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Everything posted by DKilbourne

  1. So, what you are trying to say is that if he doesn't kick someone's ass, then his friends will do it for him? That is fucking lame. Everyone is making fun of him for getting his panties in a wad and calling out the whole country. Maybe if he didn't react that way, there wouldn't be so much response. This is definitely entertaining. Atleast there is something to read on here now.
  2. This literally made me almost choke on my drink. My step-brother used to use that same line about 12 years ago. I forgot about that. Damn that's been awhile.
  3. This is an ironic post. Talking about internet tough guys, then saying to pm you to meet up. Funny shit. I guess some people can't take a joke around here.
  4. Gives you time to let the car cool down. It always clears out as the night goes on.
  5. Did you happen to get video of any of the other cars running on Friday? I'm trying to figure out the whole make one shitty pass and then leave concept right now. By about 9 there were less than 1/3 of the cars that started the night. I'm not complaining about that, but why does everyone make one pass and leave?
  6. I understand completely. I would be more than pissed at that situation. If you don't mind me asking, when did this happen? Just curious.
  7. Sounds like you had some fun there. Every shop will have customers who have had a bad experience. I happen to know a few of the guys over there and from what I have seen, the work has been good. Of course I haven't seen everything, but from the work I have seen and had done, I was happy. I guess if you aren't a sponsor shop, you can be shit on. Kind of funny how that works around here. That being said, I don't know Kevin from Joe, but the work he has posted on here looks to be good. I also know that outside of Anthony's bad experience, First Impressions has done some good work as well. Phil also did some work on my dad's old car a long time ago and it looked very good too. Another thing, the Camaro was referenced to show the quality of his brother's work. Some people know the car and have seen it in person, so he probably figured that would speak for itself. It's obvious you were less than pleased with your experience there, so the comments are understandable. I feel the same way about places that have screwed me multiple times.
  8. Nice meeting you too. I didn't get a chance to talk to the guy in the white cobra, but my friend said that part of the hood had been spray canned. I'd like to see the video. Good thing I made a decent pass that time.
  9. If he doesn't pick it up, I'll take it.
  10. I thought I might get the 11.xx pass last night at Trails, but nothing doing. First pass down the car got nice and sideways going into second and I let off the gas and got back on it and still went a 12.12@119. I figured that I would be able to hit an 11 sec pass, but I had a few issues after that. I had some nice wheel hop the next two runs, thanks Trails, and then had the blower belt slipping in 3rd and 4th on both of those runs. Last pass I had a terrible 60', but the belt didn't slip and it went 12.47@117 with the car being nice and warm. I guess I'll have to hit the 11 sec pass at Kilkare. Atleast I know the low 12 on radials wasn't a fluke due to a better track.
  11. We were hoping that you and Anthony would stay and keep running at Trails last night for test and tune, but now we know why you guys didn't. Nice run and I got yelled at for not wearing a helmet, when I was wearing it. Guy yells for me to stop, so I take off my helmet and he says you need to wear a helmet. I looked at him and said I just took it off so I could hear what you were saying. He smiled and said sorry, but it was kind of funny.
  12. Just think about that 4.10 on spray. I think you need to step up to a better drag radial for the spray passes. I was figuring that the car would go low 12's with traction. The 1.90 60' has a lot of room for improvement and the loss of traction on the 1-2 is going to hurt you as well. Was that your only pass last night? How busy was the track?
  13. Do the corollas hold value better than a civic? My wife had her civic for 4 years and someone hit her and totalled the car. She got a check for $2,000 less than what she payed for it four years earlier. She bought the car new, in case that question comes up. I have never seen a car hold value like that. If the corolla is better, then they must be paying almost what people payed for them in a similar situation. I am also with Sean on the whole Geo Prizm/Toyota corolla thing though. I just picked up a 92 prizm that has 150,000 on it and it seems to be in very good working condition. Hopefully it lasts atleast as long as his. Can't really go wrong with either car.
  14. I already have the IRS brace. Figured that I didn't need to have the cover crack and have to deal with that. Someday I'll put some tires on.
  15. Most of the non-drivers with sticky tires are cutting around 1.8's, or so they claim. They just can't drive the rest of the way down the track. I think with a little more experimenting with clutch slipping and finding the right amount of throttle of the line, I can get a 1.9x 60' out of it. I have a few different bushings in the rear already, but the others would require a whole lot more work. I might get to those this winter. The bushings on the car now helped out with the wheel hop in first, but I still can't powershift 2nd without it wanted to hop and spin through 2nd. I have to quick shift into 2nd and I found out that even doing that too quickly can lead to the car hopping and spinning. It is fun to drive the car on radials, because it requires a lot more attention to how to get the car moving. I would still like to see what it would do on tires. I also want to get an 11 second pass on radials. I think it's very likely that I can, but I'm going to have to get the car to 60' a little bit better. The car doesn't make any more power past 6000 rpm, so that is where I shift it. Most of the people I talk to with these cars, either in person or online, also don't rev past 6000. It's taken some time to figure out how to bring the car out with the IRS, but it doesn't seem to be that hard to get a handle on. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens at the track.
  16. Definitely not too hard. Of course I think I have been around for about 10 or more of these, so I guess that helps too. Not a bad idea to have someone around who has done it before, just in case something comes up that you didn't think of.
  17. I see, probably a good idea not to run dry rotted tires. Sir?
  18. I think I just shot a little in my pants. That is damn impressive. What was the 60 on that? Did you get tuned in 90 degree weather as well?
  19. The car weighs 3850+ with me in it, so with that trap it takes a semi decent driver to run an 11 second pass. Just get on SVTPerformance and look at all of the guys who run slower ET's and get lower trap speeds with better tires and more power. Don't make it sound that easy. The funny part is seeing all of the cars that are on tires that can't figure out why I can run a better ET than them on radials. Drag racing might be in a straight line, but to me it's fun. I might not be the best driver, but I'm better than a good deal of these so-called racers at getting through the gears. Enough of that and a 3-year old? Give me a little bit more credit than that.
  20. I think he is just commenting on how the hillbilly look of the back wheels sticking out an extra inch or so, is not looking that great. It has nothing to do with the tires.
  21. One of the other guys with an 03 on street tires cut a 1.95 60' last night. Its hard to get the best possible launch without either bogging a little or spinning. I get it eventually. By the way, saw the video on SVT and that was very close.
  22. No drag radials here. The same Sumitomo's that have been on the car for most of the summer.
  23. It has been changed to 11.49 for a cage. I'm not out to prove anything, just want to see what it will run with good tires. If I was that worried about breaking things, I wouldn't drive the car to the track and race it.
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