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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. So CNN ain't the communist news network or are they only putting that on their website to be "fair and balanced" while showing their other face on TV? Oh and Rush was pretty excited about Obama picking Biden. He said he didn't know when to shut up and would cause lots of trouble for him. Evan
  2. Wow sounds like you took economics class with Mr Obama. Here by your logic this chart is much better than the 3 inch one I showed earlier. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/100_year_chart_barrons.jpg Happy?
  3. Re-read my post. I was saying property owners should be the only ones allowed to vote on levys. Evan
  4. Even if they get exactly what they want for results the number of questions that will be thought up to further understanding beyond what we dont know yet will be cool. Evan
  5. Oh since we're on taxes how about school taxes? I hate them and I'm really starting to feel like its a breach of the whole "no taxation without representation" thingy. I mean I pay taxes for schools only because I own a home or land, yet the people without property get to vote on that tax. At the very least if this type of tax is gonna be used then only land owners should be able to vote on increases. I'm not about shutting out the rest of the people from giving opinions, but they simply should not be able to cast a ballot. Evan
  6. I think some of you are forgetting that Bush's early tax cuts did infact help everyone. It was a shift of the entire bracket by -5% with the lowest bracket dropping off completely from that list. Evan
  7. She felt like getting her picture taken yesterday so I jumped at the chance:-) http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_3563PS.jpg Evan
  8. So any history on them? Anything interesting like graffiti modern or ancient? I know how you feel about keeping it quiet. We do the same thing with most of our 4x4 trails even though they are township roads. Try to find them on the internet and you won't because no clubs gonna talk. The few that got talked about ended up having 200 trucks there and dumb shits damage their trucks and try to claim it and cause a shit storm. Evan
  9. Very interesting. I love history and now I wanna know more. Evan
  10. To bad no one had the vision to do anything about unions 30-40 years ago. The US might have at least delayed the rise of asian manufacturing for quite some time. Evan
  11. They have had nothing but trouble trying to put out their new Jet. Good thing I only paper trade their stock, too bad it still means I picked a loser:-( Evan
  12. Wanted to stay on topic? but yeah I agree at some point it gets old having a million discussions going on about nearly the same stuff.
  13. I gave you a chart and you came back with a bunch of commie talk now lets see your data. Don't post some commie crap from a commie professor either I showed you 100% unbiased numbers and the only thing that happened during the 80's was reaganomics and it sure looks convincing to me (theres my example of it working.) I agree though that for the most part no one does much of anything R's or D's in any branch of government to help much of anything. Sometimes we get a good one, something we don't such is life. Evan
  14. ohio4x4.com offtopic.com cloudynights.com Evan
  15. Well then talk to a Realtor. A good one will know all about the types of government plans you can use. I know a really good one as far as selling a house goes, but he doesn't like the government plans for some reason. Probably just because it means he'll be dealing with people buying cheaper homes if I had to guess. Evan
  16. Not to get to far off topic, but your comment that its been proven time and time again that it trickle down doesn't work its not correct. Look at this 100 yr dow jones chart. Take note of when Reagan took office and when "Reaganomics" started. http://bigpicture.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/100_year_chart_barrons.gif From this is looks like something worked. It also shows that history is likely to repeat itself most of the time as well. If you wanna continue this lets go to another thread though. It also shows that the economy was well on its way to trouble before bush even took office. 2-3 yrs infact. All part of the mortgage scams, corp book cooking, and a bunch of other dirty shit that someone "wonder who" let happen. Evan
  17. First rule. USE A BANK and don't get screwed unless you feel you know enough or have someone who can look over the paperwork that does know enough. Hell if you get your own Realtor they might actually help you with that, but I still suggest a bank. Evan
  18. Thats some sad and at the same time true stuff right there. Evan
  19. Tractor

    The dollar

    Anyone else been watching the dollar lately? Here's a chart http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=USDEUR=X#chart4:symbol=usdeur=x;range=ytd;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined Oil's price shows about the same movement except in reverse, hmmm. http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=DO#chart2:symbol=do;range=ytd;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined I and a lot of guys use Diamond Offshore as a good one to trade oil on. It tracks right along with oil prices mostly. Evan
  20. Ah that explains the wavies in that pic. I was wondering if you were in a vehicle at the time. Hehe well now you know what happens:-) I'm only gonna call myself an expert on extreme low light stuff (I can get the detail out from learning astrophotography.) I am learning daytime shooting, but still a lot to learn. Evan
  21. lol sorry I just don't like Glen's way of talking about things. Evan
  22. I agree 100% I can't stand that guy. Evan
  23. No clue I even like this type of game and love MMO's and never heard of it. Robin Williams, wow now I"m glad I haven't heard of it or played it. I probably won't play it unless its free. don't have that much time anymore and I"m playing EVE-online in the time I do have. Evan
  24. Hehe I would much rather have her as pres then mccain. The dems can have him he isn't a republican anyway and everyone thought he was gonna switch sides back in 2000-2001 anyway. Evan
  25. For the record I dislike McCain and really would rather about any person with an R by their name be running in his place. I'll support him only to do my part to save the country from socialism and thats is the sad way I see this election. Evan
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