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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. The will to survive and the attitude to do what it takes to survive will trump all the training, guns, sprays, etc though. She's gotta realise what a bad guy is and what that means and then be prepared to remove the threat at any cost, especially in a home invasion.
  2. Yeah I lived karate from ten to about twenty years old. I still train enough to keep it fresh in my memory. Sure you and I can fight six ninjas while eating a corn dog, but thats a little off topic. Example, my sister is a very fit personal trainer/gym manager yet couldn't fight her way out of a paper sack. I would rather she shoot a guy then try to poker his eyes out.
  3. Ah yes, the bridge is still one lane (north bound only) so won't effect columbus traffic going to the campground or heading home. South bound would have to take a couple mile detour around a corn field to get to the southern gas station.
  4. http://www.buckeyemv.org/buckeyemv.org/MOMV_2012.html This show is just off I-71 and SR 61 (exit 140 going north) at the campground/trap shooting range. They have some pretty cool stuff show up and I'll have my truck there on Saturday. Bring your kids, we all know they love these vehicles.
  5. I understand the thought process, but that is the sort of myth that will get a person hurt. On the play ground a "nut shot" results in 50 boys falling to the ground holding themselves, but out on the street against a drugged up zombie its just gonna make them rage kill you then rape you. Oh and in an actual fight a nut shot is pretty hard to pull off. A guy can simply twist left or right or move a leg and the shot hits hard muscle/tissue and you possibly just got your leg grabbed or arm trapped if the attacker has any brains at all.
  6. You really need to get your GF to rethink the whole "non-lethal" thing because the bad guy ain't gonna give a crap when she doesn't try hard enough to stop the threat. The bad guy is there to do bad things and if they break into her home then she's not likely going to get help before its to late even in a nice part of town with an alarm system. She needs to warm up to the idea of guns, take her to blackwing or somewhere and let her see the other women on the pistol range. My wife was impressed and started shooting. Then get guns, train your children and let them shoot. My 4yr old daughter shoots my AR-15 and thinks its a blast, but she knows not to touch it without me around. Myself I have a pistol on me 100% of the time. I'm also not a big supporter of women doing self defence training, unless they train hard and practice often they are just going to get themselves hurt and likely their attempt at resistance will be enjoyed by the attacker. Of course self defence classes do give a women some confidence which in itself could be enough to cause a scene and get help to respond. As someone said, "using their brain" is the best defense really and that goes for those of us who could fight off an attacker as well. Not being in the situation, being aware of your surroundings if you can't avoid bad areas, and being ready with an escape, or resist plan is the best bet.
  7. This^ I actually had a guy try to pepper spray me once and he ended up hitting himself square in the eyes with it, total prank fail.
  8. A properly sized and functioning system should keep up fine if the house is also insulated properly. My house is 5 years old and stays at 70 degrees.
  9. Tractor


    Power on for my road in Marengo. I visited family in Marietta over the weekend and it really is a mess all the way down to the Ohio River.
  10. I bet they took the lowest bidder who just happened to be cousin of one of the athletes.
  11. Visit an open carry forum and you'll find that most of the time when open carrying calls of "man with gun" happen and the police do harass the guy with the holstered gun. the northern half of the state is really bad and you'll likely get improper charges filed.
  12. Correct, there is provision in the code for fines to departments illegally charging people. This occurred recently near toledo.
  13. Actually Ohio is getting better at not responding to "man with gun" calls and asking more questions such as, "what is he doing with the gun?" Then responding with, "people are allowed to have guns here." Also inducing panic can be charged, but it takes a lot more than having a gun and one or two concerned citizens to make it stick.
  14. I think they look good, though in a few similar scenes the white balance is different (Not a big deal, but most tend to try and balance each set) I've found that having 11ty million focus points is worthless and I still just use a single point. I just don't like the camera grabbing something it considers important and focusing on that and would rather pick that spot myself. Not sure if the D40 can do it, but on my canons I use a separate button for focus lock and the shutter button for setting the exposure and taking the photo. This allows me to nail focus before a moving target reaching a predetermined point and I can fire off shots through that point to insure I get one in focus. Also useful for known distances or tripod use where you won't have to continue to adjust focus.
  15. I agree 2's really nice. 1 is pretty cool too, even with the spot coloring. For practice you should see how it looks in b/w with deep blacks, high contrast, and then dodge/burn the hydrant to make it really pop. Then for effect, use some edge darkening and unsharping to all the corners. Not really vignetting, but sort of a manually added vignette.
  16. My mud truck is welded and 2wd is impossible in snow/ice. You basically do circles. Though I have boggers instead of road tires so I'm sure that doesn't help.
  17. Even in Ohio I don't think this would have been a problem. So he beat a guy off his little girl and the result is the dude died. I'm pretty sure that falls under self defence. Now if you could prove the dude was totally trying to get away and the guy dragged him back into the fight to finish him off that would be different, but I don't think you'd get a jury to convict him.
  18. I just handled a S&W shield at vances, I might pick one up at some point. I carry my M&P 45 fullsize daily, but the wifes been wanting something. I need to show her one.
  19. Welcome, I spend a lot of time over at Mid West Auto Group. Nice cars.
  20. This thread will answer some commercial vehicle questions http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86731&highlight=commercial+registration
  21. Actually there was a major CME during that time so it's possible. I don't know if anyone else noticed but GPS wasn't working to well on my galaxy tab and droid x, during the ion storm. I wonder if a CME hitting the magnetic field can cause some cosmic radiation to make it to the ground. That would explain the spike in the detectors.
  22. It's silly but the only legal way to carry long gun magazines.
  23. Remember that it's a "concealed handgun license" which means you could have ten loaded guns on you or in your car, but they have to be "hand guns." There are a couple rifle types with exceptions, I think it's stripper clips, but thats another discussion.
  24. I got a chl to deal with this issue exactly. After I got it I ended up carrying 100% of the time.
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