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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Nice lighting. Wish I had a need to afford 580's:-) I've been thinking it would be cool if someone had a really nicely cleaned car we could try to shoot a reflection of the Milky Way off its panels. Might make a cool demo shot for one of the detailing guys. I got the dark skys if anyone wants to try it. Evan
  2. I'm sure it would be as inaccurate as the predictions of Allied losses in the 1991 gulf war (40% in the initial push.) For those who aren't old enough to remember we went up against the 4th largest army in the world and decimated it in hours. Our tanks took on Saddam's elite division (republican guard) and lost 1 or 2 tanks. I'd say our idea of Apache and A-10 warthog squadrons was the right move to counter the threat of 19,000 Russian tanks storming Europe. Evan
  3. Hell no Bush is steering the hurricane and the names are designed to program us to hate Russians:-) Evan
  4. This is mostly true. My old Canon S2 IS has a great video mode if your shooting in very bright light. The trouble with most point and shoot cameras is they will have to bump the gain up a lot for lower light such as night races. Also with the canons you can download a hack that will enable them to shoot video times limited only by our storage capacity. Evan
  5. Tell the Russians to "bring it" and we'll just pwn them like we've crushed all their military hardware around the world since 1989. Then we can go there and bomb them into true 3rd world status. Oh and then take the Russian bride industry for ourselves. Evan
  6. Remove the new deal and set up true free markets;-) I like how the Farengi do things. Evan
  7. Haha the original is 79x68 or so inches at full scale. I used a NASA trick called the debayer-drizzle algorithm. It somehow doubles the image size and retains the detail actually sharpening it a good bit in the process. Who knows how it works, but my computer hates running it. It wasn't really necessary for that image, but I wanted to be able to print it at minimum as a 12x18 so I wanted to make sure it would remain sharp. Evan
  8. Very good advice Gmax. Especially about the mortgage broker. My wife has people crying at her desk at 5/3 at least a few times per quarter due to a mortgage broker giving them a "great" deal. Evan
  9. Its the Perseus Double Cluster. You can easily see it with even binoculars or a small telescope so its easy to get a good shot. I've just always liked it since it was one of the things I could see with my first "toy" telescope as a kid. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/DoubleClusterFinal.jpg Evan
  10. Markets move up and down all the time look at the 100yr or even 150 yr chart for home prices. Though they have down times like the depression, the 1970's, the early 1900's when a very similar mortgage/bank shady business thing occured, prices have continued to move upward. The only thing that will really stop the historic upward trend is gonna be a major loss of population like a major disease or zombie attack. A loan is likely going to be harder to get these days though and you'll likely be doing an 80/20 loan. Just for some thought maybe you should consider building? Right now a newly built home and land is gonna be about as cheap as you'll likely see it. Evan
  11. Yes Skate meet!!! I haven't been on a board for like 10 years so I know I'll break something, but it will be fun. Evan
  12. I think your on to something here and I agree. Evan
  13. I think we could fix a lot of the political systems problems by setting term limits for congress. 2 or 4 terms would be fine with me. Preferably 2 and I hope we run out of lawyers to do that job and end up needing to pull from more areas of expertise. We might be surprised as how well things would run once we get all the money out of the way. Evan
  14. Correct, I've studied a lot of the stuff Tesla and a few others did. A local guy Thomas Brown was also a name in that era. It starts to get kinda annoying once you know how much we used to know about magnetic and electromagnetic effects, but somehow managed to forget. The Biefeld–Brown effect (Both guys were local to Licking county) is something that NASA dismissed in the 1950-60's as not viable. Well not viable until a university took another look and found that it did in fact work in the vacuum of space. Then a couple years later NASA suddenly launches DS1 which uses the same technology. Evan
  15. Burn that damn thing before I find where you live and do it for you. Holy shit I hate them. Evan
  16. I have a pic somewhere of my wife standing at cedar falls in mid January. Its frozen and probably 8 feet in diameter. Evan
  17. Oh wow your right I see a skull. I haven't been to that place for probably 5 years or so. I wanna go again. Evan
  18. I don't think you could go down any better than that. Evan
  19. Neat bug, nice pic, no idea either. Evan
  20. Here's a full moon pic. I've never tried this before due to the whole moon not fitting in my scope. I took 8 frames and stacked/stitched them together. To bad I can see a slight stitch line running east/west. Does anyone know how to blend that out? I ordered a focal reducer for my scope so I should be able to get it in 1 frame next time I try. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/FirstProcessed.jpg Evan
  21. I watched the finals and each US girl did have at least 1 major mistake on the floor stuff and a few had several plus we had one fall off the beam and one fall doing the floor exercise.. All the chinese girls did very well, but I do agree if one was under the age limit then her scores should not count. I don't see how you prove anything like that in china though. Probably no records and they all look the same from like 12-35 anyway:-) Evan
  22. Here's the nasa pic of what I was shooting http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap051206.html I shot using the lens at 300mm so I only got that brighter area near the bottom in the image. When the moon moves out of the way I might try for the whole nebula using my larger aperture lens at 135mm. In reality though I'd probably need to get a hydrogen alpha filter to get much more detail. I'm sure nasa ain't gonna go into the details, but I'd bet their image was done in hydrogen alpha, oxygen II, III, and likely x-ray then combined. which is cool and I'd do it if I had the filters, but I'd still be short one nice space telescope:-) Evan
  23. I'd say its pretty cool in a really odd way. Evan
  24. I'm pretty sure you can't do that in acrobat. When I'm printing point to points at work I usually use 11x17 and its still barely readable. Maybe theres an option to export to TIFF or jpeg or something? Evan
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