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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I read tons of technical stuff, global news, listen to NPR, and read stock data so the last thing I want to do is read a book.
  2. My M&P 45 had a trigger break in period that was pretty obvious. I'm not even an expert on hand guns, but it felt like it had sand in the mechanism for about 200 rounds then it cleared up very nicely. I read this was normal on the M&P line and have never bothered with a trigger job or anything, just normal cleaning.
  3. I tell them to write the bill anyway they want, but my out the door offer stands. I never have a problem walking.
  4. Sounds like your not in a bad spot at all then. Could simply hold on since your long. I'd look for other opportunities if it was my decision. I'm not really knowledgeable on exchange traded funds, but used my scottrade research tools to pick "PEJ" from some criteria and then looked at the fundamentals. It seems like it might be a good long position, but as I said I don't really do long much. Maybe someone else can chime in on some nice possibilities.
  5. I know for a fact, but ain't going into details publicly that fedex has people who would do this type of theft so don't rule them out.
  6. If you wanted to get back your losses you could hold on to both for the next 10-30yrs and you might get most of it back and maybe even make more profit. Otherwise simply cut your losses and "invest" properly by distributing your money across many stocks, etc in diversified sectors so that you don't have any single huge losers in the future. This is what "investors" do and they go long and it does work. Myself I'm a trader and minimize my risk by knowing the market directions and not staying in overnight unless its an obvious good move. I still take losses, but its 2-3% then I move on to something else to recoup the loss quickly. I learned the hard way about the "popular" stocks a long time ago and typically once they've become popular you've already missed the big movements and its the age old "pump and dump" to get the first buyers out with a nice profit on the backs of the uninformed. Learning some technical analysis, ie charting will help you avoid bad timing in the future.
  7. Personally I'd dump all gold and go long on stocks for while, we've probably got a good long run up for years to come. I am anticipating obamacare will make things slower than they could be, but we aren't likely to have any major recessions for awhile which will likely keep gold prices suppressed. Also anyone with 401K's set to be conservative should really consider switching to a very aggressive strategy.
  8. I don't deal in the commodities themselves, but do watch metals mining companies as a directional indicator. If you didn't already know, gold, is one of those "panic" commodities such as we've seen recently with ammo so in bad times it does well and in good times it loses value. The sad part is since its purchased by a bunch of people who know nothing about markets they end up buying at the wrong time such as in the past couple months/years, held to long and they get stuck for decades like we seen from the mid 1970's. Those buyers only recently would have been able to sell for a profit. The good news for people with money and people who do invest is, due to the numbers of people driving gold up in recent years due to the panic it creates a safe place for money through a recession which then smart money dumps and starts getting back into other means of investing, ie stocks. This is the reason I watch the mining companies, it gives me some more incite on what the smart money is doing.
  9. Kids get within inches of TVs. Thats pretty normal and we just tell them to get back, eventually they stop.
  10. This, I won't go into what I don't have for education but I am considered a guru in my field.
  11. This, my family members I'm talking about do not do any type of drugs though they might sell some, I wouldn't put it past them.
  12. My wife hasn't worked in over a year because unemployment pays to much. It would be $1400 per month just for child care so she'd need to make at least $15/hr to show up to work. I don't like it, but its a better deal than working at the moment though she is about to start a job. We've been waiting for a good enough deal.
  13. I have a co worker who qualified for food stamps due to his wife not having a job and having two kids. He was always having us over for steaks. I have my family budget at <> $100 per week for food items (family size 4) and we have a hard time losing weight and eat pretty healthy stuff, just large portions. Lots of times its under $80 per week just because I'm cheap.
  14. I don't see how we end it now, but wish it could end. I have family members who live 100% off the system and make much more money than most of the house hold incomes of the members of this board. I know, I do their taxes (family blah.) The ones I'm talking about know how to use the system and could totally work, but make it their full time job to cheat the system to its fullest. They seem smart, but are always broke by the second week of the month and begging. They beg from the salvation army every christmass then turn around and steal more gifts out of the drop off locations (no shit.) I got many more stories and have even tried turning them in on some of the bigger crimes, but the feds don't care and want me to do all the work to catch them. Amazing.
  15. Wow, I never get all my paper work in the mail by now. You guys are fast.
  16. Looks like a good time to get in today. Hope it isn't the start of a down pattern. Curious, VXX looks like an exchange traded fund? Is that something that can be traded like a stock or is it subject to rules similar to mutual funds.
  17. Tractor

    Fuck taxes

    yeah, I killed it on our monthly bonuses the last few months too and taxes then killed the bonuses. We need to go back to no income tax, let everything go to hell as long as I get to keep my money. hehe
  18. We watch netflix on a WII and sometimes a laptop or computer, but I was just looking at sound bars that do it cheaply.
  19. I did notice the huge volume. Probably everyone's stop loss orders being tripped;-) I concentrated on IRDM today for some profit. I typically buy things that are headed down for the day and get them on the mid day rebound for .25-2% per trade. Doesn't seem like a lot to most, but it adds up done every day for a year. Maybe someday I can do this for a living. For now I just keep saving for the "day."
  20. 3D printing took a nose dive today. I don't hold over night so I just watched the pain. Was looking for another buy in point, but doesn't look good today.
  21. Tractor

    Gun Ban List?

    I think it has something to do with FOP. Just a guess.
  22. The unlimited talk/text plans are comparable to anything most major cell carriers have now, the drawback is the phone is at least $500 to get you started. If I happen on some cash I don't care about I'm seriously thinking of dropping my verizon phone, picking up a sat phone and just getting a tablet added to my wifes plan for my DATA needs.
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