think that turbo Integra you saw is my friend from work. He ran a 13.6 untuned in the spring. He was on the dyno for over 3 hours last weekend and gained over 30hp and has a nice, flat torque curve. He said he's not sure why he wasn't faster, but he was hungover and didn't feel like playing with it too much.
  22. Yes, the very same LuK. We produce clutches, torque converters for most major manufacturers along with CVT hardware and a fair amount of aftermarket clutches. Thanks for the tip on honda-tech. A few team members have been reading it often. Making the car handle shouldn't be a hard, but the biggest challange is our budget. Everything including the price of the car and tires has to come in at $2005 or less. We got a good deal on the car, it was an abandoned IT race car project, but the budget is still the greatest hurdle.
  23. Thanks a lot. I'll talk with the team today about setting up a PayPal donation link. I've used PayPal for a while now for personal things, maybe I'll set up a new account with my work e-mail. (Unless you think it's ok to use my regular one.)
  24. http://www.msprotege.com/members/Mallard/Pics/GRM%20Logo.jpghttp://www.msprotege.com/members/Mallard/Pics/HfHlogo.JPG A couple guys from work and I bought a 1987 CRX in order to compete in the Grassroots Motorsports $2005 Challenge. The car has to compete in an autocross, drag race and car show. We made a presentation and my employer, LuK Incorperated, has decided to sponser us as long as we use the car to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. So this post is to ask anyone that would like to donate in order to help our team and a good cause. All the donations go straight to Habitat for Humanity, but if we raise enough money hopefully LuK will support their employees in more events like this in the future. It's not often that an employeer will do this kind of thing for their employees and we want to leave them with a good impression. If you'd like to donate PM me and I can take checks at weekends meets. Or you can PayPal a donation to mallard1055@hotmail.com. I will send recipts of payments and keep a running tally of how much money is raised in my signature. We are completely stripping the CRX and swapping a Quad Four into it. It should weigh around 1600-1700lbs and hopefully turn high 12's or low 13's in the quarter and its light weight will also be good for the autox. The CRX was an abandoned IT race car project and came with a lot of race-ready parts like springs, wheels, roll cage, harness, racing seat, etc. Hopefully this provides us a good base to work from and still meet the $2005 budget requirement. Because the car is completely stripped we have a lot of parts for sale. If you know anyone that wants stock 1st gen CRX parts direct them to me. There's also a set of black Si seats that we have. Here are some pics of how the car looks now. I will keep this thread updated as we get the car completed. http://www.msprotege.com/members/Mallard/Pics/Crx.jpghttp://www.msprotege.com/members/Mallard/Pics/Crx2.jpg Thanks Anthony for letting me post this. I didn't want this to be seen as a solisitation, but it's for a good cause. If money is raised through this board I will have no problem putting ColumbusRacing stickers on the car. We may even put individuals names on the car, but that's still up in the air. Thanks for your support. [ 06. December 2004, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: Mallard ]
  25. That's a cool pic. I have almost an exact one of my car but it's blurry. My problem is that the rear wheels get so light that my ABS activates and screws everything up. I'm gonna have to disable that. smile.gif
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