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Everything posted by hpfiend

  1. hpfiend

    C5 Z06

    well if you consider a completely different transmission, suspension, functional brake ducts, special brake compound, halfshafts, clutch, glass, gauges, no sound deadening, titanium exhaust, super light wheels among several other things not many changes you are correct. Same motor just different heads, cams and a few other things if I am not mistaken. incorrect- one of the few things that is the same is the intake manifold and that is only on 2001 and newer cars. If your going to modd honestly just get a c5 non zo6 because the power numbers will be almost the same once you go big heads and cam. This I will agree with but the weight will not be the same. A c5z weighs a good 3-400 lbs less than a standard c5 and the gearing is different. About 3100 lbs. I did take mine out in the snow once to fill up the gas tank for storage a few years ago-- it was easier to control than my old supercharged h/c/i 5.0 mustang (about the same power) and the mustang had much smaller all season tires- if I had an all season compound or better yet winter tires I would easily drive it in the winter- the recommended setup is normal c5 front wheels all around with some blizzaks- but thats why I have the explorer- I have had enough white knuckle driving for this lifetime... both cars were better than my old LT1 f-body in the snow.
  2. I looked at these as well before going with my c5z... they are sharp but very overpriced IMO... for a little more money I got an extremely low mileage one owner car that was built to run low 12s from the factory and all parts were under 5 years old at the time as opposed to 15-16 years old for only a little less money. Aren't they very heavy as well?
  3. Thanks all and especially Trish and Tim! Trish, you are dead on with my shooting with too narrow of a depth of field and thank you for your guidance. Tim your photoediting skills are unparalelled- I cant believe you took care of that redness in a matter of 30 seconds when it took me no joke 4 hours of mind numbing scrutiny before. All edits look wonderful you are the man!
  4. Thanks! I had never tried that before so now I know! I already sent her my Software- I was going to walk her through the reformat reinstall over Skype but we can't get it out of the loop to get a command prompt or boot cd to load... She did say that the DVD writer drive button feels jammed when I asked her to make sure nothing was in any of the drives but it may be as simple as it isn't in the boot order so has no power
  5. Correct! The screen isn't blue, it is black and it says we apologize for the inconvenience but windows did not start sucessfully and then gives the safe mode options or start windows with last known configuration and a countdown timer. It doesn't matter which option you choose it cycles right back to the same screen. I do not think there is a code anywhere.... I willl read over the registry correction but it may be tough as the only thing I can accesss is the bios- cannot get a command prompt or boot disk (floppy or cd) to work and obviously windows wont load. but a very good suggestion and I will definitely read whats involved in it!
  6. hey guys- My sister-in-law has an hp a520n pavillion. I reformatted the drive and put a copy of xp on it on my computer in ohio. she put the drive back in her computer in florida and it wont boot. It says the computer shut down unexpectedly or something and there are options of safe mode, safe mode with command prompt, safe mode with netoworking and last known good configuration. None of them do anything. I tried to boot from a windows 98 boot disk in the floppy over skype and it wont work- changed boot order in bios and it recognizes floppy drive on screen one - right back to safe mode screen. I also mailed her the ultimate boot disc cd for windows and put in cd rom and it wont boot from that either. I still need to have her try the boot order with cd first but it has floppy first and cd second and hard drive third and it still goes right back to the safe mode screen? Any help? It is probably something easy but since it is in Florida and I am in ohio it is pretty difficult. Recovery partition has been formatted previously. Thanks! Andrew
  7. Thanks for the offers! She had it printed at Cord Camera... do you know if their printers sharpen?
  8. lol I am going to have to do some searching now to see what I may have hit upon ;-)... I was using only this thread and my own experiences in my reply- well, other than the engagement ring thread joke as I participated in that one.
  9. Hey all- Just an amateur photographer here with relatively cheap equipment - rebel xs and canon 50mm 1.8 no speedlite (at the time)... I took a few pictures for my sister and her new baby at the time- one needed some photoshop/gimp work to clear up some red marks her infant caused as she clawed away at her- the editing took me forever to complete as I don't know what I am doing- after that they turned out decent. The problem is that when she printed them at 8 x 10 she didn't like the results as it looked like I used a microscope... can anyone offer some advice? I don't really want to post them as she may get mad... I have the cr2 raw images and the jpegs after I tried to erase the red marks... I did try a selective gaussian filter at 15 pixels and 50% or something which looks ok but its hard to tell before printing how it will look as when I try to resize it to 8x10 I have to crop or something- again I don't know what I am doing. Thanks! Andrew
  10. I regret to say it but the only people that will take any meaning from your post are those that also feel the way that you do for their particular skill set- the ones you intended it for will either come up with more devious ways of using your skills or move on to another that has not had his or her fill yet until you are recharged and ready for more use. You may want to read some Ayn Rand and analyze the candidates very carefully in the 2012 election... Maybe if you would have spent more on your engagement ring you wouldn't need other friends... hehhehe just playing....
  11. tempted... I've been looking a lot into spring mountain lately....
  12. yes!-thanks bud- I was trying to do it from my ipod touch without the app.
  13. Solid wood kitchen and chair set in very good condition. 90 obo http://s272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/hpfiend/?action=view&current=photo.jpg
  14. verrry interesting... +1 I would like to know as well... I am imagining they added this so that your c6 z06 or zr1 could run without a roll cage.
  15. Well for one thing they didn't have these huge carseats and seatbelts were optional. Not that I am advocating something different...
  16. why wouldn't mickeythompson or whoever sells these 275s sponsor it- with requirement you have to run their brand of tires?
  17. I forgot to mention but I bought mine at Leo Alfred Jewelers- they used to be off of frantz now they have their own place off of 161. My personal wedding band was under 75.00 IIRC- titanium when they first came out- lightweight and indestructible- they warned me that I would lose a finger before it would break/bend which sometimes worries me but even as soft as gold is I wonder if the same outcome would occur...
  18. I will be the guy that says +1 I didn't do quite that and based on a promised graduate student stipend not much but part of the reason the rule is based on salary is that it sometimes reflects on your socioeconomic class. Also because it is supposed to be a powerful indicator to a man of the commitment he is about to make- ie spend pocket change on a ring and he may think nothing of it. As few people are able to save 100% of their salary it will require more than 2 months of saving/thinking about the idea. FWIW been married 10 years this july. I will say focus on cut or sparkle- I got a lot more value in doing that than the first time. Focusing on color and clarity is alright but how many people do you know walk around with pocket scopes to examine their fingers and color within reason is only apparent when two rings are next to each other. Carat is about first picking the impression you can afford/desire to make and avoiding the big integers... 1.0 costs a lot more than .94 and so on but only a jeweler could tell the difference if even then. Keep in mind it goes both ways- a huge ring in certain scenarios is more uncomfortable than a tiny one- IE walking around in areas where your wife's finger holds a down payment on the local houses- better have a concealed carry as well or both be able to run like trackstars A benefit of the 3 stone rings and solitaires is you can turn them around to conceal the stones if necessary or just for peace of mind. And yes- just like buying a car, price compare as many places you can and negotiate. Don't be intimidated by the glamour of the stores- they will respect you more even though they may not like it on their bottom line if you are an intelligent consumer.
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